using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace Ximmerse.XR.Collections
struct InternalPointer
public IntPtr m_Pointer;
/// Native list which compares to Unity.Collections.NativeList, this type is able to be used as generic type to Unity's native array or native list collection types.
/// Make sure Dispose() is called properly.
/// Note: foreach() has GC problem due to type casting, using for() in most case.
internal unsafe struct xNativeList : IDisposable, IEnumerable, IList, IReadOnlyList where T : unmanaged
const int kDefaultIncrementElement = 8;
private const string kErrorMsgFormat01 = "Invalid index: {0} of accessing array length = {1}";
private const string kErrorMsg02 = "PENativeList is not created !";
/// Length of int, should be 4 in x64 platform.
static readonly int kLengthInt = Marshal.SizeOf();
/// Double kLengthInt.
static readonly int kLengthTwoInt = 2 * Marshal.SizeOf();
/// Capacity of the list
public int Capacity
return Marshal.ReadInt32(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer);
Marshal.WriteInt32(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, value);
/// Element length of the list
public int Length
return Marshal.ReadInt32(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthInt);
private set
Marshal.WriteInt32(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthInt, value);
int m_ElementSize;
/// Element size in memory bytes.
public int ElementSize
if (m_ElementSize == 0)
m_ElementSize = Marshal.SizeOf();
return m_ElementSize;
InternalPointer* m_InternalPointer;
/// Gets the pointer of the list memory.
/// First int(32bits, or 4 bytes) = capacity.
/// Second int(32bits, or 4 bytes) = length.
public IntPtr Pointer
return m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer;
/// Gets the data pointer of the list. The capacity / length is skipped .
/// The pointer should be used for reading or modifying data only.
public IntPtr ReadOnlyDataPointer
return IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt);
bool m_IsCreated;
/// If the native list has been allocated.
public bool IsCreated
get => m_IsCreated;
/// Element count of the list
public int Count => Length;
/// Is the list readonly ?
public bool IsReadOnly => false;
/// Create a new PENativeList with initial capacity.
public static xNativeList Create(int Capacity)
xNativeList list = default;
list.m_ElementSize = Marshal.SizeOf();
int sizeOfInterPtr = Marshal.SizeOf();
list.m_InternalPointer = (InternalPointer*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeOfInterPtr).ToPointer();
list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(list.m_ElementSize * Capacity + kLengthTwoInt); //[capacity] | [length] | [content]
Marshal.WriteInt32(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, Capacity);
Marshal.WriteInt32(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthInt, 0);
list.m_IsCreated = true;
return list;
/// Create a new PENativeList by given array
public static xNativeList Create(NativeArray nativeArray)
xNativeList list = default;
list.m_ElementSize = Marshal.SizeOf();
int lengthInByte = list.m_ElementSize * nativeArray.Length;
list.m_InternalPointer = (InternalPointer*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf()).ToPointer();
list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(lengthInByte + kLengthTwoInt); //[capacity] | [length] | [content]
Buffer.MemoryCopy(nativeArray.GetUnsafePtr(), IntPtr.Add(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt).ToPointer(), lengthInByte, lengthInByte);
Marshal.WriteInt32(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, nativeArray.Length);//capacity
Marshal.WriteInt32(IntPtr.Add(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthInt), nativeArray.Length);//length
list.m_IsCreated = true;
return list;
/// Create a new PENativeList by given array
public static xNativeList Create(T[] array)
xNativeList list = default;
list.m_ElementSize = Marshal.SizeOf();
int lengthInByte = list.m_ElementSize * array.Length;
list.m_InternalPointer = (InternalPointer*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf()).ToPointer();
list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(lengthInByte + kLengthTwoInt); //[capacity] | [length] | [content]
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(array, 0);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(ptr.ToPointer(), IntPtr.Add(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt).ToPointer(), lengthInByte, lengthInByte);
Marshal.WriteInt32(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, array.Length);//capacity
Marshal.WriteInt32(IntPtr.Add(list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthInt), array.Length);//length
list.m_IsCreated = true;
return list;
/// Allocates by another native list.
public static xNativeList Create(xNativeList source)
xNativeList list = default;
list.m_ElementSize = Marshal.SizeOf();
int lengthInByte = list.m_ElementSize * source.Length;
list.m_InternalPointer = (InternalPointer*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf()).ToPointer();
list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(lengthInByte + kLengthTwoInt); //[capacity] | [length] | [content]
//从source pointer执行 memory copy:
IntPtr ptr_source = source.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer;
Buffer.MemoryCopy(ptr_source.ToPointer(), (list.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer).ToPointer(), lengthInByte + kLengthTwoInt, lengthInByte + kLengthTwoInt);
list.m_IsCreated = true;
return list;
/// Gets/sets array element.
public T this[int index]
int length = this.Length;
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format(kErrorMsgFormat01, index, length));
T val = Marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize));
return val;
int length = this.Length;
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format(kErrorMsgFormat01, index, length));
T* p = &value;
Buffer.MemoryCopy(p, IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize).ToPointer(), ElementSize, ElementSize);
/// Appends a value to the list.
public void Add(T value)
int length = this.Length;
int capacity = this.Capacity;
if (length >= capacity)
Reallocate(capacity + kDefaultIncrementElement);
T* p = &value;
Buffer.MemoryCopy(p, IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + length * ElementSize).ToPointer(), ElementSize, ElementSize);
Length = length + 1;
/// Add multiple elements.
public void AddRange(T[] values)
int length = this.Length;
int capacity = this.Capacity;
if (length + values.Length >= capacity)
Reallocate(capacity + values.Length);
fixed (void* ptr = values)
Buffer.MemoryCopy(ptr, IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + length * ElementSize).ToPointer(), ElementSize * values.Length, ElementSize * values.Length);
Length = length + values.Length;
/// Add multiple elements.
public void AddRange(NativeArray array)
void* src = array.GetUnsafePtr();
if (this.Length + array.Length > this.Capacity)
Reallocate(this.Length + array.Length);
int currentLength = this.Length;
void* dst = IntPtr.Add(this.m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + currentLength * ElementSize).ToPointer();
Buffer.MemoryCopy(src, dst, array.Length * ElementSize, array.Length * ElementSize);
this.Length = array.Length + currentLength;
/// Remove element at index.
/// Performance tips : remove from the last index has best performance than remove from the head.
public void RemoveAt(int index)
int length = this.Length;
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format(kErrorMsgFormat01, index, length));
if (index == length - 1)
Length = length - 1;
//preservedLength 是要保留的内容长度
int preservedLength = length - index;
IntPtr slice = GetSlice(index + 1, preservedLength);
IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize).ToPointer(),
ElementSize * preservedLength,
ElementSize * preservedLength);
Length = length - 1;
/// Removes element
public bool Remove(T value)
int length = this.Length;
for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (this[i].Equals(value))
return true;
return false;
/// Convert the native list to native array.
public NativeArray ToArray(Allocator allocator)
NativeArray array = new NativeArray(this.Length, allocator);
xNativeList list = this;
for (int i = 0, iMax = list.Count; i < iMax; i++)
array[i] = list[i];
return array;
/// Clears all element
public void Clear()
Length = 0;
/// Reallocate a longer memory, the exists content is copied to new allocated memory area.List length remains unchanged.
/// Content length remains unchanged , while the list's capacity is extended.
/// The element length.
internal void Reallocate(int length)
IntPtr newBufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(kLengthTwoInt + length * ElementSize);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer.ToPointer(), newBufferPtr.ToPointer(), kLengthTwoInt + ElementSize * Length, kLengthTwoInt + ElementSize * Length);
m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer = newBufferPtr;
Capacity = length;
/// Gets a slice inside the list.
IntPtr GetSlice(int index, int length)
IntPtr slicePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length * ElementSize);
IntPtr src = IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(src.ToPointer(), slicePtr.ToPointer(), ElementSize * length, ElementSize * length);
return slicePtr;
/// Gets the element's data pointer at the index
public unsafe bool GetElementPtr(int index, out T* elementPtr)
elementPtr = default;
if (this.Length <= index)
return false;
var ptr = IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + m_ElementSize * index);
elementPtr = (T*)ptr.ToPointer();
return true;
/// Dispose the native list and deallocate the memory.
public void Dispose()
if (IsCreated)
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(m_InternalPointer));
m_IsCreated = false;
/// Gets enumerator.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new NativeListEnumerator(this);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return new NativeListEnumerator(this);
/// Find index of the element
public int IndexOf(T item)
int length = this.Length;
for (int i = 0, imax = length; i < imax; i++)
if (this[i].Equals(item))
return i;
return -1;
/// Inserts item at the index.
public void Insert(int index, T item)
int length = this.Length;
int capacity = this.Capacity;
if (length >= capacity)
Reallocate(capacity + kDefaultIncrementElement);
//先将 index 以后的元素后移一位:
int preservedLength = length - index;
IntPtr slice = GetSlice(index, preservedLength);
IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + (index + 1) * ElementSize).ToPointer(),
ElementSize * preservedLength,
ElementSize * preservedLength);
//然后将新的内容copy到 index 对应的位置
T* p = &item;
Buffer.MemoryCopy(p, IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize).ToPointer(), ElementSize, ElementSize);
Length = length + 1;
/// Inserts items at the index.
public void InsertValues(int index, T[] items)
int length = this.Length;
int capacity = this.Capacity;
if (length + items.Length >= capacity)
Reallocate(capacity +
items.Length + kDefaultIncrementElement);
//先将 index 以后的元素后移N位:
int preservedLength = length - index;
IntPtr slice = GetSlice(index, preservedLength);
IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + (index + items.Length) * ElementSize).ToPointer(),
ElementSize * preservedLength,
ElementSize * preservedLength);
//然后将新的内容copy到 index 对应的位置
IntPtr srcPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(items, 0);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(srcPtr.ToPointer(), IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize).ToPointer(), ElementSize * items.Length, ElementSize * items.Length);
Length = length + items.Length;
/// Inserts items at the index.
public void InsertValues(int index, NativeArray items)
int length = this.Length;
int capacity = this.Capacity;
if (length + items.Length >= capacity)
Reallocate(capacity +
items.Length + kDefaultIncrementElement);
//先将 index 以后的元素后移N位:
int preservedLength = length - index;
IntPtr slice = GetSlice(index, preservedLength);
IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + (index + items.Length) * ElementSize).ToPointer(),
ElementSize * preservedLength,
ElementSize * preservedLength);
//然后将新的内容copy到 index 对应的位置
void* srcPtr = items.GetUnsafePtr();
Buffer.MemoryCopy(srcPtr, IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt + index * ElementSize).ToPointer(), ElementSize * items.Length, ElementSize * items.Length);
Length = length + items.Length;
/// If the item presents in the list
public bool Contains(T item)
int length = this.Length;
for (int i = 0, imax = length; i < imax; i++)
if (this[i].Equals(item))
return true;
return false;
/// Copy content to array
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
int length = this.Length;
if ((arrayIndex + length) > array.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("ArrayIndex + m_Length: {0} GE array length :{1}", arrayIndex + length, array.Length));
if (length == 0)
return;//nothing to copy ...
fixed (void* dst = array)
IntPtr dstPtr = arrayIndex > 0 ? IntPtr.Add(new IntPtr(dst), ElementSize * arrayIndex) : new IntPtr(dst);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt).ToPointer(), dstPtr.ToPointer(), ElementSize * length, ElementSize * length);
/// Copy content to array
public void CopyTo(NativeArray nativeArray, int arrayIndex)
int length = this.Length;
if ((arrayIndex + length) > nativeArray.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("ArrayIndex + m_Length: {0} GE array length :{1}", arrayIndex + length, nativeArray.Length));
if (length == 0)
return;//nothing to copy ...
void* ptr = nativeArray.GetUnsafePtr();
Buffer.MemoryCopy(IntPtr.Add(m_InternalPointer->m_Pointer, kLengthTwoInt).ToPointer(), ptr, ElementSize * length, ElementSize * length);
private void CheckSafety()
if (!m_IsCreated)
throw new InvalidOperationException(kErrorMsg02);
/// Enumerator for PENativeList
internal struct NativeListEnumerator : IEnumerator where T : unmanaged
xNativeList m_list;
int m_index;
public NativeListEnumerator(xNativeList lst)
m_list = lst;
m_index = -1;
public T Current => m_list[m_index];
object IEnumerator.Current => m_list[m_index];
public void Dispose()
public bool MoveNext()
int max = m_list.Length;
if (m_index < max)
return true;
else return false;
public void Reset()
m_index = -1;