UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule Specification for how to render a character from the font texture. See Font.characterInfo. The horizontal distance, rounded to the nearest integer, from the origin of this character to the origin of the next character. The horizontal distance from the origin of this glyph to the begining of the glyph image. Is the character flipped? The height of the glyph image. The width of the glyph image. Unicode value of the character. The maximum extend of the glyph image in the x-axis. The maximum extend of the glyph image in the y-axis. The minium extend of the glyph image in the x-axis. The minimum extend of the glyph image in the y-axis. The size of the character or 0 if it is the default font size. The style of the character. UV coordinates for the character in the texture. The uv coordinate matching the bottom left of the glyph image in the font texture. The uv coordinate matching the bottom right of the glyph image in the font texture. The uv coordinate matching the top left of the glyph image in the font texture. The uv coordinate matching the top right of the glyph image in the font texture. Screen coordinates for the character in generated text meshes. How far to advance between the beginning of this charcater and the next. Script interface for. The ascent of the font. Access an array of all characters contained in the font texture. Is the font a dynamic font. The default size of the font. The line height of the font. The material used for the font display. Set a function to be called when the dynamic font texture is rebuilt. Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine. The name of the OS font to use for this font object. The default character size of the generated font. Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used. The generate Font object. Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine. The name of the OS font to use for this font object. The default character size of the generated font. Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used. The generate Font object. Create a new Font. The name of the created Font object. Create a new Font. The name of the created Font object. Get rendering info for a specific character. The character you need rendering information for. Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available). The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size). The style of the character. Get rendering info for a specific character. The character you need rendering information for. Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available). The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size). The style of the character. Get rendering info for a specific character. The character you need rendering information for. Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available). The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size). The style of the character. Returns the maximum number of verts that the text generator may return for a given string. Input string. Get names of fonts installed on the machine. An array of the names of all fonts installed on the machine. Gets the file paths of the fonts that are installed on the operating system. An array of the file paths of all fonts installed on the machine. Does this font have a specific character? The character to check for. Whether or not the font has the character specified. Request characters to be added to the font texture (dynamic fonts only). The characters which are needed to be in the font texture. The size of the requested characters (the default value of zero will use the font's default size). The style of the requested characters. Font Style applied to GUI Texts, Text Meshes or GUIStyles. Bold style applied to your texts. Bold and Italic styles applied to your texts. Italic style applied to your texts. No special style is applied. Wrapping modes for text that reaches the horizontal boundary. Text can exceed the horizontal boundary. Text will word-wrap when reaching the horizontal boundary. How multiline text should be aligned. Text lines are centered. Text lines are aligned on the left side. Text lines are aligned on the right side. Where the anchor of the text is placed. Text is anchored in lower side, centered horizontally. Text is anchored in lower left corner. Text is anchored in lower right corner. Text is centered both horizontally and vertically. Text is anchored in left side, centered vertically. Text is anchored in right side, centered vertically. Text is anchored in upper side, centered horizontally. Text is anchored in upper left corner. Text is anchored in upper right corner. A struct that stores the settings for TextGeneration. Use the extents of glyph geometry to perform horizontal alignment rather than glyph metrics. The base color for the text generation. Font to use for generation. Font size. Font style. Continue to generate characters even if the text runs out of bounds. Extents that the generator will attempt to fit the text in. What happens to text when it reaches the horizontal generation bounds. The line spacing multiplier. Generated vertices are offset by the pivot. Should the text be resized to fit the configured bounds? Maximum size for resized text. Minimum size for resized text. Allow rich text markup in generation. A scale factor for the text. This is useful if the Text is on a Canvas and the canvas is scaled. How is the generated text anchored. Should the text generator update the bounds from the generated text. What happens to text when it reaches the bottom generation bounds. Class that can be used to generate text for rendering. The number of characters that have been generated. The number of characters that have been generated and are included in the visible lines. Array of generated characters. The size of the font that was found if using best fit mode. Number of text lines generated. Information about each generated text line. Extents of the generated text in rect format. Number of vertices generated. Array of generated vertices. Create a TextGenerator. Create a TextGenerator. Populate the given List with UICharInfo. List to populate. Returns the current UICharInfo. Character information. Populate the given list with UILineInfo. List to populate. Returns the current UILineInfo. Line information. Given a string and settings, returns the preferred height for a container that would hold this text. Generation text. Settings for generation. Preferred height. Given a string and settings, returns the preferred width for a container that would hold this text. Generation text. Settings for generation. Preferred width. Populate the given list with generated Vertices. List to populate. Returns the current UIVertex array. Vertices. Mark the text generator as invalid. This will force a full text generation the next time Populate is called. Will generate the vertices and other data for the given string with the given settings. String to generate. Settings. Will generate the vertices and other data for the given string with the given settings. String to generate. Generation settings. The object used as context of the error log message, if necessary. True if the generation is a success, false otherwise. A script interface for the. How lines of text are aligned (Left, Right, Center). Which point of the text shares the position of the Transform. The size of each character (This scales the whole text). The color used to render the text. The Font used. The font size to use (for dynamic fonts). The font style to use (for dynamic fonts). How much space will be in-between lines of text. How far should the text be offset from the transform.position.z when drawing. Enable HTML-style tags for Text Formatting Markup. How much space will be inserted for a tab '\t' character. This is a multiplum of the 'spacebar' character offset. The text that is displayed. Class that specifies some information about a renderable character. Character width. Position of the character cursor in local (text generated) space. Information about a generated line of text. Height of the line. Space in pixels between this line and the next line. Index of the first character in the line. The upper Y position of the line in pixels. This is used for text annotation such as the caret and selection box in the InputField. Vertex class used by a Canvas for managing vertices. Vertex color. Normal. Vertex position. Simple UIVertex with sensible settings for use in the UI system. Tangent. The first texture coordinate set of the mesh. Used by UI elements by default. The second texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. The Third texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. The forth texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. The TextRendering module provides access to Unity's text rendering system. Wrapping modes for text that reaches the vertical boundary. Text well continue to generate when reaching vertical boundary. Text will be clipped when reaching the vertical boundary.