UnityEngine.NVIDIAModule Represents the state of a DLSSContext. If you call Device.ExecuteDLSS, Unity sends the values in this struct to the runtime. After this, you can change the values in this struct without any side effects. Indicates if the X axis is inverted. Set to 0 or 1. Indicates if the Y axis is inverted. Set to 0 or 1. The x-axis jitter camera offset in device coordinates. The y-axis jitter camera offset in device coordinates. If you set the NVIDIA.DLSSFeatureFlags.MVLowRes flag, this value indicates the scale (smaller) of the motion vector buffer input texture used in the x-axis. If you set the NVIDIA.DLSSFeatureFlags.MVLowRes flag, this value indicates the scale (smaller) of the motion vector buffer input texture used in the y-axis. Specifies a pre exposure multiplier for the input color texture. Indicates whether to invalidate the history buffers. Specifies how sharp the frame should look as a value from 0 to 1. The subrectangle height of input buffers to use. The subrectangle x-axis offset of input buffers to use. The subrectangle y-axis offset of input buffers to use. The subrectangle width of input buffers to use. Represent the initialization state of a DLSSContext. You can only use and set this when calling GraphicsDevice.CreateFeature. Bit mask containing feature flags to be used for DLSS. The texture input height size of the input buffers in texels. The texture input width size of the input buffers in texels. The output buffer height size in texels to upscale to. The output buffer width size in texels to upscale to. The quality property for DLSS. Helper function. Gets weither if a DLSS feature is set or unset. See Also: NVIDIA.DLSSFeatureFlags. The feature flag to get the state from. Indicates whether the feautre state is set or unset. Helper function. Controls the feature flags used by DLSS. See Also: NVIDIA.DLSSFeatureFlags. The feature flag to set or unset. Indicates whether to set or unset the flag. Represents the state of DLSS. The mutable state of the current DLSS object. The immutable initialization data the DLSSContext requires. Represents debug information for a particular DLSSContext. The last execution data which the DLSSContext during execution. See Also: GraphicsDevice.ExecuteDLSS The internal feature slot ID. You can use this feature slot as a unique identifier for DLSSCommand objects. Only use this for debugging purposes. The init data which the DLSSContext used. Debug information that indicates whether the feature last execution was valid or not. Options that represent subfeatures of DLSS. Indicates whether to invert the depth buffer or not. Indicates whether to use the sharpening feature or not. Indicates whether the input buffer uses high dynamic range. If set, the input buffer is raw luminance, if not set, the input buffer is normalized color. Indicates whether the input motion vector buffer is jittered or not. If set, you must specify NVIDIA.DLSSCommandExecutionData.jitterOffsetX and NVIDIA.DLSSCommandExecutionData.jitterOffsetY. Indicates whether the input motion vector buffer is a lower resolution than the output. If set, you must specify NVIDIA.DLSSCommandExecutionData.mvScaleX and NVIDIA.DLSSCommandExecutionData.mvScaleY. Disables every subfeature. Options for DLSS performance modes. Balances performance with quality. Fast performance, lower quality. High quality, less performant. Fastest performance, lowest quality. The set of texture slots available for the DLSSContext. SA GraphicsDevice.ExecuteDLSS A mask, same size as colorInput, preferably of format R8_UNORM that informs DLSS of possible moving pixels. If heavy ghosting is encountered, set pixels to this mask to fix the problem. This texture is optional. The input color buffer to upsample for DLSSContext. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value. The output color buffer to write the upsampling result for DLSSContext. This must be large enough to fit in the output rect specified in the command. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value. The input depth buffer. This must be the same size as the input color buffer. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value. A 1x1 texture with pre-exposure values. If you do not use pre-exposure, do not set this texture. This texture is optional. The motion vectors requested by the DLSSContext. Depending on the NVIDIA.DLSSFeatureFlags specified in DLSSContext.initData, this buffer can be a smaller scale or the full output resolution. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value. A transparency bit mask. This must be the same size as the input texture. This texture helps the DLSSContext with ghosting issues. This texture is optional. Provides the main entry point for the NVIDIA Module. Use this to interact with specific NVIDIA graphics card features. Gets the device created by GraphicsDevice.CreateGraphicsDevice. If the device hasn't been created this property evaluates to null. Gets the version that corresponds to Unity's host plugin that manages the NVIDIA.NVUnityPlugin official library. Creates an object containing debug information of the device. Returns an object of type NVIDIA.GraphicsDeviceDebugView. This object contains a snapshot of the debug information of the device.. Creates a specific NVIDIA feature. The rendering command buffer to record commands into. This call does not execute the command buffer, you must execute the command buffer yourself at any time after this call. Initial settings structure for the specific feature. Returns a Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) context object. Creates the main API object. Call this method only once in your application. The projectID of the Unity project. Only the first call to this function uses this ID. Specifies the directory in which the NVIDIA DLLS are located at. When not used, the system will locate the DLLs right next to the executable of the editor. The Device API object to access NVIDIA features. If you call this function again, the function returns the same device, regardless of whether you pass in a different projectID. Creates the main API object. Call this method only once in your application. The projectID of the Unity project. Only the first call to this function uses this ID. Specifies the directory in which the NVIDIA DLLS are located at. When not used, the system will locate the DLLs right next to the executable of the editor. The Device API object to access NVIDIA features. If you call this function again, the function returns the same device, regardless of whether you pass in a different projectID. Creates the main API object. Call this method only once in your application. The projectID of the Unity project. Only the first call to this function uses this ID. Specifies the directory in which the NVIDIA DLLS are located at. When not used, the system will locate the DLLs right next to the executable of the editor. The Device API object to access NVIDIA features. If you call this function again, the function returns the same device, regardless of whether you pass in a different projectID. Creates the main API object. Call this method only once in your application. The projectID of the Unity project. Only the first call to this function uses this ID. Specifies the directory in which the NVIDIA DLLS are located at. When not used, the system will locate the DLLs right next to the executable of the editor. The Device API object to access NVIDIA features. If you call this function again, the function returns the same device, regardless of whether you pass in a different projectID. Deletes a debug view created with GraphicsDevice.CreateDebugView. The debug view object to use. This is the object that GraphicsDevice.CreateDebugView returns. Destroys a specific feature created with GraphicsDevice.CreateFeature. The rendering command buffer to record commands into. This call does not execute the command buffer, you must execute the command buffer yourself at any time after this call. The command object to destroy. Records the execution of DLSS into a rendering command buffer. This call does not execute the command buffer, it only appends custom commands into it. The rendering command buffer to record commands into. This call does not execute the command buffer, you must execute the command buffer yourself at any time after this call. The source feature context to execute. You must set the parameters for this command in the DLSSContext object prior to this call. The texture table, where inputs / outputs are specified for DLSS to execute. Returns a structure containing the optimal settings for a specific target resolution and quality. Target width in pixels. Target height in pixels. Current quality setting. Output structure, which will be filled with the recommended optimal settings data. True if the function has successfully populated optimalSettings. False if it failed. Checks if the current NVIDIA graphics card supports the feature you specify using the GraphicsDeviceFeature enum. The Feature enum value that represents the feature to check support for. Returns true if the graphics card supports the feature. Otherwise, returns false. Updates a snapshpot of the debug information for the view object passed. The object to update. You must create this using GraphicsDevice.CreateDebugView before you call this function. Represents a memory snapshot of the current feature states. The memory of the arrays/buffers in this struct are tied to the lifetime of the debug view. See Also: GraphicsDevice.CreateDebugView, GraphicsDevice.UpdateDebugView and GraphicsDevice.DeleteDebugView. The version that corresponds to Unity's host plugin NVUnityPlugin. A snapshot enumeration of all the active dlss features information currently active in the runtime. The method GraphicsDevice.UpdateDebugView will performs update on this snapshot. The current version id of the official internal NV NGX library. This version can change if you swap the DLLs for DLSS. Lists every feature ID the NVIDIA.GraphicsDevice API supports. For now, this only includes Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS). To check if the device supports a feature, call NVIDIA.GraphicsDevice.IsFeatureAvailable. Represents the Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) feature. Provides methods to manage loading and unloading NVIDIA module plugins. Checks wether the native plugin NVUnityPlugin in the NVIDIA native module has been loaded or not. Returns true if the native plug has been loaded. Otherwise, returns false. Attempts to dynamically load the plugin NVUnityPlugin. Returns true if the function loaded the plugin successfully. Otherwise, returns false. Represents the performance settings that DLSS recommends based on the system's graphics card and the size of the input and output color buffers. See Also: GraphicsDevice.GetOptimalSettings The maximum height that DLSS recommends for dynamic resolution. The maximum width that DLSS recommends for dynamic resolution. The minimum height that DLSS recommends for dynamic resolution. The minimum width that DLSS recommends for dynamic resolution. The height of the output render resolution that DLSS recommends. The width of the output render resolution that DLSS recommends. The sharpness value that DLSS recommends. A module that contains API you can use to interact with NVIDIA graphics cards.