using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using NibiruAxis; namespace Nxr.Internal { public enum m_eKeyBoard : byte { none = 0, Add = 1, Delete = 2, Space = 3, ChangePage = 4, ToggleCase = 5, Submit = 6, } /// /// /// public class NibiruKeyBoard { public static NibiruKeyBoard m_instance = null; public static NibiruKeyBoard Instance { get { if (m_instance == null || m_instance.m_objSelf == null) m_instance = new NibiruKeyBoard(); return m_instance; } } public GameObject m_objSelf = null; private Transform keyBoardTransform = null; private NibiruKeyBoardSingle[] m_arrCKeyBoardSingle = null; private Text m_textKeyBoard = null; /// /// 文本框显示字符串 /// private string m_strKeyBoard = ""; private RaycastHit hit; private int m_dwPageIndex = 0; private int m_dwToggleCase = 0; private Text m_text; /// /// 最大输入长度 /// private int m_dwMaxSize = 30; /// /// 初始字符串 /// private string m_strInitChar = " Nibiru KeyBoard "; private bool isShowing = false; public NibiruKeyBoard() { // Debug.Log("------>Create NibiruKeyBoard"); m_objSelf = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Keyboard/NibiruKeyBoard")); m_objSelf.SetActive(false); keyBoardTransform = m_objSelf.transform; keyBoardTransform.position = new Vector3(1000, 1000, 1000); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle = keyBoardTransform.GetComponentsInChildren(); m_textKeyBoard = keyBoardTransform.Find("KeyPanel/InputBg/text_KeyBoard").GetComponent(); m_textKeyBoard.text = m_strInitChar; isShowing = false; } void ReInit() { m_textKeyBoard.text = m_strInitChar; m_strKeyBoard = ""; m_dwPageIndex = 0; m_dwToggleCase = 0; ShowPage(m_dwPageIndex, m_dwToggleCase); } /// /// Set UI.Text which the input content will display on. /// /// public void SetText(Text _text) { m_text = _text; m_textKeyBoard.text = m_text.text; m_strKeyBoard = m_text.text; } /// /// Show Keyboard /// /// PageIndex : 0=alphabet,1=number public void Show(int _pageIndex = 0) { Show(_pageIndex, new Vector3(0, -0.3f, 1), new Vector3(30, 0, 0)); } /// /// Show Keyboard /// /// PageIndex : 0=alphabet,1=number /// keyBoardTransform's position /// keyBoardTransform's rotation public void Show(int _pageIndex, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation) { if (isShowing) { Debug.Log("NibiruKeyBoard is Showing."); return; } m_objSelf.SetActive(true); isShowing = true; // 设置坐标和旋转 keyBoardTransform.position = position; keyBoardTransform.Rotate(rotation); List m_listKeyBoard = NibiruCoreStaticDataManager.instance.GetKeyBoardInfoByPage(_pageIndex % 2); for (int i = 0; i < m_arrCKeyBoardSingle.Length; i++) { if (i < m_listKeyBoard.Count) { m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); if ((m_eKeyBoard)m_listKeyBoard[i].m_bType == m_eKeyBoard.Add) { string _strChar = Char(int.Parse(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_1)); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_textKey.text = _strChar; m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_strChar = _strChar; } else { m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_textKey.text = m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_1; m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_strChar = m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_1; } m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_imageKey.GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleX, m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleY); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_trsSelf.localPosition = new Vector3(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwPosX, m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwPosY, 22); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_CKeyBoardInfo = m_listKeyBoard[i]; m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_colliderKey.size = new Vector3(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleX, m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleY, 1); } else { m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } void ShowPage(int _pageIndex, int _toggleCase) { List m_listKeyBoard = NibiruCoreStaticDataManager.instance.GetKeyBoardInfoByPage(_pageIndex % 2); for (int i = 0; i < m_arrCKeyBoardSingle.Length; i++) { if (i < m_listKeyBoard.Count) { m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); if ((m_eKeyBoard)m_listKeyBoard[i].m_bType == m_eKeyBoard.Add) { string _strChar = Char(int.Parse(_toggleCase % 2 == 0 ? m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_1 : m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_2)); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_textKey.text = _strChar; m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_strChar = _strChar; } else { m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_textKey.text = _toggleCase % 2 == 0 ? m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_1 : m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_2; m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_strChar = _toggleCase % 2 == 0 ? m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_1 : m_listKeyBoard[i].m_strShow_2; } m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_imageKey.GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleX, m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleY); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_trsSelf.localPosition = new Vector3(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwPosX, m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwPosY, 22); m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_CKeyBoardInfo = m_listKeyBoard[i]; m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].m_colliderKey.size = new Vector3(m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleX, m_listKeyBoard[i].m_dwScaleY, 1); } else { m_arrCKeyBoardSingle[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } public void OnPressEnterByCamera() { Transform mTransform = NxrViewer.Instance.GetHead().transform; if (Physics.Raycast(mTransform.position, mTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out hit)) { OnPressEnter(hit.collider.gameObject); } } public void OnPressEnterByQuat() { if(NxrControllerHelper.ControllerRaycastObject != null) { OnPressEnter(NxrControllerHelper.ControllerRaycastObject); } } public void OnPressEnterByMouse() { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { OnPressEnter(hit.collider.gameObject); } } public void OnPressEnter(GameObject hit) { if (, 3) == "Key") { NibiruKeyBoardSingle _CKeyBoardSingle = hit.GetComponent(); m_eKeyBoard keyType = (m_eKeyBoard)_CKeyBoardSingle.m_CKeyBoardInfo.m_bType; switch (keyType) { case m_eKeyBoard.Add: if (m_strKeyBoard.Length >= m_dwMaxSize) return; m_strKeyBoard += _CKeyBoardSingle.m_strChar; m_textKeyBoard.text = m_strKeyBoard; break; case m_eKeyBoard.ChangePage: m_dwPageIndex++; m_dwToggleCase = 0; ShowPage(m_dwPageIndex, m_dwToggleCase); break; case m_eKeyBoard.Delete: if (m_strKeyBoard.Length > 0) { m_strKeyBoard = m_strKeyBoard.Substring(0, m_strKeyBoard.Length - 1); m_textKeyBoard.text = m_strKeyBoard; } break; case m_eKeyBoard.Space: if (m_strKeyBoard.Length >= m_dwMaxSize) return; m_strKeyBoard += " "; m_textKeyBoard.text = m_strKeyBoard; break; case m_eKeyBoard.Submit: ReInit(); Dismiss(); break; case m_eKeyBoard.ToggleCase: m_dwToggleCase++; ShowPage(m_dwPageIndex, m_dwToggleCase); break; } if (m_text != null && keyType != m_eKeyBoard.Submit) { m_text.text = m_strKeyBoard; } } } /// /// Dismiss keyboard /// public void Dismiss() { if (!isShowing) return; isShowing = false; m_objSelf.SetActive(false); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(m_objSelf); m_objSelf = null; if (keyBoardTransform != null) { // 很远不可见 keyBoardTransform.position = new Vector3(1000, 1000, 1000); keyBoardTransform.rotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); } } /// /// Determine whether the keyboard is displayed. /// /// public bool isShown() { return isShowing; } public string Char(int asciiCode) { if (asciiCode >= 0 && asciiCode <= 255) { return "" + (char)asciiCode; } else { throw new System.Exception("ASCII code is not valid. "); } } /// /// Get current input content /// /// public string GetKeyBoardString() { return m_strKeyBoard; } /// /// Get keyboard's transform /// /// public Transform GetKeyBoardTransform() { return keyBoardTransform; } } }