UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule Describes the information about the edge and how to tessellate it. The maximum angle to be considered within this range. The render order of the edges that belong in this range. The list of Sprites that are associated with this range. The minimum angle to be considered within this range. Data that describes the important points of the shape. The position of the left tangent in local space. The various modes of the tangent handles. They could be continuous or broken. The position of this point in the object's local space. The position of the right tangent point in the local space. Additional data about the shape's control point. This is useful during tessellation of the shape. The threshold of the angle that decides if it should be tessellated as a curve or a corner. The radius of the curve to be tessellated. True will indicate that this point should be tessellated as a corner or a continuous line otherwise. The height of the tessellated edge. The Sprite to be used for a particular edge. Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator. If enabled, the tessellator will adapt the size of the quads based on the height of the edge. The threshold of the angle that indicates whether it is a corner or not. The threshold of the angle that decides if it should be tessellated as a curve or a corner. The radius of the curve to be tessellated. The local displacement of the Sprite when tessellated. If true, the Shape will be tessellated as a closed form. The scale to be used to calculate the UVs of the fill texture. The texture to be used for the fill of the SpriteShape. If enabled the tessellator will consider creating corners based on the various input parameters. The tessellation quality of the input Spline that determines the complexity of the mesh. The borders to be used for calculating the uv of the edges based on the border info found in Sprites. Stretch the UV mapping for the Fill texture. The world space transform of the GameObject used for calculating the UVs of the Fill texture. Renders SpriteShapes defined through the SpriteShapeUtility.GenerateSpriteShape API. Rendering color for the SpriteShape. Specifies how the SpriteShape interacts with the masks. Get Bounds data as NativeArray. The array count of this NativeArray will always be 1. NativeArray of Bounds of SpriteShapeRenderer. The size of this will always be 1. Get/Set an array of mesh data of SpriteShapeRenderer. Size to be reserved for the NativeArray. NativeArray of indices. NativeSlice of vertices. NativeSlice of texture coordinate for channel 0. NativeSlice of tangents. NativeSlice of normals. Get/Set an array of mesh data of SpriteShapeRenderer. Size to be reserved for the NativeArray. NativeArray of indices. NativeSlice of vertices. NativeSlice of texture coordinate for channel 0. NativeSlice of tangents. NativeSlice of normals. Get/Set an array of mesh data of SpriteShapeRenderer. Size to be reserved for the NativeArray. NativeArray of indices. NativeSlice of vertices. NativeSlice of texture coordinate for channel 0. NativeSlice of tangents. NativeSlice of normals. Get/Set an array of segments of SpriteShapeRenderer. Size to be reserved for the segments array. Size to be reserved for the NativeArray. Prepare and generate the SpriteShape geometry that will be fed to SpriteShape generator for rendering. JobHandle for the C# based SpriteShape Generator Job. Sprite Shape generation input params. Input list of Sprites. Provides methods for setting the bounding volume of the Sprite Shape geometry. The bounding volume of geometry. SpriteShapeSegment contains info of sub-meshes generated by the SpriteShape generator C# Job later fed to SpriteShapeRenderer. Geometry index of list of sub-meshes generated by SpriteShape. Index count of SpriteShape sub-mesh. Index of sprite that is used to generate segment/corner for this SpriteShapeSegment. Vertex count of SpriteShape sub-mesh. A static class that helps tessellate a SpriteShape mesh. Generate a mesh based on input parameters. The output mesh. Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator. A list of control points that describes the shape. Additional data about the shape's control point. This is useful during tessellation of the shape. The list of Sprites that could be used for the edges. The list of Sprites that could be used for the corners. A parameter that determins how to tessellate each of the edge. Generate a mesh based on input parameters. SpriteShapeRenderer to which the generated geometry is fed to. Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator. A list of control points that describes the shape. Additional data about the shape's control point. This is useful during tessellation of the shape. The list of Sprites that could be used for the edges. The list of Sprites that could be used for the corners. A parameter that determins how to tessellate each of the edge.