// Copyright 2019 Nibiru. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using NibiruTask; using NibiruAxis; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace Nxr.Internal { /// /// /// [AddComponentMenu("NXR/NxrViewer")] public class NxrViewer : MonoBehaviour { // base 2.3.0.xxxx release public const string NXR_SDK_VERSION = ""; // 退出Kill Process public const bool IsAndroidKillProcess = true; // dtr or not public static bool USE_DTR = true; private static int _texture_count = 6; // 绘制前事件标识 public static int kPreRenderEvent = 1; // 头部角度限制范围 private float[] headEulerAnglesRange = null; private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { Debug.Log("OnSceneLoaded->" + scene.name + " , Triggered=" + Triggered); SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded; } /// The singleton instance of the NvrViewer class. public static NxrViewer Instance { get { #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN USE_DTR = false; if (instance == null && !Application.isPlaying) { Debug.Log("Create NxrViewer Instance !"); instance = FindObjectOfType(); } #endif if (instance == null) { Debug.LogError("No NxrViewer instance found. Ensure one exists in the scene, or call " + "NxrViewer.Create() at startup to generate one.\n" + "If one does exist but hasn't called Awake() yet, " + "then this error is due to order-of-initialization.\n" + "In that case, consider moving " + "your first reference to NxrViewer.Instance to a later point in time.\n" + "If exiting the scene, this indicates that the NxrViewer object has already " + "been destroyed."); } return instance; } } private static NxrViewer instance = null; public NxrEye[] eyes = new NxrEye[2]; private byte[] winTypeName = new byte[] {110, 120, 114, 46, 78, 118, 114, 87, 105, 110, 66, 97, 115, 101}; //N/v/r/W/i/n/B/a/s/e /// Generate a NxrViewer instance. Takes no action if one already exists. public static void Create() { if (instance == null && FindObjectOfType() == null) { Debug.Log("Creating NxrViewerMain object"); var go = new GameObject("NxrViewerMain", typeof(NxrViewer)); go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; // sdk will be set by Awake(). } } /// The StereoController instance attached to the main camera, or null if there is none. /// @note Cached for performance. public NxrStereoController Controller { get { if (currentController == null) { currentController = FindObjectOfType(); } return currentController; } } private NxrStereoController currentController; [SerializeField] public HMD_TYPE HmdType = HMD_TYPE.NONE; /// Whether to draw directly to the output window (_true_), or to an offscreen buffer /// first and then blit (_false_). If you wish to use Deferred Rendering or any /// Image Effects in stereo, turn this option off. A common symptom that indicates /// you should do so is when one of the eyes is spread across the entire screen. [SerializeField] private bool openEffectRender = false; /// /// false-Processing after closing,true-Processing after opening /// public bool OpenEffectRender { get { return openEffectRender; } set { if (value != openEffectRender) { openEffectRender = value; } } } /// Determine whether the scene renders in stereo or mono. /// _True_ means to render in stereo, and _false_ means to render in mono. public bool SplitScreenModeEnabled { get { return splitScreenModeEnabled; } set { if (value != splitScreenModeEnabled && device != null) { device.SetSplitScreenModeEnabled(value); } splitScreenModeEnabled = value; } } [SerializeField] private bool splitScreenModeEnabled = true; /// /// Get/Set Head Control /// public HeadControl HeadControl { get { return headControlEnabled; } set { headControlEnabled = value; UpdateHeadControl(); } } [SerializeField] private HeadControl headControlEnabled = HeadControl.GazeApplication; public float Duration { get { return duration; } set { duration = value; } } [SerializeField] private float duration = 2; NxrReticle mNxrReticle; public NxrReticle GetNxrReticle() { InitNxrReticleScript(); return mNxrReticle; } public void DismissReticle() { GetNxrReticle().Dismiss(); } public void ShowReticle() { GetNxrReticle().Show(); } private void InitNxrReticleScript() { if (mNxrReticle == null) { GameObject nxrReticleObject = GameObject.Find("NxrReticle"); if (nxrReticleObject != null) { mNxrReticle = nxrReticleObject.GetComponent(); if (mNxrReticle == null) { Debug.LogError("Not Find NxrReticle.cs From GameObject NxrReticle !!!"); } } else { Debug.LogError("Not Find NxrReticle GameObject !!!"); } } } /// /// Show head control /// public void ShowHeadControl() { InitNxrReticleScript(); if (mNxrReticle != null) { mNxrReticle.HeadShow(); Debug.Log("ShowHeadControl"); } } /// /// Hide head control /// public void HideHeadControl() { InitNxrReticleScript(); if (mNxrReticle != null) { mNxrReticle.HeadDismiss(); Debug.Log("HideHeadControl"); } } // App自行处理Trigger按键,SDK不处理。如果SDK处理默认当做确认键使用。 /// /// Is app handle trigger event /// public bool IsAppHandleTriggerEvent { get { return appHandleTriggerEvent; } set { appHandleTriggerEvent = value; } } [SerializeField] private bool appHandleTriggerEvent = false; public bool TrackerPosition { get { return trackerPosition; } set { trackerPosition = value; } } /// /// Whether to use third-party displacement data. /// public bool UseThirdPartyPosition { get { return useThirdPartyPosition; } set { useThirdPartyPosition = value; } } [SerializeField] private bool useThirdPartyPosition = false; #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || ANDROID_REMOTE_NRR [SerializeField] private FrameRate targetFrameRate = FrameRate.FPS_60; public FrameRate TargetFrameRate { get { return targetFrameRate; } set { if (value != targetFrameRate) { targetFrameRate = value; } } } #endif // 纹理抗锯齿 [SerializeField] public TextureMSAA textureMsaa = TextureMSAA.MSAA_2X; public TextureMSAA TextureMSAA { get { return textureMsaa; } set { if (value != textureMsaa) { textureMsaa = value; } } } [SerializeField] private bool trackerPosition = true; [Serializable] public class NxrSettings { [Tooltip("Change Timewarp Status")] public int timewarpEnabled = -1; //-1=not set,0=close,1=open [Tooltip("Change Sync Frame Status")] public bool syncFrameEnabled = false; } [SerializeField] public NxrSettings settings = new NxrViewer.NxrSettings(); // Remote Debug [SerializeField] private bool remoteDebug = false; public bool RemoteDebug { get { return remoteDebug; } set { if (value != remoteDebug) { remoteDebug = value; } } } [SerializeField] private bool remoteController = false; public bool RemoteController { get { return remoteController; } set { if (value != remoteController) { remoteController = value; } } } // FPS [SerializeField] private bool showFPS = false; public bool ShowFPS { get { return showFPS; } set { if (value != showFPS) { showFPS = value; } } } // 纹理质量 [SerializeField] public TextureQuality textureQuality = TextureQuality.Better; public TextureQuality TextureQuality { get { return textureQuality; } set { if (value != textureQuality) { textureQuality = value; } } } [SerializeField] private bool requestLock = false; /// /// Lock head tracker. /// public bool LockHeadTracker { get { return requestLock; } set { if (value != requestLock) { requestLock = value; } } } public bool InitialRecenter { get; set; } /// /// Lock head posture. /// public void RequestLock() { if (device != null) { device.NLockTracker(); } } /// /// Unlock head posture. /// public void RequestUnLock() { if (device != null) { device.NUnLockTracker(); } } private bool IsNativeGazeShow = false; /// /// Change Gaze's size/color/status /// /// public void GazeApi(GazeTag tag) { GazeApi(tag, ""); } public void TurnOff() { device.TurnOff(); } public void Reboot() { device.Reboot(); } /// /// The parameter of Param behind GazeTag.Show and GazeTag.Hide is passed "". /// /// /// public void GazeApi(GazeTag tag, string param) { if (device != null) { bool rslt = device.GazeApi(tag, param); if (tag == GazeTag.Show) { bool useDFT = USE_DTR && !NxrGlobal.supportDtr; IsNativeGazeShow = useDFT ? true : rslt; } else if (tag == GazeTag.Hide) { IsNativeGazeShow = false; } } } /// /// Switch to controller mode /// /// public void SwitchControllerMode(bool enabled) { // Debug.LogError("SwitchControllerMode:" + enabled); if (enabled) { HeadControl = HeadControl.Controller; } else { // HeadControl = HeadControl.GazeApplication; } } /// /// Switch application reticle mode /// true-force using reticle /// false-use system reticle /// /// private void SwitchApplicationReticle(bool enabled) { InitNxrReticleScript(); bool IsControllerMode = HeadControl == HeadControl.Controller; if (enabled) { if (mNxrReticle != null) mNxrReticle.Show(); GazeInputModule.gazePointer = mNxrReticle; } else if (!enabled && (!NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform || IsControllerMode)) { if (mNxrReticle != null) { mNxrReticle.Dismiss(); } GazeInputModule.gazePointer = null; } if (enabled) { GazeApi(GazeTag.Hide); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN /// The screen size to emulate when testing in the Unity Editor. public NxrProfile.ScreenSizes ScreenSize { get { return screenSize; } set { if (value != screenSize) { screenSize = value; if (device != null) { device.UpdateScreenData(); } } } } [SerializeField] private NxrProfile.ScreenSizes screenSize = NxrProfile.ScreenSizes.Nexus5; /// The viewer type to emulate when testing in the Unity Editor. public NxrProfile.ViewerTypes ViewerType { get { return viewerType; } set { if (value != viewerType) { viewerType = value; if (device != null) { device.UpdateScreenData(); } } } } [SerializeField] private NxrProfile.ViewerTypes viewerType = NxrProfile.ViewerTypes.CardboardMay2015; #endif // The AR device that will be providing input data. private static BaseARDevice device; public RenderTexture GetStereoScreen(int eye) { // Don't need it except for distortion correction. if (!splitScreenModeEnabled || NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { return null; } if (eyeStereoScreens[0] == null) { // 初始化6个纹理 InitEyeStereoScreens(); } if (Application.isEditor || (NxrViewer.USE_DTR && !NxrGlobal.supportDtr)) { // DFT or Editor return eyeStereoScreens[0]; } // 获取对应索引的纹理 return eyeStereoScreens[eye + _current_texture_index]; } // 初始创建6个纹理,左右各3个 【左右左右左右】 public RenderTexture[] eyeStereoScreens = new RenderTexture[_texture_count]; private void InitEyeStereoScreens() { InitEyeStereoScreens(-1, -1); } // 初始化 private void InitEyeStereoScreens(int width, int height) { RealeaseEyeStereoScreens(); #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN bool useDFT = NxrViewer.USE_DTR && !NxrGlobal.supportDtr; if (!USE_DTR || useDFT || IsWinPlatform) { // 编辑器模式 or 不支持DTR的DFT模式 只生成1个纹理 RenderTexture rendetTexture = device.CreateStereoScreen(width, height); if (!rendetTexture.IsCreated()) { rendetTexture.Create(); } int tid = (int) rendetTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr(); for (int i = 0; i < _texture_count; i++) { eyeStereoScreens[i] = rendetTexture; _texture_ids[i] = tid; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _texture_count; i++) { eyeStereoScreens[i] = device.CreateStereoScreen(width, height); eyeStereoScreens[i].Create(); _texture_ids[i] = (int) eyeStereoScreens[i].GetNativeTexturePtr(); } } #endif } // 释放所有纹理 private void RealeaseEyeStereoScreens() { for (int i = 0; i < _texture_count; i++) { if (eyeStereoScreens[i] != null) { eyeStereoScreens[i].Release(); eyeStereoScreens[i] = null; _texture_ids[i] = 0; } } Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); Debug.Log("RealeaseEyeStereoScreens"); } /// Describes the current device, including phone screen. public NxrProfile Profile { get { return device.Profile; } } /// Distinguish the stereo eyes. public enum Eye { Left, /// The left eye Right, /// The right eye Center /// The "center" eye (unused) } /// When retrieving the #Projection and #Viewport properties, specifies /// whether you want the values as seen through the viewer's lenses (`Distorted`) or /// as if no lenses were present (`Undistorted`). public enum Distortion { Distorted, /// Viewing through the lenses Undistorted /// No lenses } /// The transformation of head from origin in the tracking system. public Pose3D HeadPose { get { return device.GetHeadPose(); } } /// The projection matrix for a given eye. /// This matrix is an off-axis perspective projection with near and far /// clipping planes of 1m and 1000m, respectively. The NxrEye script /// takes care of adjusting the matrix for its particular camera. public Matrix4x4 Projection(Eye eye, Distortion distortion = Distortion.Distorted) { return device.GetProjection(eye, distortion); } /// The screen space viewport that the camera for the specified eye should render into. /// In the _Distorted_ case, this will be either the left or right half of the `StereoScreen` /// render texture. In the _Undistorted_ case, it refers to the actual rectangle on the /// screen that the eye can see. public Rect Viewport(Eye eye, Distortion distortion = Distortion.Distorted) { return device.GetViewport(eye, distortion); } private void InitDevice() { if (device != null) { device.Destroy(); } // 根据当前运行场景获取对应的设备对象 device = BaseARDevice.GetDevice(); device.Init(); device.SetSplitScreenModeEnabled(splitScreenModeEnabled); // 更新界面数据 device.UpdateScreenData(); GazeApi(GazeTag.Show); GazeApi(GazeTag.Set_Size, ((int) GazeSize.Original).ToString()); } // Windows Editor/Player public bool IsWinPlatform { get; set; } NxrInput nxrInput; /// @note Each scene load causes an OnDestroy of the current SDK, followed /// by and Awake of a new one. That should not cause the underlying native /// code to hiccup. Exception: developer may call Application.DontDestroyOnLoad /// on the SDK if they want it to survive across scene loads. void Awake() { Debug.Log("NxrViewer Awake"); SettingsAssetConfig asset; #if UNITY_EDITOR asset = NxrSDKApi.Instance.GetSettingsAssetConfig(); #else asset = Resources.Load("Config/SettingsAssetConfig"); #endif sixDofMode = asset.mSixDofMode; sleepTimeoutMode = asset.mSleepTimeoutMode; headControlEnabled = asset.mHeadControl; textureQuality = asset.mTextureQuality; textureMsaa = asset.mTextureMSAA; InitialRecenter = true; nxrInput = new NxrInput(); IsWinPlatform = false; Debug.Log("SettingsAssetConfig:" + asset.mSixDofMode + "--" + asset.mSleepTimeoutMode + "--" + asset.mHeadControl + "--" + asset.mTextureQuality + "--" + asset.mTextureMSAA); #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || ANDROID_REMOTE_NRR IsWinPlatform = true; #endif if (instance == null) { instance = this; Loom.Initialize(); if (Application.isMobilePlatform) { QualitySettings.antiAliasing = 0; Application.runInBackground = false; Input.gyro.enabled = false; Debug.Log("SleepTimeout:" + SleepMode.ToString()); if (SleepMode == SleepTimeoutMode.NEVER_SLEEP) { // Disable screen dimming Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; } else { Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.SystemSetting; } } } if (instance != this) { Debug.LogError("There must be only one NxrViewer object in a scene."); DestroyImmediate(this); return; } UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN // 编辑器PASS nxr.NibiruXR.instance.Init(gameObject); #endif InitDevice(); if (!IsWinPlatform && !NxrGlobal.supportDtr && !NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { // 录屏功能需要使用2个脚本 [VR9不需要] // 非DTR需要 AddPrePostRenderStages(); } Debug.Log("Is Windows Platform : " + IsWinPlatform + ", ScreenInfo : " + Screen.width + "*" + Screen.height + ", AntiAliasing : " + QualitySettings.antiAliasing); #if UNITY_ANDROID // 在unity20172.0f3版本使用-1相当于half vsync,所以此处设置为90fps。目前机器最高就是90 int targetFrameRate = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android ? ((int) NxrGlobal.refreshRate > 0 ? (int) NxrGlobal.refreshRate : 90) : 60; if (NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { // 参考全志官方 targetFrameRate = 60; textureMsaa = TextureMSAA.NONE; } Application.targetFrameRate = targetFrameRate; #endif if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android) { NxrSDKApi.Instance.IsInXRMode = true; } // not use dtr // if (!NxrGlobal.supportDtr || NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 1; if (NxrGlobal.offaxisDistortionEnabled) { Application.targetFrameRate = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android ? (int) NxrGlobal.refreshRate : -1; Debug.Log("offaxisDistortionEnabled : Setting frame rate to " + Application.targetFrameRate); } } else { // we sync in the TimeWarp, so we don't want unity syncing elsewhere QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; } #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || ANDROID_REMOTE_NRR if (IsWinPlatform) { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; Application.targetFrameRate = (int)targetFrameRate; // don't require companion window focus Application.runInBackground = true; QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames = -1; QualitySettings.antiAliasing = Mathf.Max(QualitySettings.antiAliasing, (int)TextureMSAA); } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID && UNITY_EDITOR //GraphicsDeviceType[] graphicsDeviceType = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetGraphicsAPIs(UnityEditor.BuildTarget.Android); // Debug.Log("GraphicsDeviceType------->" + graphicsDeviceType[0].ToString()); //if (graphicsDeviceType[0] != GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES2) //{ // string title = "Incompatible graphics API detected!"; // string message = "Please set graphics API to \"OpenGL ES 2.0\" and rebuild, or Some Api may not work as expected ."; // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(title, message, "OK"); // Debug.LogError(title + " " + message); //} #if UNITY_EDITOR string defineSymbols = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.Android); if (defineSymbols == null || !defineSymbols.Contains("NIBIRU_")) { string title = "Hmd Type Not Configed!"; string message = "Please Choose Hmd Type in Menu \nNibiruXR->XR Settings ."; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(title, message, "OK"); Debug.LogError(title + " " + message); } #endif #endif device.AndroidLog("Welcome to use Unity NXR SDK , current SDK VERSION is " + NXR_SDK_VERSION + ", j " + NxrGlobal.jarVersion + ", s " + NxrGlobal.soVersion + ", u " + Application.unityVersion + ", fps " + Application.targetFrameRate + ", vsync " + QualitySettings.vSyncCount + ", hmd " + HmdType + ", antiAliasing : " + QualitySettings.antiAliasing + ", SixDofMode : " + sixDofMode.ToString()); AddStereoControllerToCameras(); } public delegate void NibiruConfigCallback(NxrInstantNativeApi.Nibiru_Config cfg); NibiruConfigCallback _nvrConfigCallback; void Start() { //lx changed for 5.4:在Awake中执行,不然在NxrArmModel调用之前Head还没创建 //AddStereoControllerToCameras(); if (IsWinPlatform) { // 初始化光学参数 _nvrConfigCallback += OnNibiruConfigCallback; NxrInstantNativeApi.SetNibiruConfigCallback(_nvrConfigCallback); #if NIBIRU_DEBUG NvrInstantNativeApi.Inited = false; Debug.Log("NvrInstantNativeApi.Init.Not Called."); #else int _textureWidth = 1920, _textureHeight = 1080; NxrInstantNativeApi.NvrInitParams param; param.renderWidth = _textureWidth; param.renderHeight = _textureHeight; param.bitRate = 30; NxrInstantNativeApi.Inited = NxrInstantNativeApi.Init(param); Debug.Log("NxrInstantNativeApi.Init.Called."); NxrInstantNativeApi.GetVersionInfo(ref NxrInstantNativeApi.nativeApiVersion, ref NxrInstantNativeApi.driverVersion); Debug.Log("NxrInstantNativeApi.Version.Api." + NxrInstantNativeApi.nativeApiVersion + ",Driver." + NxrInstantNativeApi.driverVersion); if (NxrInstantNativeApi.nativeApiVersion >= 2000) { NxrInstantNativeApi.GetTextureResolution(ref _textureWidth, ref _textureHeight); if (NxrInstantNativeApi.driverVersion >= 2002) { UInt32 rateData = NxrInstantNativeApi.GetRefreshRate(); Debug.Log("-------------rateData--------" + rateData); if (rateData >= 60) { Application.targetFrameRate = (int) rateData; } } } if (eyeStereoScreens[0] == null && !NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { // 初始化6个纹理 InitEyeStereoScreens(_textureWidth, _textureHeight); } if (eyeStereoScreens[0] != null) { // 设置Texturew Native Ptr NxrInstantNativeApi.SetFrameTexture(eyeStereoScreens[0].GetNativeTexturePtr()); Debug.Log("NxrInstantNativeApi.SetFrameTexture." + eyeStereoScreens[0].GetNativeTexturePtr()); } #endif Debug.Log("NxrInstantNativeApi.Init. Size " + param.renderWidth + "*" + param.renderHeight + ", Bit " + param.bitRate + ", Inited " + NxrInstantNativeApi.Inited); } else { if (eyeStereoScreens[0] == null && !NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { // 初始化6个纹理 InitEyeStereoScreens(); device.SetTextureSizeNative(eyeStereoScreens[0].width, eyeStereoScreens[1].height); } } if (ShowFPS) { Transform[] father; father = GetComponentsInChildren(true); GameObject FPS = null; foreach (Transform child in father) { if (child.gameObject.name == "NxrFPS") { FPS = child.gameObject; break; } } if (FPS != null) { FPS.SetActive(ShowFPS); } else { GameObject fpsGo = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/NxrFPS")) as GameObject; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR fpsGo.GetComponent().enabled = false; fpsGo.AddComponent(); #else fpsGo.GetComponent().enabled = true; #endif } } UpdateHeadControl(); NxrSDKApi.Instance.SixDofControllerPrimaryDeviceType = device.GetSixDofControllerPrimaryDeviceType(); // 6dof双手柄 gameObject.AddComponent(); } public void UpdateHeadControl() { return; // Debug.LogError("UpdateHeadControl=" + HeadControl.ToString()); // 已经设置强制使用Unity白点,不做处理 switch (HeadControl) { case HeadControl.GazeApplication: SwitchApplicationReticle(true); GetNxrReticle().HeadDismiss(); break; case HeadControl.GazeSystem: SwitchApplicationReticle(false); GetNxrReticle().HeadDismiss(); GazeApi(GazeTag.Show); break; case HeadControl.Hover: GetNxrReticle().HeadShow(); SwitchApplicationReticle(true); break; case HeadControl.Controller: SwitchApplicationReticle(false); GetNxrReticle().HeadDismiss(); GazeApi(GazeTag.Hide); break; } } private NxrHead head; /// /// Get the NxrHead /// /// public NxrHead GetHead() { if (head == null && Controller != null) { head = Controller.Head; } if (head == null) { head = FindObjectOfType(); } return head; } /// /// The displacement data of Third-party. /// /// public void Update3rdPartyPosition(Vector3 position) { NxrHead mHead = GetHead(); if (mHead != null) { mHead.Update3rdPartyPosition(position); } } private void OnNibiruConfigCallback(NxrInstantNativeApi.Nibiru_Config cfg) { Loom.QueueOnMainThread((param) => { device.Profile.viewer.lenses.separation = cfg.ipd; //-0.03048, 0.03, -0.03402, 0.03402 device.ComputeEyesForWin(NxrViewer.Eye.Left, cfg.near, 1000, cfg.eyeFrustumParams[0], cfg.eyeFrustumParams[3], cfg.eyeFrustumParams[1], cfg.eyeFrustumParams[2]); //-0.03, 0.03048, -0.03402, 0.03402 device.ComputeEyesForWin(NxrViewer.Eye.Right, cfg.near, 1000, cfg.eyeFrustumParams[4], cfg.eyeFrustumParams[7], cfg.eyeFrustumParams[5], cfg.eyeFrustumParams[6]); // 手柄类型 NxrControllerHelper.InitController((int) cfg.controllerType); device.profileChanged = true; Debug.Log("OnNibiruConfigCallback Config : Ipd " + cfg.ipd + ", Near " + cfg.near + ", FrustumLeft(LRBT) " + cfg.eyeFrustumParams[0] + ", " + cfg.eyeFrustumParams[1] + "," + cfg.eyeFrustumParams[2] + ", " + cfg.eyeFrustumParams[3] + ", ControllerType " + cfg.controllerType); TrackerPosition = true; { NxrHead head = GetHead(); if (head != null) { head.SetTrackPosition(TrackerPosition); } } NxrButtonEvent mNvrButtonEvent = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (mNvrButtonEvent != null) { mNvrButtonEvent.RefreshTrackedDevices(); } device.profileChanged = true; }, cfg); } private int baseTryTimes = 1; private void Update() { UpdateState(); if (!NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { UpdateEyeTexture(); } if (GazeInputModule.gazePointer != null) { GazeInputModule.gazePointer.UpdateStatus(); } #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN if (baseTryTimes < 5 && gameObject.GetComponent(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(winTypeName)) == null) { baseTryTimes++; nxr.NibiruXR.instance.Init(gameObject); Debug.Log("Run NibiruXR Init in Update(), " + baseTryTimes); } #endif if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.Process(); } } public BaseARDevice GetDevice() { return device; } /// /// Print log using android logcat. /// /// public void AndroidLog(string msg) { if (device != null) { device.AndroidLog(msg); } else { Debug.Log(msg); } } public void UpdateHeadPose() { if (device != null && NxrSDKApi.Instance.IsInXRMode) device.UpdateState(); } public void UpdateEyeTexture() { // 更新左右眼目标纹理 if (USE_DTR && NxrGlobal.supportDtr) { // 更换纹理索引 SwapBuffers(); NxrEye[] eyes = NxrViewer.Instance.eyes; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { NxrEye eye = eyes[i]; if (eye != null) { eye.UpdateTargetTexture(); } } } } void AddPrePostRenderStages() { var preRender = FindObjectOfType(); if (preRender == null) { var go = new GameObject("PreRender", typeof(NxrPreRender)); go.SendMessage("Reset"); go.transform.parent = transform; Debug.Log("Add NxrPreRender"); } var postRender = FindObjectOfType(); if (postRender == null) { var go = new GameObject("PostRender", typeof(NxrPostRender)); go.SendMessage("Reset"); go.transform.parent = transform; Debug.Log("Add NxrPostRender"); } } /// Whether the viewer's trigger was pulled. True for exactly one complete frame /// after each pull public bool Triggered { get; set; } public bool ProfileChanged { get; private set; } // Only call device.UpdateState() once per frame. private int updatedToFrame = 0; /// Reads the latest tracking data from the phone. This must be /// called before accessing any of the poses and matrices above. /// /// Multiple invocations per frame are OK: Subsequent calls merely yield the /// cached results of the first call. To minimize latency, it should be first /// called later in the frame (for example, in `LateUpdate`) if possible. public void UpdateState() { if (updatedToFrame != Time.frameCount) { updatedToFrame = Time.frameCount; DispatchEvents(); if (NeedUpdateNearFar && device != null && device.nibiruVRServiceId != 0) { float far = GetCameraFar(); float mNear = 0.0305f; if (NxrGlobal.fovNear > -1) { mNear = NxrGlobal.fovNear; } device.SetCameraNearFar(mNear, far); Instance.NeedUpdateNearFar = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { NxrEye eye = eyes[i]; if (eye != null) { if (eye.cam.farClipPlane < NxrGlobal.fovFar) { eye.cam.farClipPlane = NxrGlobal.fovFar; } } } } } } // /// // /// Analog all-in-one button: W-Up A-Left S-Down D-Right Space-Return Return-Confirm // /// // private void SimulateHeadSetKeyEvent() // { // if (!Application.isEditor && !(Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)) // { // // 编辑器 or win // return; // } // // if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.UpArrow, false); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.W)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.UpArrow, true); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.DownArrow, false); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.DownArrow, true); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.LeftArrow, false); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.LeftArrow, true); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.RightArrow, false); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.D)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.RightArrow, true); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Escape, false); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Escape, true); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.JoystickButton0, false); // } // else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Return)) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.JoystickButton0, true); // } // // } // List btnLiseners = null; List joystickListeners = null; int[] lastKeyAction; private void DispatchEvents() { // Update flags first by copying from device and other inputs. if (device == null) return; // if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !Triggered) // { // Triggered = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0); // } ProfileChanged = device.profileChanged; if (device.profileChanged) { if (NxrOverrideSettings.OnProfileChangedEvent != null) NxrOverrideSettings.OnProfileChangedEvent(); device.profileChanged = false; } // 模拟一体机按键 // SimulateHeadSetKeyEvent(); bool IsHasController = false; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { // 3dof or nolo IsHasController = (NxrPlayerCtrl.Instance.IsQuatConn() || ControllerAndroid.IsNoloConn()); } else if (IsWinPlatform) { IsHasController = NxrControllerHelper.Is3DofControllerConnected && NxrPlayerCtrl.Instance.GamepadEnabled; } if (IsHasController) { int[] KeyAction = null; if (InteractionManager.IsControllerConnected()) { KeyAction = InteractionManager.GetKeyAction(); } else { KeyAction = NibiruTaskApi.GetKeyAction(); } // if (KeyAction[CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER] == 0) // { // Triggered = true; // } if (lastKeyAction == null) { lastKeyAction = KeyAction; } for (int i = 0; i < CKeyEvent.KeyCodeIds.Length; i++) { int keyCode = CKeyEvent.KeyCodeIds[i]; if (KeyAction[keyCode] == 0 && lastKeyAction[keyCode] == 1) { // down // TriggerKeyEventForController(keyCode, false); } if (KeyAction[keyCode] == 1 && lastKeyAction[keyCode] == 0) { // up // TriggerKeyEventForController(keyCode, true); } } lastKeyAction = KeyAction; } // // 手柄上下左右兼容处理 float leftKeyHor = Input.GetAxis("5th axis"); float leftKeyVer = Input.GetAxis("6th axis"); if (leftKeyHor == 1) { // 左 // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.LeftArrow); TriggerJoystickEvent(16, 0); } else if (leftKeyHor == -1) { // 右 // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.RightArrow); TriggerJoystickEvent(17, 0); } if (leftKeyVer == -1) { // 上 // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.UpArrow); TriggerJoystickEvent(14, 0); } else if (leftKeyVer == 1) { // 下 // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.DownArrow); TriggerJoystickEvent(15, 0); } // 左摇杆 float leftStickHor = Input.GetAxis("joystick_Horizontal"); float leftStickVer = Input.GetAxis("joystick_Vertical"); if (leftStickHor != 0) { TriggerJoystickEvent(10, leftStickHor); } if (leftStickVer != 0) { TriggerJoystickEvent(11, leftStickVer); } // 右摇杆 float rightStickHor = Input.GetAxis("3th axis"); float rightStickVer = Input.GetAxis("4th axis"); if (rightStickHor != 0) { TriggerJoystickEvent(12, rightStickHor); } if (rightStickVer != 0) { TriggerJoystickEvent(13, rightStickVer); } // if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && Input.anyKeyDown) { bool triggerDirectKey = false; Event e = Event.current; if (e != null && e.isKey) { KeyCode currentKey = e.keyCode; Debug.Log("Current Key is : " + currentKey.ToString()); // if ((int)currentKey == 10 || currentKey == KeyCode.LeftArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.RightArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.UpArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.DownArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.Escape // || currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton0) // { // if ((int)currentKey == 10 || currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton0) // { // // ok 键 // Triggered = true; // } triggerDirectKey = currentKey == KeyCode.LeftArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.RightArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.UpArrow || currentKey == KeyCode.DownArrow; // TriggerKeyEvent(currentKey); // } // 手柄 if (currentKey == KeyCode.LeftShift) { TriggerJoystickEvent(0, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.LeftAlt) { TriggerJoystickEvent(1, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.RightShift) { TriggerJoystickEvent(2, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.RightAlt) { TriggerJoystickEvent(3, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Pause) { TriggerJoystickEvent(4, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Return) { TriggerJoystickEvent(5, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton2) { TriggerJoystickEvent(6, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton3) { TriggerJoystickEvent(7, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton1) { TriggerJoystickEvent(8, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton0) { TriggerJoystickEvent(9, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton8) { TriggerJoystickEvent(18, 0); } else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton9) { TriggerJoystickEvent(19, 0); } } } // up 事件 // if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && // (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.JoystickButton0) || Input.GetKeyUp((KeyCode)10))) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.JoystickButton0, true); // } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && Event.current != null && (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.DownArrow) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))) { Debug.Log("KeyUp===>" + Event.current.keyCode.ToString()); if (NibiruRemindBox.Instance.Showing()) { NibiruRemindBox.Instance.ReleaseDestory(); } if (NibiruShutDownBox.Instance.Showing()) { NibiruShutDownBox.Instance.ReleaseDestory(); } // else // { // TriggerKeyEvent(Event.current.keyCode, true); // } } } // private void TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode currentKey) // { // TriggerKeyEvent(currentKey, false); // } // private void TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode currentKey, bool isKeyUp) // { // if (btnLiseners == null || btnLiseners.Count == 0) // { // List allObject = GetAllObjectsInScene(); // btnLiseners = new List(); // foreach (GameObject obj in allObject) // { // Component[] comps = obj.GetComponents(typeof(INxrButtonListener)); // if (comps != null) // { // INxrButtonListener[] listeners = new INxrButtonListener[comps.Length]; // // for (int p = 0; p < comps.Length; p++) // { // listeners[p] = (INxrButtonListener)comps[p]; // } // // 获取所有挂载了INxrButtonListener的物体 // NotifyBtnPressed(listeners, currentKey, isKeyUp); // foreach (Component cp in comps) // { // btnLiseners.Add((INxrButtonListener)cp); // } // } // } // } // else // { // NotifyBtnPressed(btnLiseners.ToArray(), currentKey, isKeyUp); // } // } // private void NotifyBtnPressed(INxrButtonListener[] comps, KeyCode currentKey, bool isKeyUp) // { // if (comps == null) return; // for (int i = 0, length = comps.Length; i < length; i++) // { // INxrButtonListener btnListener = (INxrButtonListener)comps[i]; // if (btnListener == null) continue; // if (currentKey == KeyCode.LeftArrow) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftLeft(); } else { btnListener.OnPressLeft(); } // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.RightArrow) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftRight(); } else { btnListener.OnPressRight(); } // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.UpArrow) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftUp(); } else { btnListener.OnPressUp(); } // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.DownArrow) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftDown(); } else { btnListener.OnPressDown(); } // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Escape) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftBack(); } else { btnListener.OnPressBack(); } // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.JoystickButton0 || (int)currentKey == 10) // { // btnListener.OnPressEnter(isKeyUp); // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Joystick5Button18) // { // // 音量加 // btnListener.OnPressVolumnUp(); // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Joystick5Button19) // { // // 音量减 // btnListener.OnPressVolumnDown(); // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Joystick6Button1) // { // // Left // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.NF1); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.NF1); // } // } // else if (currentKey == KeyCode.Joystick6Button2) // { // // Right // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.NF2); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.NF2); // } // } // } // // } // private void TriggerKeyEventForController(int keycode, bool isKeyUp) // { // if(NibiruRemindBox.Instance.Showing() && keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_APP && isKeyUp) // { // NibiruRemindBox.Instance.ReleaseDestory(); // return; // } // // if (btnLiseners == null || btnLiseners.Count == 0) // { // List allObject = GetAllObjectsInScene(); // btnLiseners = new List(); // foreach (GameObject obj in allObject) // { // Component[] comps = obj.GetComponents(typeof(INxrButtonListener)); // if (comps != null) // { // INxrButtonListener[] listeners = new INxrButtonListener[comps.Length]; // // for (int p = 0; p < comps.Length; p++) // { // listeners[p] = (INxrButtonListener)comps[p]; // } // // 获取所有挂载了INvrButtonListener的物体 // NotifyBtnPressedForController(listeners, keycode, isKeyUp); // foreach (Component cp in comps) // { // btnLiseners.Add((INxrButtonListener)cp); // } // } // } // } // else // { // NotifyBtnPressedForController(btnLiseners.ToArray(), keycode, isKeyUp); // } // } // private void NotifyBtnPressedForController(INxrButtonListener[] comps, int keycode, bool isKeyUp) // { // if (comps == null) return; // for (int i = 0, length = comps.Length; i < length; i++) // { // INxrButtonListener btnListener = comps[i]; // if (btnListener == null) continue; // if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftLeft(); } else { btnListener.OnPressLeft(); } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftRight(); } else { btnListener.OnPressRight(); } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftUp(); } else { btnListener.OnPressUp(); } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) // { // if (isKeyUp) { btnListener.OnLiftDown(); } else { btnListener.OnPressDown(); } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_APP) // { // // MENU // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.MENU); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.MENU); // } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) // { // // TOUCH PAD CLICK // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.TOUCHPAD); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.TOUCHPAD); // } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) // { // // 音量加 // btnListener.OnPressVolumnUp(); // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.VOLUMN_UP); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.VOLUMN_UP); // } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN) // { // // 音量减 // btnListener.OnPressVolumnDown(); // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.VOLUMN_DOWN); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.VOLUMN_DOWN); // } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_BUTTON_R1) // { // // trigger // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.TRIGGER); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.TRIGGER); // } // } // else if (keycode == CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_CONTROLLER_TOUCHPAD_TOUCH) // { // // touch pad // if (isKeyUp) // { // btnListener.OnLiftFuctionKey(FunctionKeyCode.TOUCHPAD_TOUCH); // } // else // { // btnListener.OnFuctionKeyDown(FunctionKeyCode.TOUCHPAD_TOUCH); // } // } // } // // } /// /// Resets the tracker so that the user's current direction becomes forward. /// public void Recenter() { device.Recenter(); if (GetHead() != null) { GetHead().ResetInitEulerYAngle(); } } /// Add a StereoController to any camera that does not have a Render Texture (meaning it is /// rendering to the screen). public static void AddStereoControllerToCameras() { for (int i = 0; i < Camera.allCameras.Length; i++) { Camera camera = Camera.allCameras[i]; Debug.Log("Check Camera : " + camera.name); if ( (camera.tag == "MainCamera" || camera.tag == "NibiruCamera") && camera.targetTexture == null && camera.GetComponent() == null && camera.GetComponent() == null && camera.GetComponent() == null && camera.GetComponent() == null) { camera.gameObject.AddComponent(); } } } void OnEnable() { #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN // This can happen if you edit code while the editor is in Play mode. if (device == null) { InitDevice(); } #endif device.OnPause(false); if (!NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform) { StartCoroutine("EndOfFrame"); } } void OnDisable() { device.OnPause(true); Debug.Log("NxrViewer->OnDisable"); StopCoroutine("EndOfFrame"); } private Coroutine onResume = null; void OnPause() { onResume = null; device.OnApplicationPause(true); } IEnumerator OnResume() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); // resume if (!NxrGlobal.isVR9Platform && NxrGlobal.supportDtr) { InitNxrReticleScript(); UpdateHeadControl(); } device.OnApplicationPause(false); } public void SetPause(bool pause) { if (pause) { OnPause(); } else if (onResume == null) { onResume = StartCoroutine(OnResume()); } } void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) { Debug.Log("NxrViewer->OnApplicationPause," + pause + ", hasEnterXRMode=" + NxrSDKApi.Instance.IsInXRMode); SetPause(pause); } void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) { Debug.Log("NxrViewer->OnApplicationFocus," + focus); device.OnFocus(focus); } void OnApplicationQuit() { if (GetNibiruService() != null && GetNibiruService().IsMarkerRecognizeRunning) { GetNibiruService().StopMarkerRecognize(); } StopAllCoroutines(); device.OnApplicationQuit(); if (NxrOverrideSettings.OnApplicationQuitEvent != null) { NxrOverrideSettings.OnApplicationQuitEvent(); } Debug.Log("NxrViewer->OnApplicationQuit"); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR if(IsAndroidKillProcess) { NxrSDKApi.Instance.Destroy(); Debug.Log("NxrViewer->OnApplicationQuit.KillProcess"); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } #endif } /// /// Quit app /// public void AppQuit() { device.AppQuit(); } void OnDestroy() { if (IsWinPlatform) { if (NxrInstantNativeApi.Inited) { _nvrConfigCallback -= OnNibiruConfigCallback; NxrInstantNativeApi.Inited = false; NxrInstantNativeApi.Cleanup(); NxrControllerHelper.Reset(); } } // if (btnLiseners != null) // { // btnLiseners.Clear(); // } // btnLiseners = null; this.SplitScreenModeEnabled = false; InteractionManager.Reset(); if (device != null) { device.Destroy(); } if (instance == this) { instance = null; } Debug.Log("NxrViewer->OnDestroy"); } // 处理来自Android的调用 public void ResetHeadTrackerFromAndroid() { if (instance != null && device != null) { Recenter(); } NibiruRemindBox.Instance.ReleaseDestory(); NibiruShutDownBox.Instance.ReleaseDestory(); } void OnVolumnUp() { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Joystick5Button18); if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.OnChangeKeyEvent(CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, CKeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN); } } void OnVolumnDown() { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Joystick5Button19); if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.OnChangeKeyEvent(CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, CKeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN); } } void OnKeyDown(string keyCode) { Debug.Log("OnKeyDown=" + keyCode); if (keyCode == NxrGlobal.KeyEvent_KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT) { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Joystick6Button1, false); if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.OnChangeKeyEvent(CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_NF_1, CKeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN); } } else if (keyCode == NxrGlobal.KeyEvent_KEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD) { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Joystick6Button2, false); if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.OnChangeKeyEvent(CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_NF_2, CKeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN); } } } void OnKeyUp(string keyCode) { Debug.Log("OnKeyUp=" + keyCode); if (keyCode == NxrGlobal.KeyEvent_KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT) { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Joystick6Button1, true); if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.OnChangeKeyEvent(CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_NF_1, CKeyEvent.ACTION_UP); } } else if (keyCode == NxrGlobal.KeyEvent_KEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD) { // TriggerKeyEvent(KeyCode.Joystick6Button2, true); if (nxrInput != null) { nxrInput.OnChangeKeyEvent(CKeyEvent.KEYCODE_NF_2, CKeyEvent.ACTION_UP); } } } void OnActivityPause() { Debug.Log("OnActivityPause"); } void OnActivityResume() { Debug.Log("OnActivityResume"); } /// /// Set system split mode : 1=split by system,0=split by app /// public void SetSystemSplitMode(int flag) { device.NSetSystemSplitMode(flag); } private int[] _texture_ids = new int[_texture_count]; private int _current_texture_index, _next_texture_index; public bool SwapBuffers() { bool ret = true; for (int i = 0; i < _texture_count; i++) { if (!eyeStereoScreens[i].IsCreated()) { eyeStereoScreens[i].Create(); _texture_ids[i] = (int) eyeStereoScreens[i].GetNativeTexturePtr(); ret = false; } } _current_texture_index = _next_texture_index; _next_texture_index = (_next_texture_index + 2) % _texture_count; return ret; } public int GetEyeTextureId(int eye) { return _texture_ids[_current_texture_index + (int) eye]; } public int GetTimeWarpViewNum() { return device.GetTimewarpViewNumber(); } public List GetAllObjectsInScene() { GameObject[] pAllObjects = (GameObject[]) Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject)); List pReturn = new List(); foreach (GameObject pObject in pAllObjects) { if (pObject == null || !pObject.activeInHierarchy || pObject.hideFlags == HideFlags.NotEditable || pObject.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave) { continue; } pReturn.Add(pObject); } return pReturn; } public Texture2D createTexture2D(RenderTexture renderTexture) { int width = renderTexture.width; int height = renderTexture.height; Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); RenderTexture.active = renderTexture; texture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); texture2D.Apply(); return texture2D; } private int frameCount = 0; private void EndOfFrameCore() { if (USE_DTR && (!NxrSDKApi.Instance.IsInXRMode && frameCount < 3)) { frameCount++; Debug.Log("EndOfFrame->hasEnterRMode " + "" + NxrSDKApi.Instance.IsInXRMode + " or frameCount " + frameCount); // Call GL.clear before Enter VRMode to avoid unexpected graph breaking. GL.Clear(false, true, Color.black); } else { frameCount++; if (USE_DTR && NxrGlobal.supportDtr) { if (settings.timewarpEnabled >= 0 && frameCount > 0 && frameCount < 10) { device.SetTimeWarpEnable(false); } if (NxrGlobal.DEBUG_LOG_ENABLED) Debug.Log("EndOfFrame.TimeWarp[" + frameCount + "]"); // Debug.Log("TimeWrap." + frameCount); } #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR // Submit if (NxrInstantNativeApi.Inited) { GL.IssuePluginEvent(NxrInstantNativeApi.GetRenderEventFunc(), (int) NxrInstantNativeApi.RenderEvent.SubmitFrame); } #endif } bool IsHeadPoseUpdated = device.IsHeadPoseUpdated(); if (USE_DTR && NxrGlobal.supportDtr && IsHeadPoseUpdated) NxrPluginEvent.IssueWithData(NibiruRenderEventType.TimeWarp, NxrViewer.Instance.GetTimeWarpViewNum()); } IEnumerator EndOfFrame() { while (true) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); EndOfFrameCore(); } } public int GetFrameId() { return frameCount; } private void TriggerJoystickEvent(int index, float axisValue) { if (joystickListeners == null) { List allObject = GetAllObjectsInScene(); joystickListeners = new List(); foreach (GameObject obj in allObject) { Component[] joystickcomps = obj.GetComponents(typeof(INxrJoystickListener)); if (joystickcomps != null) { INxrJoystickListener[] listeners = new INxrJoystickListener[joystickcomps.Length]; for (int p = 0; p < joystickcomps.Length; p++) { listeners[p] = (INxrJoystickListener) joystickcomps[p]; } // INibiruJoystickListener notifyJoystickPressed(listeners, index, axisValue); foreach (Component cp in joystickcomps) { joystickListeners.Add((INxrJoystickListener) cp); } } } } else { notifyJoystickPressed(joystickListeners.ToArray(), index, axisValue); } } private void notifyJoystickPressed(INxrJoystickListener[] comps, int index, float axisValue) { if (comps == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < comps.Length; i++) { INxrJoystickListener joystickListener = (INxrJoystickListener) comps[i]; if (joystickListener == null) continue; switch (index) { case 0: // l1 joystickListener.OnPressL1(); break; case 1: // l2 joystickListener.OnPressL2(); break; case 2: // r1 joystickListener.OnPressR1(); break; case 3: // r2 joystickListener.OnPressR2(); break; case 4: // select joystickListener.OnPressSelect(); break; case 5: // start joystickListener.OnPressStart(); break; case 6: // x joystickListener.OnPressX(); break; case 7: // y joystickListener.OnPressY(); break; case 8: // a joystickListener.OnPressA(); break; case 9: // b joystickListener.OnPressB(); break; case 10: // leftstickx joystickListener.OnLeftStickX(axisValue); break; case 11: // leftsticky joystickListener.OnLeftStickY(axisValue); break; case 12: // rightstickx joystickListener.OnRightStickX(axisValue); break; case 13: // rightsticky joystickListener.OnRightStickY(axisValue); break; case 14: // dpad-up joystickListener.OnPressDpadUp(); break; case 15: // dpad-down joystickListener.OnPressDpadDown(); break; case 16: // dpad-left //joystickListener.OnPressDpadLeft(); joystickListener.OnPressDpadRight(); break; case 17: // dpad-right //joystickListener.OnPressDpadRight(); joystickListener.OnPressDpadLeft(); break; case 18: joystickListener.OnLeftStickDown(); break; case 19: joystickListener.OnRightStickDown(); break; } } } private float mFar = -1; private bool needUpdateNearFar = false; /// /// Update the left and right camera's farClipPlane /// /// public void UpateCameraFar(float far) { mFar = far; needUpdateNearFar = true; NxrGlobal.fovFar = far; if (Application.isEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { // 编辑器及时生效 Camera.main.farClipPlane = far; } } public float GetCameraFar() { return mFar; } public bool NeedUpdateNearFar { get { return needUpdateNearFar; } set { if (value != needUpdateNearFar) { needUpdateNearFar = value; } } } private float oldFov = -1; private Matrix4x4[] eyeOriginalProjection = null; /// /// Update eye camera projection /// /// public void UpdateEyeCameraProjection(Eye eye) { if (oldFov != -1 && eye == Eye.Right) { UpdateCameraFov(oldFov); } if (!Application.isEditor && device != null && eye == Eye.Right) { if (mFar > 0) { float mNear = 0.0305f; if (NxrGlobal.fovNear > -1) { mNear = NxrGlobal.fovNear; } // Debug.Log("new near : " + mNear + "," + NxrGlobal.fovNear+ ",new far : " + mFar + "," + NxrGlobal.fovFar); // 更新camera near far float fovLeft = mNear * Mathf.Tan(-Profile.viewer.maxFOV.outer * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float fovTop = mNear * Mathf.Tan(Profile.viewer.maxFOV.upper * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float fovRight = mNear * Mathf.Tan(Profile.viewer.maxFOV.inner * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float fovBottom = mNear * Mathf.Tan(-Profile.viewer.maxFOV.lower * Mathf.Deg2Rad); //Debug.Log("fov : " +fovLeft+","+fovRight+","+fovTop+","+fovBottom); Matrix4x4 eyeProjection = BaseARDevice.MakeProjection(fovLeft, fovTop, fovRight, fovBottom, mNear, mFar); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { NxrEye mEye = eyes[i]; if (mEye != null) { mEye.cam.projectionMatrix = eyeProjection; } } } } } /// /// Reset the left and right camera's fov to default. /// public void ResetCameraFov() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (eyeOriginalProjection == null || eyeOriginalProjection[i] == null) return; NxrEye eye = eyes[i]; if (eye != null) { eye.cam.projectionMatrix = eyeOriginalProjection[i]; } } oldFov = -1; } /// /// Change the left and right camera's fov /// fov range [40~90] /// /// public void UpdateCameraFov(float fov) { if (fov > 90) fov = 90; if (fov < 5) fov = 5; // cache左右眼透视矩阵 if (eyeOriginalProjection == null && eyes[0] != null && eyes[1] != null) { eyeOriginalProjection = new Matrix4x4[2]; eyeOriginalProjection[0] = eyes[0].cam.projectionMatrix; eyeOriginalProjection[1] = eyes[1].cam.projectionMatrix; } oldFov = fov; float near = NxrGlobal.fovNear > 0 ? NxrGlobal.fovNear : 0.0305f; float far = NxrGlobal.fovFar > 0 ? NxrGlobal.fovFar : 2000; far = far > 100 ? far : 2000; float fovLeft = near * Mathf.Tan(-fov * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float fovTop = near * Mathf.Tan(fov * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float fovRight = near * Mathf.Tan(fov * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float fovBottom = near * Mathf.Tan(-fov * Mathf.Deg2Rad); Matrix4x4 eyeProjection = BaseARDevice.MakeProjection(fovLeft, fovTop, fovRight, fovBottom, near, far); if (device != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { NxrEye eye = eyes[i]; if (eye != null) { eye.cam.projectionMatrix = eyeProjection; } } } } private float displacementCoefficient = 1.0f; public float DisplacementCoefficient { get { return displacementCoefficient; } set { displacementCoefficient = value; } } /// /// Set horizontal angle range :mid is 0,left is less than 0,right is greater than 0 /// /// /// public void SetHorizontalAngleRange(float minRange, float maxRange) { if (headEulerAnglesRange == null) { headEulerAnglesRange = new float[] {0, 360, 0, 360}; } headEulerAnglesRange[0] = minRange + 360; headEulerAnglesRange[1] = maxRange; } /// /// Set vertical angle range :mid is 0,up is less than 0,down is greater than 0 /// /// /// public void SetVerticalAngleRange(float minRange, float maxRange) { if (headEulerAnglesRange == null) { headEulerAnglesRange = new float[] {0, 360, 0, 360}; } headEulerAnglesRange[2] = minRange + 360; headEulerAnglesRange[3] = maxRange; } /// /// Remove head angle limit /// public void RemoveAngleLimit() { headEulerAnglesRange = null; } public float[] GetHeadEulerAnglesRange() { return headEulerAnglesRange; } /// /// open system app video player /// /// video path /// 0=2d,1=3d mode /// 0=normal,1=360,2=180,3=fullmode video type /// 0=hardware,1=software decode mode public void OpenVideoPlayer(string path, int type2D3D, int mode, int decode) { device.ShowVideoPlayer(path, type2D3D, mode, decode); } /// /// Get android SD Card's path(/storage/emulated/0) /// /// exp: /storage/emulated/0 public string GetStoragePath() { return device.GetStoragePath(); } /// /// Set the screen is always on. /// /// public void SetIsKeepScreenOn(bool keep) { device.SetIsKeepScreenOn(keep); } private float defaultIpd = -1; private float userIpd = -1; /// /// Change eye's ipd /// /// 0.064 public void SetIpd(float ipd) { if (defaultIpd < 0) { defaultIpd = GetIpd(); } Debug.Log(" Ipd : D." + defaultIpd + "/N." + ipd); NxrGlobal.dftProfileParams[0] = ipd; //0.063f; userIpd = ipd; device.SetIpd(ipd); device.UpdateScreenData(); } /// /// Reset ipd's change /// public void ResetIpd() { if (defaultIpd < 0) return; SetIpd(defaultIpd); } /// /// Get eye's ipd /// /// public float GetIpd() { if (userIpd > 0) return userIpd; return eyes[0] == null ? 0.060f : 2 * Math.Abs(eyes[0].GetComponent().transform.localPosition.x); } public float GetUseIpd() { return userIpd; } public void ShowSystemMenuUI() { if (device != null) { //Player = new UnityPlayer(); AndroidJavaClass Player = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); //Activity = Player.currentActivity; AndroidJavaObject Activity = Player.GetStatic("currentActivity"); //PackageManager = Activity.getPackageManager(); AndroidJavaObject PackageNameObj = Activity.Call("getPackageName"); string packageName = PackageNameObj.Call("toString"); Debug.Log("show_nvr_menu->" + packageName); device.SetSystemParameters("show_nvr_menu", packageName); } } public delegate void ServiceReadyUpdatedDelegate(SERVICE_TYPE serviceType, bool isConnectedSucc); public delegate void OnSixDofPosition(float x, float y, float z); public delegate void OnMarkerLoadStatus(MARKER_LOAD_STATUS status); /// /// Get the service connection status (after the service is connected, you can check the plug-in support status) /// public static ServiceReadyUpdatedDelegate serviceReadyUpdatedDelegate; /// /// hmd 6dof position' data callback /// public static OnSixDofPosition onSixDofPosition; public static OnMarkerLoadStatus onMarkerLoadStatus; /// /// /// Call after script's Awake /// /// public NibiruService GetNibiruService() { return device.GetNibiruService(); } private GameObject eventReceiverVoice; private GameObject eventReceiverGesture; public void RegisterVoiceListener(GameObject listenerObj) { eventReceiverVoice = listenerObj; } public void RegisterGestureListener(GameObject listenerObj) { eventReceiverGesture = listenerObj; } void onHandleAndroidMsg(string msgContent) { // msgId_msgContent string[] msgArr = msgContent.Split('_'); int msgId = int.Parse(msgArr[0]); string msgData = msgArr[1]; // Debug.Log((eventReceiverVoice == null) + "-------->onHandleAndroidMsg=" + msgContent); if (msgId == (int) MSG_ID.MSG_onServiceReady) { if (serviceReadyUpdatedDelegate != null) { SERVICE_TYPE serviceType = (SERVICE_TYPE) int.Parse(msgData); bool connected = int.Parse(msgArr[2]) == 1; serviceReadyUpdatedDelegate(serviceType, connected); } return; } if (msgId == (int) MSG_ID.MSG_verifyFailed) { NxrGlobal.verifyStatus = (VERIFY_STATUS) int.Parse(msgData); Debug.Log("verify failed"); } else if (msgId == (int) MSG_ID.MSG_verifySucc) { NxrGlobal.verifyStatus = VERIFY_STATUS.SUCC; Debug.Log("verify succ"); } else if (msgId == (int) MSG_ID.MSG_onKeyStoreException) { NxrGlobal.verifyStatus = VERIFY_STATUS.HEAD_ERROR; Debug.Log("verify keystore exception"); } else if (msgId == (int) MSG_ID.MSG_onHeadPosition && onSixDofPosition != null) { //[-0.26371408, -0.108221784, -0.05875514] [0] string[] posStr = msgData.Substring(1, msgData.Length - 2).Split(','); float x = (float) Math.Round(float.Parse(posStr[0]), 2); float y = (float) Math.Round(float.Parse(posStr[1]), 2); float z = (float) Math.Round(float.Parse(posStr[2]), 2); // 用Loom的方法在Unity主线程中调用Text组件 if (onSixDofPosition != null) { onSixDofPosition(x, y, z); } } else if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onMarkerLoadStatus && onMarkerLoadStatus != null) { if (onMarkerLoadStatus != null) { onMarkerLoadStatus((MARKER_LOAD_STATUS) int.Parse(msgData)); } } if ((eventReceiverGesture != null || eventReceiverVoice != null) && NxrGlobal.verifyStatus == VERIFY_STATUS.SUCC) { object msgObj = null; if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onGestureEvent) { msgObj = (GESTURE_ID) int.Parse(msgData); if (eventReceiverGesture != null) eventReceiverGesture.BroadcastMessage(NxrGlobal.GetMethodNameById((MSG_ID) msgId), msgObj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } else if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onVoiceVolume || (MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onVoiceFinishError || (MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onVoiceFinishResult) { msgObj = msgData; if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onVoiceFinishError && msgArr.Length > 1) { // msgId_errorcode_errormsg msgObj = msgArr[2]; } if (eventReceiverVoice != null) eventReceiverVoice.BroadcastMessage(NxrGlobal.GetMethodNameById((MSG_ID) msgId), msgObj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onServerApiReady) { Loom.QueueOnMainThread((param) => { bool isReady = int.Parse((string) param) == 1; if (NibiruTaskApi.serverApiReady != null) { NibiruTaskApi.serverApiReady(isReady); } }, msgData); } else if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onSysSleepApiReady) { Loom.QueueOnMainThread((param) => { bool isReady = int.Parse((string) param) == 1; if (NibiruTaskApi.sysSleepApiReady != null) { NibiruTaskApi.sysSleepApiReady(isReady); } }, msgData); } else if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onInteractionDeviceConnectEvent) { InteractionManager.OnDeviceConnectState(msgContent); } else if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onInteractionKeyEvent) { if (!TouchScreenKeyboard.visible) { InteractionManager.OnCKeyEvent(msgContent); } else { Triggered = false; } } else if ((MSG_ID) msgId == MSG_ID.MSG_onInteractionTouchEvent) { InteractionManager.OnCTouchEvent(msgContent); } } /// /// Speech Recognition:Chinese or English /// public VOICE_LANGUAGE VoiceLanguage { get { return NxrGlobal.voiceLanguage; } set { if (value != NxrGlobal.voiceLanguage) { NxrGlobal.voiceLanguage = value; NibiruService nibiruService = device.GetNibiruService(); if (nibiruService != null) { nibiruService.UpdateVoiceLanguage(); } } } } [SerializeField] public SleepTimeoutMode sleepTimeoutMode = SleepTimeoutMode.NEVER_SLEEP; [SerializeField] public ControllerSupportMode controllerSupportMode = ControllerSupportMode.NONE; public SleepTimeoutMode SleepMode { get { return sleepTimeoutMode; } set { if (value != sleepTimeoutMode) { sleepTimeoutMode = value; } } } [SerializeField] private SixDofMode sixDofMode = SixDofMode.Head_3Dof_Ctrl_6Dof; public SixDofMode SixDofMode { get { return sixDofMode; } set { if (value != sixDofMode) { sixDofMode = value; } } } /// /// Get main camera /// /// public Camera GetMainCamera() { return Controller.cam; } /// /// Get left eye camera /// /// public Camera GetLeftEyeCamera() { return Controller.Eyes[(int) Eye.Left].cam; } /// /// Get right eye camera /// /// public Camera GetRightEyeCamera() { return Controller.Eyes[(int) Eye.Right].cam; } /// /// Get main camera's quaternion /// /// public Quaternion GetCameraQuaternion() { return GetHead().transform.rotation; } /// /// Get controller's quaternion /// /// public Quaternion GetControllerQuaternion() { if (IsControllerConnect()) { return NxrPlayerCtrl.Instance.mTransform.localRotation; } return Quaternion.identity; } /// /// Set controller's active status /// /// public void SetControllerActive(bool isActive) { NxrPlayerCtrl.Instance.ChangeControllerDisplay(isActive); } /// /// Is main camera locked /// /// public bool IsCameraLocked() { return !NxrViewer.Instance.GetHead().IsTrackRotation(); } /// /// Is controller connect /// /// public bool IsControllerConnect() { return InteractionManager.IsControllerConnected(); } /// /// Lock main camera's rotation /// /// public void LockCamera(bool isLock) { NxrHead head = NxrViewer.Instance.GetHead(); head.SetTrackRotation(!isLock); } /// /// Get 3dof controller's ray start point /// /// public Transform GetRayStartPoint() { return NxrPlayerCtrl.Instance.GetRayStartPoint(); } /// /// Get 3dof controller's ray end point /// /// public Transform GetRayEndPoint() { return NxrPlayerCtrl.Instance.GetRayEndPoint(); } } }