using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace Ximmerse.XR.InputSystems.GazeAndGestureInteraction { /// /// Gaze and hand interaction system manages how XR user interacts world objects withe eye reticle and hand gesture. /// public partial class GazeAndHandInteractionSystem { /// /// UI objects interaction state. /// internal class ObjectsInteractionState : I_InteractionState { public bool IsEnabled { get; private set; } Transform mainCam; GameObject palm; LockedGameObjectInfo lockInfo = new LockedGameObjectInfo(); public void OnEnable() { } public void OnDisable() { } public void OnReticleEnter() { } public void Tick() { if (!mainCam) { mainCam = Camera.main.transform; } if (palm==null) { VirtualHandRenderer hand = FindObjectOfType(); palm = hand.palm; } if (HandTracking.HandTrackingInfo.IsTracking == false) { //Clear lock info: if (lockInfo.lockType != LockedGameObjectInfo.LockType.None && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lockInfo.lockTime) >= 0.333f) { lockInfo.lockType = LockedGameObjectInfo.LockType.None; lockInfo.lockedReference = null; Debug.Log("Slider UI : Clear 1 : " + HandTracking.HandTrackingInfo.IsTracking); } return; } var isHoveringUI = GazeAndHandInteractionSystem.instance.eyeReticle.CurrentInteractingTarget.isUI; bool isclosepinch = HandTracking.HandTrackingInfo.NativeGestureType == (int)TouchlessA3D.GestureType.CLOSED_PINCH; bool isclosehand = HandTracking.HandTrackingInfo.gestureFistOpenHand == GestureType_Fist_OpenHand.Fist; bool isPinchGesture = false; if (isclosepinch || isclosehand) { isPinchGesture = true; } else { isPinchGesture = false; } //Debug.Log("miao0" +; //var isPinchGesture = HandTracking.HandTrackingInfo.NativeGestureType == (byte)(TouchlessA3D.GestureType.CLOSED_PINCH); //设置 lock target : slider UI: if (isPinchGesture) { } } private void MoveSliderUI(GameObject target) { //Debug.Log("miao:" +; target.transform.parent = palm.transform; //Debug.Log("miao:target " + target.transform.position); } public void OnReticleExit() { } } } }