UnityEngine.VehiclesModule The Vehicles module implements vehicle physics simulation through the WheelCollider component. A special collider for vehicle wheels. Brake torque expressed in Newton metres. The center of the wheel, measured in the object's local space. Application point of the suspension and tire forces measured from the base of the resting wheel. Properties of tire friction in the direction the wheel is pointing in. Indicates whether the wheel currently collides with something (Read Only). The mass of the wheel, expressed in kilograms. Must be larger than zero. Typical values would be in range (20,80). Motor torque on the wheel axle expressed in Newton metres. Positive or negative depending on direction. The radius of the wheel, measured in local space. Current wheel axle rotation speed, in rotations per minute (Read Only). Properties of tire friction in the sideways direction. The mass supported by this WheelCollider. Steering angle in degrees, always around the local y-axis. Maximum extension distance of wheel suspension, measured in local space. Limits the expansion velocity of the Wheel Collider's suspension. If you set this property on a Rigidbody that has several Wheel Colliders, such as a vehicle, then it affects all other Wheel Colliders on the Rigidbody. Turns on/off the property The parameters of wheel's suspension. The suspension attempts to reach a target position by applying a linear force and a damping force. The damping rate of the wheel. Must be larger than zero. Configure vehicle sub-stepping parameters. The speed threshold of the sub-stepping algorithm. Amount of simulation sub-steps when vehicle's speed is below speedThreshold. Amount of simulation sub-steps when vehicle's speed is above speedThreshold. Gets ground collision data for the wheel. Gets the world space pose of the wheel accounting for ground contact, suspension limits, steer angle, and rotation angle (angles in degrees). Position of the wheel in world space. Rotation of the wheel in world space. Reset the sprung masses of the vehicle. Contact information for the wheel, reported by WheelCollider. The other Collider the wheel is hitting. The magnitude of the force being applied for the contact. The direction the wheel is pointing in. Tire slip in the rolling direction. Acceleration slip is negative, braking slip is positive. The normal at the point of contact. The point of contact between the wheel and the ground. The sideways direction of the wheel. Tire slip in the sideways direction.