using UnityEngine; namespace Nxr.Internal { [RequireComponent(typeof(Transform))] public class NibiruMarkerCamera : MonoBehaviour { public NibiruMarker nibiruMarker; private int updateProjMat = 0; NibiruService nibiruService; Camera cam; Transform cacheTransform; Vector3 firstFoundPosition =; private float lerpTime = 0; // Use this for initialization void Start() { nibiruService = NxrViewer.Instance.GetNibiruService(); cam = this.gameObject.GetComponent(); cacheTransform = transform; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (nibiruService != null && nibiruService.IsMarkerRecognizeRunning && (nibiruMarker != null && nibiruMarker.IsVisible()) && updateProjMat < 10) { float[] array = nibiruService.GetMarkerProjectionMatrix(); if (array != null) { // Marker识别到才进行更新Projection // Debug.Log(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cam.projectionMatrix : " + cam.projectionMatrix.ToString()); Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix = ARUtilityFunctions.MatrixFromFloatArray(nibiruService.GetMarkerProjectionMatrix()); cam.projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; NxrEye[] eyes = NxrViewer.Instance.eyes; if (eyes != null) { eyes[0].cam.projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; eyes[1].cam.projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; // 4:3=>12:9 || 16:9, 2/16 //eyes[0].cam.rect = new Rect(0.0625f, 0, 0.375f, 1); //eyes[1].cam.rect = new Rect(0.5625f, 0, 0.375f, 1); } updateProjMat++; } } if (nibiruMarker != null && nibiruMarker.IsVisible()) { Matrix4x4 cameraPose = nibiruMarker.CameraPose(); Vector3 arPosition = ARUtilityFunctions.PositionFromMatrix(cameraPose); // Camera orientation: In ARToolKit, zero rotation of the camera corresponds to looking vertically down on a marker // lying flat on the ground. In Unity however, if we still treat markers as being flat on the ground, we clash with Unity's // camera "rotation", because an unrotated Unity camera is looking horizontally. // So we choose to treat an unrotated marker as standing vertically, and apply a transform to the scene to // to get it to lie flat on the ground. Quaternion arRotation = ARUtilityFunctions.QuaternionFromMatrix(cameraPose); Vector3 leftCameraPosDiff = nibiruMarker.CameraPosition(0) - arPosition; Vector3 rightCameraPosDiff = nibiruMarker.CameraPosition(1) - arPosition; leftCameraPosDiff.y = 0; leftCameraPosDiff.z = 0; rightCameraPosDiff.y = 0; rightCameraPosDiff.z = 0; //DefaultPosition=(-0.1, -0.2, -0.3), Left=(-0.2, -0.3, -0.2), Right=(-0.1, -0.3, -0.3) //Debug.Log("DefaultPosition=" + arPosition.ToString("f4") + ", Left=" + nibiruMarker.CameraPosition(0).ToString("f4") // + ", Right=" + nibiruMarker.CameraPosition(1).ToString("f4") + ", Left Diff=" + leftCameraPosDiff.ToString("f4") // + ", Right Diff=" + rightCameraPosDiff.ToString("f4")); bool dtrMode = NxrGlobal.supportDtr && NxrGlobal.distortionEnabled; if (cacheTransform.localPosition.x == 0 && cacheTransform.localPosition.y == 0 && cacheTransform.localPosition.z == 0 && (arPosition.x != 0 || arPosition.y != 0 || arPosition.z != 0)) { Debug.Log("Move from (0,0,0) to " + arPosition.ToString()); firstFoundPosition = arPosition; } if((firstFoundPosition.x !=0 || firstFoundPosition.y != 0 || firstFoundPosition.z != 0) && lerpTime <= 1.0f) { // 插值移动到初始位置 lerpTime += Time.deltaTime; cacheTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(cacheTransform.localPosition, firstFoundPosition, lerpTime); // Debug.Log("====>" + cacheTransform.localPosition.ToString()); } else { cacheTransform.localPosition = arPosition; } cacheTransform.localRotation = arRotation; NxrGlobal.markerZDistance = Mathf.Abs(arPosition.z); // print // Debug.Log("POS = " + arPosition.ToString()); // Debug.Log("ROT = " + arRotation.ToString()); // print // 平滑处理 // cacheTransform.localRotation = SmoothMove(cacheTransform.localRotation, arRotation); NxrEye[] eyes = NxrViewer.Instance.eyes; if (eyes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // 非DTR取消左右眼偏移 if (!dtrMode && !NxrGlobal.offaxisDistortionEnabled) { // NED+ eyes[i].cacheTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } else if (!dtrMode && NxrGlobal.offaxisDistortionEnabled) { // Polaroid float offAxisCameraOffset = i == 0 ? -0.029f + leftCameraPosDiff.x + NxrGlobal.leftMarkerCameraOffSet : 0.029f + rightCameraPosDiff.x + NxrGlobal.rightMarkerCameraOffset; eyes[i].cacheTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(offAxisCameraOffset, 0, 0); // Debug.Log(i + "-------> " + eyes[i].cacheTransform.localPosition.ToString("f4") + ",leftCameraPosDiff="+ leftCameraPosDiff.x //+ ",rightCameraPosDiff="+ rightCameraPosDiff.x); } else { eyes[i].cacheTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(i == 0 ? -0.032f : 0.032f, 0, 0) + (i == 0 ? leftCameraPosDiff : rightCameraPosDiff); // Debug.Log(i + "-------> " + eyes[i].cacheTransform.localPosition.ToString("f4")); } } } // Debug.Log("camera pose->" + transform.localPosition.ToString() + "," + transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.ToString()); } } private bool triggerStop = false; private void OnDestroy() { if (nibiruService != null && nibiruService.IsMarkerRecognizeRunning) { nibiruService.StopMarkerRecognize(); triggerStop = true; } lerpTime = 0; firstFoundPosition =; Debug.Log("NibiruMarkerCamera.OnDestroy"); } private void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) { if (pause) { // 暂停相机 OnDestroy(); } else if (triggerStop) { if (nibiruService != null) { nibiruService.StartMarkerRecognize(); triggerStop = false; updateProjMat = 0; } } } } }