UnityEngine.GameCenterModule Generic access to the Social API. The local user (potentially not logged in). This is the currently active social platform. Create an IAchievement instance. Create an ILeaderboard instance. Loads the achievement descriptions associated with this application. Load the achievements the logged in user has already achieved or reported progress on. Load a default set of scores from the given leaderboard. Load the user profiles associated with the given array of user IDs. Reports the progress of an achievement. Report a score to a specific leaderboard. Show a default/system view of the games achievements. Show a default/system view of the games leaderboards. iOS GameCenter implementation for network services. Reset all the achievements for the local user. Show the default iOS banner when achievements are completed. Show the leaderboard UI with a specific leaderboard shown initially with a specific time scope selected. Information for a user's achievement. Set to true when percentCompleted is 100.0. This achievement is currently hidden from the user. The unique identifier of this achievement. Set by server when percentCompleted is updated. Progress for this achievement. Send notification about progress on this achievement. Static data describing an achievement. Description when the achivement is completed. Hidden achievement are not shown in the list until the percentCompleted has been touched (even if it's 0.0). Unique identifier for this achievement description. Image representation of the achievement. Point value of this achievement. Human readable title. Description when the achivement has not been completed. The leaderboard contains the scores of all players for a particular game. Unique identifier for this leaderboard. The leaderboad is in the process of loading scores. The leaderboard score of the logged in user. The total amount of scores the leaderboard contains. The rank range this leaderboard returns. The leaderboard scores returned by a query. The time period/scope searched by this leaderboard. The human readable title of this leaderboard. The users scope searched by this leaderboard. Load scores according to the filters set on this leaderboard. Only search for these user IDs. List of user ids. Represents the local or currently logged in user. Checks if the current user has been authenticated. The users friends list. Is the user underage? Authenticate the local user to the current active Social API implementation and fetch his profile data. Callback that is called whenever the authentication operation is finished. The first parameter is a Boolean identifying whether the authentication operation was successful. The optional second argument contains a string identifying any errors (if available) if the operation was unsuccessful. Authenticate the local user to the current active Social API implementation and fetch his profile data. Callback that is called whenever the authentication operation is finished. The first parameter is a Boolean identifying whether the authentication operation was successful. The optional second argument contains a string identifying any errors (if available) if the operation was unsuccessful. Fetches the friends list of the logged in user. The friends list on the ISocialPlatform.localUser|Social.localUser instance is populated if this call succeeds. Returns the ID provided in the Apple GameKit by GKPlayer.playerID (deprecated and marked obsolete in iOS 12.4). A game score. The date the score was achieved. The correctly formatted value of the score, like X points or X kills. The ID of the leaderboard this score belongs to. The rank or position of the score in the leaderboard. The user who owns this score. The score value achieved. Report this score instance. The generic Social API interface which implementations must inherit. See Social.localUser. See Social.CreateAchievement.. See Social.CreateLeaderboard. See Social.LoadAchievementDescriptions. See Social.LoadAchievements. See Social.LoadScores. See Social.LoadScores. See Social.LoadUsers. See Social.ReportProgress. See Social.ReportScore. See Social.ShowAchievementsUI. See Social.ShowLeaderboardUI. Represents generic user instances, like friends of the local user. This user's global unique identifier. Avatar image of the user. Is this user a friend of the current logged in user? Presence state of the user. This user's username or alias. The score range a leaderboard query should include. The total amount of scores retreived. The rank of the first score which is returned. Constructor for a score range, the range starts from a specific value and contains a maxium score count. The minimum allowed value. The number of possible values. The scope of time searched through when querying the leaderboard. The scope of the users searched through when querying the leaderboard. User presence state. The user is offline. The user is online. The user is online but away from their computer. The user is online but set their status to busy. The user is playing a game. The GameCenter module provides APIs to use Apple's GameCenter service.