using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Scripting; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Jobs; using System.IO; using System; using Ximmerse.XR.Utils; using Ximmerse.XR.Internal; using SXR; using Ximmerse.XR.Tag; namespace Ximmerse.XR { /// /// Ximmerse XR public interface /// public static class XimmerseXR { /// /// Gets the front end RGB camera's texture. /// If it's null, calls RequestWebCamTexture() to request one. /// public static WebCamTexture RGBCameraTexture { get; private set; } /// /// Starts internal web camera rgb camera texture. /// /// /// /// internal static void RequestOpenRGBCamera(int width, int height, int fps = 60) { WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices; if (devices.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("RequestOpenRGBCamera() error : Fail to obtain any web camera texture !"); return; } if (RGBCameraTexture && RGBCameraTexture.isPlaying) { Debug.Log("RequestOpenRGBCamera() : web camera texture is already playing !"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { var _device = devices[i]; if (_device.isFrontFacing == true) { //RhinoX using front facing camera RGBCameraTexture = new WebCamTexture(, width, height, fps); RGBCameraTexture.Play(); break; } } } /// /// Stops the internal WebCam rgb camera texture and dispose the webCamTexture object. /// internal static void RequestStopRGBCamera() { if (RGBCameraTexture && RGBCameraTexture.isPlaying) { RGBCameraTexture.Stop(); RGBCameraTexture = null; } } /// /// Display eye reticle app. /// public static bool DisplayReticle { get => SvrPluginAndroid.Unity_getReticleRendering(); set { SvrPluginAndroid.Unity_setReticleRendering(value); } } /// /// Sets reticle texture id. /// public static void SetReticleTexture(int texturePtr, int width, int height) { SvrPluginAndroid.Unity_setReticleTextureId(texturePtr, width, height); } /// /// Toggle overlay rendering on/off. /// public static bool OverlayRendering { get => SvrPluginAndroid.Unity_getOverlayRendering(); set { SvrPluginAndroid.Unity_setOverlayRendering(value); } } /// /// Sets overlay renderer texture id. /// public static void SetOverlayRendererTextureID(int texturePtrLeft, int texturePtrRight) { SvrPluginAndroid.Unity_setOverlayRenderingTextureId(texturePtrLeft, texturePtrRight); } /// /// Loads a track profile. /// /// public static void LoadTrackingProfile(TrackingItem[] trackingItems) { XDevicePlugin.ResetTrackingMarkerSettings(); foreach (var item in trackingItems) { NativeArray ids = new NativeArray(item.MarkerIDs.Length, Allocator.TempJob); //XDevicePlugin.LoadTrackingMarkerSettingsFile("/sdcard/vpusdk/marker_calib/BEACON/BEACON-500.json", ref ids, 100); XDevicePlugin.LoadTrackingMarkerSettingsFile(item.jsonName, ref ids, ids.Length); ids.Dispose(); } } /// /// Loads ground plane layout. /// /// public static void LoadGroundPlaneLayout(GroundPlaneLayout layout) { if (SDKVariants.IsSupported) PluginVioFusion.plugin_vio_fusion_reset(0); foreach (var _group in layout.groundPlaneGroups) { foreach (var groundPlane in _group.groundPlanes) { PluginVioFusion.XAttrBeaconInWorldInfo beacon_in_world_info = new PluginVioFusion.XAttrBeaconInWorldInfo(groundPlane.track_id); //Base setting: beacon_in_world_info.group_id = _group.groupIndex; Quaternion q = Quaternion.Euler(groundPlane.euler); beacon_in_world_info.beacon_id = groundPlane.track_id; beacon_in_world_info.rotation[0] = q.x; beacon_in_world_info.rotation[1] = q.y; beacon_in_world_info.rotation[2] = q.z; beacon_in_world_info.rotation[3] = q.w; beacon_in_world_info.position[0] = groundPlane.position.x; beacon_in_world_info.position[1] = groundPlane.position.y; beacon_in_world_info.position[2] = groundPlane.position.z; //Advance setting: beacon_in_world_info.drift_recenter_angle_threshold = groundPlane.technicalParameter.drift_recenter_angle_threshold; beacon_in_world_info.drift_recenter_distance_threshold = groundPlane.technicalParameter.drift_recenter_distance_threshold; beacon_in_world_info.coord_system_flag = 1; //0=right hand coord system, 1 = left hand coord system, constantly left hand for unity beacon_in_world_info.confidence_thresh = groundPlane.technicalParameter.confidence_thresh; beacon_in_world_info.max_distance_thresh = groundPlane.technicalParameter.max_distance_thresh; beacon_in_world_info.min_distance_thresh = groundPlane.technicalParameter.min_distance_thresh; PluginVioFusion.plugin_vio_fusion_set_param(ref beacon_in_world_info); Debug.LogFormat("Inject fusion ground plane id : {0}", groundPlane.track_id); } } SDKVariants.groundPlaneLayout = layout;//update current active layout if (SDKVariants.IsSupported) PluginVioFusion.plugin_vio_fusion_run(0); } } }