using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Nxr.Internal { public class Recognition { public string id; public string title; public float confidence; public Rect location; public int frameWidth; public int frameHeight; public void PrintInfo() { Debug.Log("Recognition : id=" + id + ",title=" + title + ",confidence=" + confidence + ",location." + location.ToString() + ", width="+frameWidth+", height="+frameHeight); } } public class RecoginizeApi { public enum ErrorType { CAMERA_BUSY, MODEL_LOAD_ERROR, NOT_DECLARE_OBJECT_RECOGINIZE_PLUGIN_ID, NOT_SUPPORT_OBJECT_RECOGINIZE_PLUGIN_ID, SURFACETEXTURE_IS_NULL, BITMAP_CONFIG_ERROR } string managerClassName = "com.nibiru.tensorflow.core.NibiruTensorManager"; string unityHelperClassName = "com.nibiru.lib.vr.NibiruUnityHelper"; private static readonly object locker = new object(); private RecoginizeApi() { destroyed = false; } private static RecoginizeApi _current; public static RecoginizeApi Instance { get { lock (locker) { if (_current == null) { _current = new RecoginizeApi(); } return _current; } } } private AndroidJavaObject androidActivity; private AndroidJavaClass nibiruTensorManagerClass; private AndroidJavaObject nibiruTensorManager; public void Init() { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR try { using (AndroidJavaClass player = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) { androidActivity = player.GetStatic("currentActivity"); } } catch (AndroidJavaException e) { androidActivity = null; Debug.LogError("Exception while connecting to the Activity: " + e); return; } if(androidActivity != null) { AndroidJavaObject contextObject = androidActivity.Call("getApplicationContext"); nibiruTensorManagerClass = new AndroidJavaClass(managerClassName); nibiruTensorManager = nibiruTensorManagerClass.CallStatic("getInstance"); nibiruTensorManager.Call("init", contextObject, new NibiruVerifyListener(VerifyStatusCallback)); } #endif Debug.Log("RecognizeApi init succ."); } public void StartRecognize(OnRecognizeSuccess succ, OnRecognizeFailed failed) { if (nibiruTensorManager != null) { AndroidJavaClass unityHelperClass = new AndroidJavaClass(unityHelperClassName); AndroidJavaObject unityHelperObject = unityHelperClass.CallStatic("getInstance"); if (unityHelperObject == null) { Debug.LogError("StartRecognize failed , UnityHelper.getInstance is null !!!"); return; } int status = unityHelperObject.Call("getStatus"); if (status < 1) { Debug.LogError("StartRecognize failed , Must be after UnityHelper create SurfaceTexture !!! " + status); return; } AndroidJavaObject surfaceTextureObject = unityHelperObject.Call("getSurfaceTexture"); nibiruTensorManager.Call("start", surfaceTextureObject, new NibiruRecognizeCallback(this, succ, failed)); stoped = false; destroyed = false; NibiruService nibiruService = NxrViewer.Instance.GetNibiruService(); if(nibiruService != null) { nibiruService.SetCameraPreviewing(true); } Debug.Log("RecognizeApi start succ."); } } private bool stoped; public void StopRecognize() { if (nibiruTensorManager != null) { stoped = true; nibiruTensorManager.Call("stop"); NibiruService nibiruService = NxrViewer.Instance.GetNibiruService(); if (nibiruService != null) { nibiruService.SetCameraPreviewing(false); } } } private bool destroyed = false; public void OnDestroy() { if (!destroyed && nibiruTensorManager != null) { destroyed = true; nibiruTensorManager.Call("destroy"); } } public bool IsRunning() { return !stoped && !destroyed; } void VerifyStatusCallback(int status) { if (status != 0) { Debug.LogError("VerifyStatusCallback=" + status); } else { Debug.Log("Verify Success !!!"); } } public delegate void OnNVRVerifyListener(int status); public class NibiruVerifyListener : AndroidJavaProxy { OnNVRVerifyListener _OnNVRVerifyListener; public NibiruVerifyListener(OnNVRVerifyListener onNVRVerifyListener) : base("com.nibiru.lib.vr.listener.NVRVerifyListener") { _OnNVRVerifyListener = onNVRVerifyListener; } public void onVerifySuccess() { if (_OnNVRVerifyListener != null) { _OnNVRVerifyListener(0); } } public void onVerifyFailed(int status) { if (_OnNVRVerifyListener != null) { _OnNVRVerifyListener(-1); } } } public delegate void OnRecognizeFailed(string message); public delegate void OnRecognizeSuccess(List recognitionData); public class NibiruRecognizeCallback : AndroidJavaProxy { RecoginizeApi _RecognizeApi; OnRecognizeSuccess _OnRecognizeSuccess; OnRecognizeFailed _OnRecognizeFailed; public NibiruRecognizeCallback(RecoginizeApi recognizeApi, OnRecognizeSuccess succ, OnRecognizeFailed failed) : base("com.nibiru.tensorflow.core.NibiruTensorCallback") { _RecognizeApi = recognizeApi; _OnRecognizeSuccess = succ; _OnRecognizeFailed = failed; } //List mappedRecognitions public void onRecoginizeSuccess(AndroidJavaObject list) { if (!_RecognizeApi.IsRunning()) return; int size = list.Call("size"); List dataList = new List(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Recognition rec = new Recognition(); AndroidJavaObject item = list.Call("get", i); = item.Call("getId"); rec.title = item.Call("getTitle"); AndroidJavaObject confidenceObject = item.Call("getConfidence"); rec.confidence = ((int) (confidenceObject.Call("floatValue") * 100)) / 100.00f; AndroidJavaObject locationObject = item.Call("getLocation"); float cx = locationObject.Call("centerX"); float cy = locationObject.Call("centerY"); float width = locationObject.Call("width"); float height = locationObject.Call("height"); rec.frameWidth = item.Call("getPreviewWidth"); rec.frameHeight = item.Call("getPreviewHeight"); Rect rect = new Rect(cx - width / 2, cy - height / 2, width, height); rec.location = rect; // LOG // rec.PrintInfo(); dataList.Add(rec); Loom.QueueOnMainThread((param) => { if (_OnRecognizeSuccess != null) { _OnRecognizeSuccess((List)param); } }, dataList); } } public void onRecognizeFailed(AndroidJavaObject errorType, string message) { Debug.LogError("onRecognizeFailed." + message); Loom.QueueOnMainThread((param) => { if (_OnRecognizeFailed != null) { _OnRecognizeFailed((string) param); } }, message); } } } }