UnityEngine.AnimationModule The animation component is used to play back animations. When turned on, Unity might stop animating if it thinks that the results of the animation won't be visible to the user. When turned on, animations will be executed in the physics loop. This is only useful in conjunction with kinematic rigidbodies. The default animation. Controls culling of this Animation component. Is an animation currently being played? AABB of this Animation animation component in local space. Should the default animation clip (the Animation.clip property) automatically start playing on startup? How should time beyond the playback range of the clip be treated? Adds a clip to the animation with name newName. Adds clip to the only play between firstFrame and lastFrame. The new clip will also be added to the animation with name newName. Should an extra frame be inserted at the end that matches the first frame? Turn this on if you are making a looping animation. Adds clip to the only play between firstFrame and lastFrame. The new clip will also be added to the animation with name newName. Should an extra frame be inserted at the end that matches the first frame? Turn this on if you are making a looping animation. Blends the animation named animation towards targetWeight over the next time seconds. Blends the animation named animation towards targetWeight over the next time seconds. Blends the animation named animation towards targetWeight over the next time seconds. Fades in the animation with the name animation over a period of time defined by fadeLength. Fades in the animation with the name animation over a period of time defined by fadeLength. Fades in the animation with the name animation over a period of time defined by fadeLength. Cross fades an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Cross fades an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Cross fades an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Cross fades an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Get the number of clips currently assigned to this animation. Is the animation named name playing? Plays an animation without blending. Plays an animation without blending. Plays an animation without blending. Plays an animation without blending. Plays an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Plays an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Plays an animation after previous animations has finished playing. Remove clip from the animation list. Remove clip from the animation list. Rewinds the animation named name. Rewinds all animations. Samples animations at the current state. Stops all playing animations that were started with this Animation. Stops an animation named name. Returns the animation state named name. Used by Animation.Play function. Animations will be added. Animations will be blended. Stores keyframe based animations. Returns true if the animation clip has no curves and no events. Animation Events for this animation clip. Frame rate at which keyframes are sampled. (Read Only) Returns true if the Animation has animation on the root transform. Returns true if the AnimationClip has root motion curves. Returns true if the AnimationClip has editor curves for its root motion. Returns true if the AnimationClip has root Curves. Returns true if the animation contains curve that drives a humanoid rig. Set to true if the AnimationClip will be used with the Legacy Animation component ( instead of the Animator ). Animation length in seconds. (Read Only) AABB of this Animation Clip in local space of Animation component that it is attached too. Sets the default wrap mode used in the animation state. Adds an animation event to the clip. AnimationEvent to add. Clears all curves from the clip. Creates a new animation clip. Realigns quaternion keys to ensure shortest interpolation paths. Samples an animation at a given time for any animated properties. The animated game object. The time to sample an animation. Assigns the curve to animate a specific property. Path to the game object this curve applies to. The relativePath is formatted similar to a pathname, e.g. "rootspineleftArm". If relativePath is empty it refers to the game object the animation clip is attached to. The class type of the component that is animated. The name or path to the property being animated. The animation curve. This class defines a pair of clips used by AnimatorOverrideController. The original clip from the controller. The override animation clip. This enum controlls culling of Animation component. Animation culling is disabled - object is animated even when offscreen. Animation is disabled when renderers are not visible. AnimationEvent lets you call a script function similar to SendMessage as part of playing back an animation. The animation state that fired this event (Read Only). The animator clip info related to this event (Read Only). The animator state info related to this event (Read Only). Float parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function. The name of the function that will be called. Int parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function. Returns true if this Animation event has been fired by an Animator component. Returns true if this Animation event has been fired by an Animation component. Function call options. Object reference parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function. String parameter that is stored in the event and will be sent to the function. The time at which the event will be fired off. Creates a new animation event. Information about what animation clips is played and its weight. Animation clip that is played. The weight of the animation clip. Constrains the orientation of an object relative to the position of one or more source objects, such that the object is facing the average position of the sources. The axis towards which the constrained object orients. Activates or deactivates the constraint. Locks the offset and rotation at rest. The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. The axes affected by the AimConstraint. Represents an offset from the constrained orientation. The number of sources set on the component (read-only). The up vector. The weight of the constraint component. The world up object, used to calculate the world up vector when the world up Type is AimConstraint.WorldUpType.ObjectUp or AimConstraint.WorldUpType.ObjectRotationUp. The type of the world up vector. The world up Vector used when the world up type is AimConstraint.WorldUpType.Vector or AimConstraint.WorldUpType.ObjectRotationUp. Adds a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. The source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources to be filled by the component. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Specifies how the world up vector used by the aim constraint is defined. Neither defines nor uses a world up vector. Uses and defines the world up vector as relative to the local space of the object. Uses and defines the world up vector as a vector from the constrained object, in the direction of the up object. Uses and defines the world up vector as the Unity Scene up vector (the Y axis). Uses and defines the world up vector as a vector specified by the user. A Playable that controls an AnimationClip. Creates an AnimationClipPlayable in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph object that will own the AnimationClipPlayable. The AnimationClip that will be added in the PlayableGraph. A AnimationClipPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. Returns the AnimationClip stored in the AnimationClipPlayable. Returns the state of the ApplyFootIK flag. Returns the state of the ApplyPlayableIK flag. Sets the value of the ApplyFootIK flag. The new value of the ApplyFootIK flag. Requests OnAnimatorIK to be called on the animated GameObject. The humanoid stream of animation data passed from one Playable to another. The position of the body center of mass relative to the root. The rotation of the body center of mass relative to the root. The position of the body center of mass in world space. The rotation of the body center of mass in world space. The scale of the Avatar. (Read Only) Returns true if the stream is valid; false otherwise. (Read Only) The left foot height from the floor. (Read Only) The left foot velocity from the last evaluated frame. (Read Only) The right foot height from the floor. (Read Only) The right foot velocity from the last evaluated frame. (Read Only) Returns the position of this IK goal relative to the root. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position of this IK goal. Returns the rotation of this IK goal relative to the root. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation of this IK goal. Returns the position of this IK goal in world space. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position of this IK goal. Returns the position of this IK goal in world space computed from the stream current pose. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position of this IK goal. Returns the rotation of this IK goal in world space. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation of this IK goal. Returns the rotation of this IK goal in world space computed from the stream current pose. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation of this IK goal. Returns the position weight of the IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position weight of the IK goal. Returns the rotation weight of the IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation weight of the IK goal. Returns the position of this IK Hint in world space. The AvatarIKHint that is queried. The position of this IK Hint. Returns the position weight of the IK Hint. The AvatarIKHint that is queried. The position weight of the IK Hint. Returns the muscle value. The Muscle that is queried. The muscle value. Reset the current pose to the stance pose (T Pose). Sets the position of this IK goal relative to the root. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position of this IK goal. Sets the rotation of this IK goal relative to the root. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation of this IK goal. Sets the position of this IK goal in world space. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position of this IK goal. Sets the rotation of this IK goal in world space. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation of this IK goal. Sets the position weight of the IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The position weight of the IK goal. Sets the rotation weight of the IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. The rotation weight of the IK goal. Sets the position of this IK hint in world space. The AvatarIKHint that is queried. The position of this IK hint. Sets the position weight of the IK Hint. The AvatarIKHint that is queried. The position weight of the IK Hint. Sets the LookAt body weight. The LookAt body weight. Sets the LookAt clamp weight. The LookAt clamp weight. Sets the LookAt eyes weight. The LookAt eyes weight. Sets the LookAt head weight. The LookAt head weight. Sets the look at position in world space. The look at position. Sets the muscle value. The Muscle that is queried. The muscle value. Execute the IK solver. An implementation of IPlayable that controls an animation layer mixer. Creates an AnimationLayerMixerPlayable in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph that will contain the new AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. The number of layers. This optimization automatically sets the weight of the first animation layer to 1. Set to true If your layer mixer has a single animation layer and you want to bypass unnecessary weight calculations. This optimization is automatically set to false if your layer mixer has multiple animation layers. A new AnimationLayerMixerPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. Returns true if the layer is additive, false otherwise. The layer index. True if the layer is additive, false otherwise. Returns an invalid AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. Specifies whether a layer is additive or not. Additive layers blend with previous layers. The layer index. Whether the layer is additive or not. Set to true for an additive blend, or false for a regular blend. Sets the mask for the current layer. The layer index. The AvatarMask used to create the new LayerMask. An implementation of IPlayable that controls an animation mixer. Creates an AnimationMixerPlayable in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph that will contain the new AnimationMixerPlayable. The number of inputs that the mixer will update. Returns a new AnimationMixerPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. Creates an AnimationMixerPlayable in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph that will contain the new AnimationMixerPlayable. The number of inputs that the mixer will update. NormalizeWeights is obsolete. It has no effect and will be removed. Returns a new AnimationMixerPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. Returns an invalid AnimationMixerPlayable. A PlayableBinding that contains information representing an AnimationPlayableOutput. Creates a PlayableBinding that contains information representing an AnimationPlayableOutput. The name of the AnimationPlayableOutput. A reference to a UnityEngine.Object that acts as a key for this binding. Returns a PlayableBinding that contains information that is used to create an AnimationPlayableOutput. A IPlayableOutput implementation that connects the PlayableGraph to an Animator in the Scene. Creates an AnimationPlayableOutput in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph that will contain the AnimationPlayableOutput. The name of the output. The Animator that will process the PlayableGraph. A new AnimationPlayableOutput attached to the PlayableGraph. Returns the Animator that plays the animation graph. The targeted Animator. Sets the Animator that plays the animation graph. The targeted Animator. Static class providing utility functions for animation scene handles. Reads float properties from the PropertySceneHandle array (handles) and stores the floats in the provided buffer. The buffer must have enough allocated space to store all values. The animation stream. The PropertySceneHandle array to read from. The buffer that stores float values. Reads integer properties from the PropertySceneHandle array (handles) and stores the integers in the provided buffer. The buffer must have enough allocated space to store all values. The animation stream. The PropertySceneHandle array to read from. The buffer that stores integer values. A Playable that can run a custom, multi-threaded animation job. Creates an AnimationScriptPlayable in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph object that will own the AnimationScriptPlayable. The IAnimationJob to execute when processing the playable. The number of inputs on the playable. A new AnimationScriptPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. Gets the job data contained in the playable. Returns the IAnimationJob data contained in the playable. Returns whether the playable inputs will be processed or not. true if the inputs will be processed; false otherwise. Sets a new job data in the playable. The new IAnimationJob data to set in the playable. Sets the new value for processing the inputs or not. The new value for processing the inputs or not. The stream of animation data passed from one Playable to another. Gets or sets the avatar angular velocity for the evaluated frame. Gets the delta time for the evaluated frame. (Read Only) Gets the number of input streams. (Read Only) Returns true if the stream is from a humanoid avatar; false otherwise. (Read Only) Returns true if the stream is valid; false otherwise. (Read Only) Gets the root motion position for the evaluated frame. (Read Only) Gets the root motion rotation for the evaluated frame. (Read Only) Gets or sets the avatar velocity for the evaluated frame. Gets the same stream, but as an AnimationHumanStream. Returns the same stream, but as an AnimationHumanStream. Deep copies motion from a source animation stream to the current animation stream. The source animation stream with the motion to deep copy. Gets the AnimationStream of the playable input at index. The input index. Returns the AnimationStream of the playable input at index. Returns an invalid stream if the input is not an animation Playable. Gets the weight of the Playable connected at a specific input index. The input index. Returns the weight of the Playable input as a float. Static class providing utility functions for animation stream handles. Reads float properties from the PropertyStreamHandle array (handles) and stores the floats in the provided buffer. The buffer must have enough allocated space to store all values. The animation stream. The PropertyStreamHandle array to read from. The buffer that stores float values. Reads integer properties from the PropertyStreamHandle array (handles) and stores the integers in the provided buffer. The buffer must have enough allocated space to store all values. The animation stream. The PropertyStreamHandle array to read from. The buffer that stores integer values. Writes float properties from the buffer to the PropertyStreamHandle array (handles). The animation stream. The PropertyStreamHandle array to write to. The buffer of float properties. Set to true to write new values if the matching stream handles have not already been modified. Write integers from buffer to property stream handles. The animation stream. The PropertyStreamHandle array to write to. The buffer of integer properties. Set to true to write new values if the matching stream handles have not already been modified. An implementation of IPlayable that controls an animation RuntimeAnimatorController. Creates an AnimatorControllerPlayable in the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph object that will own the AnimatorControllerPlayable. The RuntimeAnimatorController that will be added in the graph. A AnimatorControllerPlayable. Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (normalized). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (normalized). The time of the transition (normalized). Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (normalized). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (normalized). The time of the transition (normalized). Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (in seconds). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (in seconds). The time of the transition (normalized). Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (in seconds). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (in seconds). The time of the transition (normalized). Returns an AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition. The layer's index. An AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition. Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state of the given layer. The layer index. An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. The layer index. The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state. The layer index. An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state. Returns the value of the given float parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given float parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the index of the layer with the given name. The layer name. The layer index. Returns the layer name. The layer index. The layer name. Returns the weight of the layer at the specified index. The layer index. The layer weight. Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state of the given layer. The layer index. An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. The layer index. The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state. The layer index. An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state. See AnimatorController.parameters. Returns true if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise. The layer index. The state ID. True if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise. Returns true if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise. The layer index. True if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise. Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. The parameter name. The parameter ID. True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. The parameter name. The parameter ID. True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. Returns an invalid AnimatorControllerPlayable. Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset between zero and one. Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset between zero and one. Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset (in seconds). Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset (in seconds). Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Send float values to the AnimatorController to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Send float values to the AnimatorController to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Send float values to the AnimatorController to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Send float values to the AnimatorController to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Sets the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Sets the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Sets the weight of the layer at the given index. The layer index. The new layer weight. Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Static class providing extension methods for Animator and the animation C# jobs. Creates a dependency between animator jobs and the job represented by the supplied job handle. To add multiple job dependencies, call this method for each job that need to run before the Animator's jobs. The Animator instance that calls this method. The JobHandle of the job that needs to run before animator jobs. Create a custom property in the AnimationStream to pass extra data to downstream animation jobs in your graph. Custom properties created in the AnimationStream do not exist in the scene. The Animator instance that calls this method. The name of the property. The type of property to create (float, integer or boolean). Returns the PropertyStreamHandle that represents the new binding. Create a PropertySceneHandle representing the new binding on the Component property of a Transform in the Scene. The Animator instance that calls this method. The Transform to target. The Component type. The property to bind. isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does access an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. Returns the PropertySceneHandle that represents the new binding. Create a PropertySceneHandle representing the new binding on the Component property of a Transform in the Scene. The Animator instance that calls this method. The Transform to target. The Component type. The property to bind. isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does access an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. Returns the PropertySceneHandle that represents the new binding. Create a TransformSceneHandle representing the new binding between the Animator and a Transform in the Scene. The Animator instance that calls this method. The Transform to bind. Returns the TransformSceneHandle that represents the new binding. Create a PropertyStreamHandle representing the new binding on the Component property of a Transform already bound to the Animator. The Animator instance that calls this method. The Transform to target. The Component type. The property to bind. isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does animate an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. Returns the PropertyStreamHandle that represents the new binding. Create a PropertyStreamHandle representing the new binding on the Component property of a Transform already bound to the Animator. The Animator instance that calls this method. The Transform to target. The Component type. The property to bind. isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does animate an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. Returns the PropertyStreamHandle that represents the new binding. Create a TransformStreamHandle representing the new binding between the Animator and a Transform already bound to the Animator. The Animator instance that calls this method. The Transform to bind. Returns the TransformStreamHandle that represents the new binding. Close a stream that has been opened using OpenAnimationStream. The Animator instance that calls this method. The stream to close. Open a new stream on the Animator. The Animator instance that calls this method. The new stream. Returns whether or not the stream has been opened. Newly created handles are always resolved lazily on the next access when the jobs are run. To avoid a cpu spike while evaluating the jobs you can manually resolve all handles from the main thread. The Animator instance that calls this method. Newly created handles are always resolved lazily on the next access when the jobs are run. To avoid a cpu spike while evaluating the jobs you can manually resolve all handles from the main thread. The Animator instance that calls this method. Removes all PropertySceneHandles and TransformSceneHandles associated with the Animator instance. Use this method to manage the lifecycle of scene handles when the animated hierarchy changes. The Animator instance that calls this method. Removes all PropertyStreamHandles and TransformStreamHandles associated with the Animator instance. Use this method to manage the lifecycle of stream handles when the animated hierarchy changes. The Animator instance that calls this method. Represents the axes used in 3D space. Represents the case when no axis is specified. Represents the X axis. Represents the Y axis. Represents the Z axis. Represents a source for the constraint. The transform component of the source object. The weight of the source in the evaluation of the constraint. The type of custom stream property to create using BindCustomStreamProperty A boolean value. A float value. An integer value. Use this attribute to indicate that a property will be evaluated as a discrete value during animation playback. Use this attribute to indicate that a property will be evaluated as a discrete value during animation playback. The interface defining an animation job to use with an IAnimationJobPlayable. Defines what to do when processing the animation. The animation stream to work on. Defines what to do when processing the root motion. The animation stream to work on. The interface defining an animation playable that uses IAnimationJob. Gets the job data contained in the playable. Returns the IAnimationJob data contained in the playable. Sets a new job data in the playable. The new IAnimationJob data to set in the playable. Allows a class to modify how an AnimationClip is sampled in the Animation window by providing its own Playable nodes to the Animation window PlayableGraph. The class must also inherit from MonoBehaviour. Appends custom Playable nodes to the Animation window PlayableGraph. The Animation window PlayableGraph. Current root of the PlayableGraph. Returns the new root of the PlayableGraph. Notification callback when the Animation window starts previewing an AnimationClip. Notification callback when the Animation window stops previewing an AnimationClip. Notification callback when the Animation Window updates its PlayableGraph before sampling an AnimationClip. The Animation window PlayableGraph. The common interface for constraint components. Activate or deactivate the constraint. Lock or unlock the offset and position at rest. Gets the number of sources currently set on the component. The weight of the constraint component. Add a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. The source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources to be filled by the component. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Constrains the orientation of an object relative to the position of one or more source objects, such that the object is facing the average position of the sources. The LookAtConstraint is a simplified Animations.AimConstraint typically used with a Camera. Activates or deactivates the constraint. Locks the offset and rotation at rest. The rotation angle along the z axis of the object. The constraint uses this property to calculate the world up vector when Animations.LookAtConstraint.UseUpObject is false. The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. Represents an offset from the constrained orientation. The number of sources set on the component (Read Only). Determines how the up vector is calculated. The weight of the constraint component. The world up object, used to calculate the world up vector when Animations.LookAtConstraint.UseUpObject is true. Adds a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. Returns the source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources to be filled by the component. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Handle for a muscle in the AnimationHumanStream. The muscle human sub-part. (Read Only) The muscle human part. (Read Only) The total number of DoF parts in a humanoid. (Read Only) The name of the muscle. (Read Only) The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. The different constructors that creates the muscle handle. The muscle body sub-part. The muscle head sub-part. The muscle human part. The muscle leg sub-part. The muscle arm sub-part. The muscle finger sub-part. Fills the array with all the possible muscle handles on a humanoid. An array of MuscleHandle. Use this attribute in a script to mark a property as non-animatable. Use this attribute in a script to mark a property as non-animatable. Constrains the orientation and translation of an object to one or more source objects. The constrained object behaves as if it is in the hierarchy of the sources. Activates or deactivates the constraint. Locks the offsets and position (translation and rotation) at rest. The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. The rotation axes affected by the ParentConstraint. The rotation offsets from the constrained orientation. The number of sources set on the component (read-only). The position of the object in local space, used when the sources have a total weight of 0. The translation axes affected by the ParentConstraint. The translation offsets from the constrained orientation. The weight of the constraint component. Adds a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets the rotation offset associated with a source by index. The index of the constraint source. The rotation offset, as Euler angles. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. The source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources filled by the component. Gets the rotation offset associated with a source by index. The index of the constraint source. The translation offset. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets the rotation offset associated with a source by index. The index of the constraint source. The new rotation offset. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Sets the translation offset associated with a source by index. The index of the constraint source. The new translation offset. Constrains the position of an object relative to the position of one or more source objects. Activates or deactivates the constraint. Locks the offset and position at rest. The number of sources set on the component (read-only). The translation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. The axes affected by the PositionConstraint. The offset from the constrained position. The weight of the constraint component. Adds a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. The source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources to be filled by the component. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Handle to read a Component property on an object in the Scene. Gets the boolean property value from an object in the Scene. The AnimationStream managing this handle. The boolean property value. Gets the float property value from an object in the Scene. The AnimationStream managing this handle. The float property value. Gets the integer property value from an object in the Scene. The AnimationStream managing this handle. The integer property value. Returns whether or not the handle is resolved. The AnimationStream managing this handle. Returns true if the handle is resolved, false otherwise. Returns whether or not the handle is valid. The AnimationStream managing this handle. Whether or not the handle is valid. Resolves the handle. The AnimationStream managing this handle. Sets the boolean property value to an object in the Scene. The AnimationStream managing this handle. The new boolean property value. Sets the float property value to an object in the Scene. The AnimationStream managing this handle. The new float property value. Sets the integer property value to an object in the Scene. The AnimationStream managing this handle. The new integer property value. Handle for a Component property on an object in the AnimationStream. Gets the boolean property value from a stream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The boolean property value. Gets the float property value from a stream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The float property value. Gets the integer property value from a stream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The integer property value. Gets the read mask of the property. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Returns true if the property can be read. Returns whether or not the handle is resolved. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Returns true if the handle is resolved, false otherwise. Returns whether or not the handle is valid. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Whether or not the handle is valid. Resolves the handle. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Sets the boolean property value into a stream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The new boolean property value. Sets the float property value into a stream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The new float property value. Sets the integer property value into a stream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The new integer property value. Constrains the rotation of an object relative to the rotation of one or more source objects. Activates or deactivates the constraint. Locks the offset and rotation at rest. The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. The axes affected by the RotationConstraint. The offset from the constrained rotation. The number of sources set on the component (read-only). The weight of the constraint component. Adds a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. The source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources to be filled by the component. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Constrains the scale of an object relative to the scale of one or more source objects. Activates or deactivates the constraint. Locks the offset and scale at rest. The scale used when the sources have a total weight of 0. The offset from the constrained scale. The axes affected by the ScaleConstraint. The number of sources set on the component (read-only). The weight of the constraint component. Adds a constraint source. The source object and its weight. Returns the index of the added source. Gets a constraint source by index. The index of the source. The source object and its weight. Gets the list of sources. The list of sources to be filled by the component. Removes a source from the component. The index of the source to remove. Sets a source at a specified index. The index of the source to set. The source object and its weight. Sets the list of sources on the component. The list of sources to set. Handle to read position, rotation and scale of an object in the Scene. Gets the position and scaled rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The position of the transform in world space. The rotation of the transform in world space. Gets the position of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The position of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the position, rotation and scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The position of the transform relative to the parent. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the position of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The position of the transform in world space. Gets the rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The rotation of the transform in world space. Returns whether this is a valid handle. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. Whether this is a valid handle. Sets the position of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The position of the transform relative to the parent. Sets the rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. Sets the scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. Sets the position of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The position of the transform in world space. Sets the rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that manages this handle. The rotation of the transform in world space. Position, rotation and scale of an object in the AnimationStream. Gets the position and scaled rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform in world space. The rotation of the transform in world space. Gets the position of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the position, rotation and scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform relative to the parent. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. Gets the position of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform in world space. Gets the position read mask of the transform. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Returns true if the position can be read. Gets the rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The rotation of the transform in world space. Gets the rotation read mask of the transform. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Returns true if the rotation can be read. Gets the scale read mask of the transform. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Returns true if the scale can be read. Returns whether this handle is resolved. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Returns true if the handle is resolved, false otherwise. Returns whether this is a valid handle. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Whether this is a valid handle. Bind this handle with an animated values from the AnimationStream. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Sets the position and rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform in world space. The rotation of the transform in world space. Set to true to write the specified parameters if the matching stream parameters have not already been modified. Sets the position of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform relative to the parent. Sets the rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. Sets the scale of the transform relative to the parent. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Sets the position, rotation and scale of the transform relative to the parent. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The position of the transform relative to the parent. The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. The scale of the transform relative to the parent. Set to true to write the specified parameters if the matching stream parameters have not already been modified. Sets the position of the transform in world space. The position of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. Sets the rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. The rotation of the transform in world space. The AnimationState gives full control over animation blending. Which blend mode should be used? The clip that is being played by this animation state. Enables / disables the animation. The length of the animation clip in seconds. The name of the animation. The normalized playback speed. The normalized time of the animation. The playback speed of the animation. 1 is normal playback speed. The current time of the animation. The weight of animation. Wrapping mode of the animation. Adds a transform which should be animated. This allows you to reduce the number of animations you have to create. The transform to animate. Whether to also animate all children of the specified transform. Adds a transform which should be animated. This allows you to reduce the number of animations you have to create. The transform to animate. Whether to also animate all children of the specified transform. Removes a transform which should be animated. Interface to control the Mecanim animation system. Gets the avatar angular velocity for the last evaluated frame. When turned on, animations will be executed in the physics loop. This is only useful in conjunction with kinematic rigidbodies. Should root motion be applied? Gets/Sets the current Avatar. The position of the body center of mass. The rotation of the body center of mass. Controls culling of this Animator component. Gets the avatar delta position for the last evaluated frame. Gets the avatar delta rotation for the last evaluated frame. Blends pivot point between body center of mass and feet pivot. Sets whether the Animator sends events of type AnimationEvent. The current gravity weight based on current animations that are played. Returns true if Animator has any playables assigned to it. Returns true if the current rig has root motion. Returns true if the object has a transform hierarchy. Returns the scale of the current Avatar for a humanoid rig, (1 by default if the rig is generic). Returns true if the current rig is humanoid, false if it is generic. Returns whether the animator is initialized successfully. If automatic matching is active. Returns true if the current rig is optimizable with AnimatorUtility.OptimizeTransformHierarchy. Controls the behaviour of the Animator component when a GameObject is disabled. Controls the behaviour of the Animator component when a GameObject is disabled. Returns the number of layers in the controller. Additional layers affects the center of mass. Get left foot bottom height. When linearVelocityBlending is set to true, the root motion velocity and angular velocity will be blended linearly. Returns the number of parameters in the controller. The AnimatorControllerParameter list used by the animator. (Read Only) Get the current position of the pivot. Gets the pivot weight. The PlayableGraph created by the Animator. Sets the playback position in the recording buffer. Gets the mode of the Animator recorder. Start time of the first frame of the buffer relative to the frame at which StartRecording was called. End time of the recorded clip relative to when StartRecording was called. Get right foot bottom height. The root position, the position of the game object. The root rotation, the rotation of the game object. The runtime representation of AnimatorController that controls the Animator. The playback speed of the Animator. 1 is normal playback speed. Automatic stabilization of feet during transition and blending. Returns the position of the target specified by SetTarget. Returns the rotation of the target specified by SetTarget. Specifies the update mode of the Animator. Gets the avatar velocity for the last evaluated frame. Apply the default Root Motion. Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (normalized). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (normalized). The time of the transition (normalized). Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (normalized). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (normalized). The time of the transition (normalized). Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (in seconds). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (in seconds). The time of the transition (normalized). Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. The name of the state. The hash name of the state. The duration of the transition (in seconds). The layer where the crossfade occurs. The time of the state (in seconds). The time of the transition (normalized). Returns an AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition. The layer's index. An AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition. Returns the first StateMachineBehaviour that matches type T or is derived from T. Returns null if none are found. Returns all StateMachineBehaviour that match type T or are derived from T. Returns null if none are found. Returns Transform mapped to this human bone id. Returns null if the animator is disabled, if it does not have a human description, or if the bone id is invalid. The human bone that is queried, see enum HumanBodyBones for a list of possible values. Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Gets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the current state. The layer's index. Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state of the given layer. The layer index. An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. Fills clips with the list of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state of the given layer. The layer index. The list of AnimatorClipInfo to fill. Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. The layer index. The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state. The layer index. An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state. Returns the value of the given float parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given float parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Gets the position of an IK hint. The AvatarIKHint that is queried. Return the current position of this IK hint in world space. Gets the translative weight of an IK Hint (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the hint). The AvatarIKHint that is queried. Return translative weight. Gets the position of an IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. Return the current position of this IK goal in world space. Gets the translative weight of an IK goal (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the goal). The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. Gets the rotation of an IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is is queried. Gets the rotational weight of an IK goal (0 = rotation before IK, 1 = rotation at the IK goal). The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. Returns the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The value of the parameter. Returns the index of the layer with the given name. The layer name. The layer index. Returns the layer name. The layer index. The layer name. Returns the weight of the layer at the specified index. The layer index. The layer weight. Gets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the next state. The layer's index. Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state of the given layer. The layer index. An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. Fills clips with the list of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state of the given layer. The layer index. The list of AnimatorClipInfo to fill. Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. The layer index. The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state. The layer index. An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state. See AnimatorController.parameters. Gets the value of a quaternion parameter. The name of the parameter. Gets the value of a quaternion parameter. The id of the parameter. The id is generated using Animator::StringToHash. Gets the value of a vector parameter. The name of the parameter. Gets the value of a vector parameter. The id of the parameter. The id is generated using Animator::StringToHash. Returns true if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise. The layer index. The state ID. True if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise. Interrupts the automatic target matching. Interrupts the automatic target matching. Returns true if the transform is controlled by the Animator\. The transform that is queried. Returns true if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise. The layer index. True if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise. Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. The parameter name. The parameter ID. True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. The parameter name. The parameter ID. True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. Automatically adjust the GameObject position and rotation. The position we want the body part to reach. The rotation in which we want the body part to be. The body part that is involved in the match. Structure that contains weights for matching position and rotation. Start time within the animation clip (0 - beginning of clip, 1 - end of clip). End time within the animation clip (0 - beginning of clip, 1 - end of clip), values greater than 1 can be set to trigger a match after a certain number of loops. Ex: 2.3 means at 30% of 2nd loop. Allows you to specify what should happen if the MatchTarget function is interrupted. A value of true causes the GameObject to immediately move to the matchPosition if interrupted. A value of false causes the GameObject to stay at its current position if interrupted. Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset between zero and one. Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset between zero and one. Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset (in seconds). Plays a state. The state name. The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. The time offset (in seconds). Rebind all the animated properties and mesh data with the Animator. Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Sets local rotation of a human bone during a IK pass. The human bone Id. The local rotation. Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. The damper total time. The delta time to give to the damper. Sets the position of an IK hint. The AvatarIKHint that is set. The position in world space. Sets the translative weight of an IK hint (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the hint). The AvatarIKHint that is set. The translative weight. Sets the position of an IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is set. The position in world space. Sets the translative weight of an IK goal (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the goal). The AvatarIKGoal that is set. The translative weight. Sets the rotation of an IK goal. The AvatarIKGoal that is set. The rotation in world space. Sets the rotational weight of an IK goal (0 = rotation before IK, 1 = rotation at the IK goal). The AvatarIKGoal that is set. The rotational weight. Sets the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Sets the value of the given integer parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. The new parameter value. Sets the weight of the layer at the given index. The layer index. The new layer weight. Sets the look at position. The position to lookAt. Set look at weights. (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters. (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt. (0-1) 0.0 means the character is unrestrained in motion. 1.0 means the character is clamped (look at becomes impossible). 0.5 means the character is able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees). Set look at weights. (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters. (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt. (0-1) 0.0 means the character is unrestrained in motion. 1.0 means the character is clamped (look at becomes impossible). 0.5 means the character is able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees). Set look at weights. (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters. (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt. (0-1) 0.0 means the character is unrestrained in motion. 1.0 means the character is clamped (look at becomes impossible). 0.5 means the character is able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees). Set look at weights. (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters. (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt. (0-1) 0.0 means the character is unrestrained in motion. 1.0 means the character is clamped (look at becomes impossible). 0.5 means the character is able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees). Set look at weights. (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters. (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt. (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt. (0-1) 0.0 means the character is unrestrained in motion. 1.0 means the character is clamped (look at becomes impossible). 0.5 means the character is able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees). Sets the value of a quaternion parameter. The name of the parameter. The new value for the parameter. Sets the value of a quaternion parameter. Of the parameter. The id is generated using Animator::StringToHash. The new value for the parameter. Sets an AvatarTarget and a targetNormalizedTime for the current state. The avatar body part that is queried. The current state Time that is queried. Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. The parameter name. The parameter ID. Sets the value of a vector parameter. The name of the parameter. The new value for the parameter. Sets the value of a vector parameter. The id of the parameter. The id is generated using Animator::StringToHash. The new value for the parameter. Sets the animator in playback mode. Sets the animator in recording mode, and allocates a circular buffer of size frameCount. The number of frames (updates) that will be recorded. If frameCount is 0, the recording will continue until the user calls StopRecording. The maximum value for frameCount is 10000. Stops the animator playback mode. When playback stops, the avatar resumes getting control from game logic. Stops animator record mode. Generates an parameter id from a string. The string to convert to Id. Evaluates the animator based on deltaTime. The time delta. Forces a write of the default values stored in the animator. Information about clip being played and blended by the Animator. Returns the animation clip played by the Animator. Returns the blending weight used by the Animator to blend this clip. Used to communicate between scripting and the controller. Some parameters can be set in scripting and used by the controller, while other parameters are based on Custom Curves in Animation Clips and can be sampled using the scripting API. The default bool value for the parameter. The default float value for the parameter. The default int value for the parameter. The name of the parameter. Returns the hash of the parameter based on its name. The type of the parameter. The type of the parameter. Boolean type parameter. Float type parameter. Int type parameter. Trigger type parameter. Culling mode for the Animator. Always animate the entire character. Object is animated even when offscreen. Animation is completely disabled when renderers are not visible. Retarget, IK and write of Transforms are disabled when renderers are not visible. Interface to control Animator Override Controller. Returns the list of orignal Animation Clip from the controller and their override Animation Clip. Returns the count of overrides. The Runtime Animator Controller that the Animator Override Controller overrides. Applies the list of overrides on this Animator Override Controller. Overrides list to apply. Creates an empty Animator Override Controller. Creates an Animator Override Controller that overrides controller. Runtime Animator Controller to override. Gets the list of Animation Clip overrides currently defined in this Animator Override Controller. Array to receive results. Returns either the overriding Animation Clip if set or the original Animation Clip named name. Returns either the overriding Animation Clip if set or the original Animation Clip named name. The mode of the Animator's recorder. The Animator recorder is offline. The Animator recorder is in Playback. The Animator recorder is in Record. Information about the current or next state. The full path hash for this state. Current duration of the state. Is the state looping. The hashed name of the State. Normalized time of the State. The hash is generated using Animator.StringToHash. The hash does not include the name of the parent layer. The playback speed of the animation. 1 is the normal playback speed. The speed multiplier for this state. The Tag of the State. Does name match the name of the active state in the statemachine? Does tag match the tag of the active state in the statemachine. Information about the current transition. Returns true if the transition is from an AnyState node, or from Animator.CrossFade. Duration of the transition. The unit of the transition duration. The hash name of the Transition. The simplified name of the Transition. Normalized time of the Transition. The user-specified name of the Transition. Does name match the name of the active Transition. Does userName match the name of the active Transition. The update mode of the Animator. Updates the animator during the physic loop in order to have the animation system synchronized with the physics engine. Normal update of the animator. Animator updates independently of Time.timeScale. Various utilities for animator manipulation. This function will recreate all transform hierarchy under GameObject. GameObject to Deoptimize. This function will remove all transform hierarchy under GameObject, the animator will write directly transform matrices into the skin mesh matrices saving many CPU cycles. GameObject to Optimize. List of transform name to expose. Enumeration of all the muscles in an arm. The arm down-up muscle. The arm front-back muscle. The arm roll in-out muscle. The forearm close-open muscle. The forearm roll in-out muscle. The hand down-up muscle. The hand in-out muscle. The last value of the ArmDof enum. The shoulder down-up muscle. The shoulder front-back muscle. Avatar definition. Returns the HumanDescription used to create this Avatar. Return true if this avatar is a valid human avatar. Return true if this avatar is a valid mecanim avatar. It can be a generic avatar or a human avatar. Class to build avatars from user scripts. Create a new generic avatar. Root object of your transform hierarchy. Transform name of the root motion transform. If empty no root motion is defined and you must take care of avatar movement yourself. Create a humanoid avatar. Root object of your transform hierachy. It must be the top most gameobject when you create the avatar. Humanoid description of the avatar. Returns the Avatar, you must always always check the avatar is valid before using it with Avatar.isValid. IK Goal. The left foot. The left hand. The right foot. The right hand. IK Hint. The left elbow IK hint. The left knee IK hint. The right elbow IK hint. The right knee IK hint. AvatarMask is used to mask out humanoid body parts and transforms. The number of humanoid body parts. Number of transforms. Adds a transform path into the AvatarMask. The transform to add into the AvatarMask. Whether to also add all children of the specified transform. Creates a new AvatarMask. Returns true if the humanoid body part at the given index is active. The index of the humanoid body part. Returns true if the transform at the given index is active. The index of the transform. Returns the path of the transform at the given index. The index of the transform. Removes a transform path from the AvatarMask. The Transform that should be removed from the AvatarMask. Whether to also remove all children of the specified transform. Sets the humanoid body part at the given index to active or not. The index of the humanoid body part. Active or not. Sets the tranform at the given index to active or not. The index of the transform. Active or not. Sets the path of the transform at the given index. The index of the transform. The path of the transform. Avatar body part. The Body. The Head. Total number of body parts. The Left Arm. Left Fingers. Left Foot IK. Left Hand IK. The Left Leg. The Right Arm. Right Fingers. Right Foot IK. Right Hand IK. The Right Leg. The Root. Target. The body, center of mass. The left foot. The left hand. The right foot. The right hand. The root, the position of the game object. Enumeration of all the muscles in the body. The chest front-back muscle. The chest left-right muscle. The chest roll left-right muscle. The last value of the BodyDof enum. The spine front-back muscle. The spine left-right muscle. The spine roll left-right muscle. The upper chest front-back muscle. The upper chest left-right muscle. The upper chest roll left-right muscle. Describe the unit of a duration. A fixed duration is a duration expressed in seconds. A normalized duration is a duration expressed in percentage. Static class providing experimental extension methods for AnimationPlayableOutput . Gets the stream source of the specified AnimationPlayableOutput. The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. Returns the AnimationStreamSource of the output. Gets the priority index of the specified AnimationPlayableOutput. The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. Returns the sorting order of the output. Sets the stream source for the specified AnimationPlayableOutput. The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. The AnimationStreamSource to apply on this output. Sets the sorting order for the specified AnimationPlayableOutput. The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. The sorting order to apply to this output. Describes how an AnimationStream is initialized AnimationStream will be initialized with the default values from the Animator. AnimationStream will be initialized with the values from the previous AnimationPlayableOutput connected to the same Animator. Enumeration of all the muscles in a finger. The distal close-open muscle. The intermediate close-open muscle. The last value of the FingerDof enum. The proximal down-up muscle. The proximal in-out muscle. Enumeration of all the muscles in the head. The head front-back muscle. The head left-right muscle. The head roll left-right muscle. The jaw down-up muscle. The jaw left-right muscle. The last value of the HeadDof enum. The left eye down-up muscle. The left eye in-out muscle. The neck front-back muscle. The neck left-right muscle. The neck roll left-right muscle. The right eye down-up muscle. The right eye in-out muscle. Human Body Bones. This is the Chest bone. This is the Head bone. This is the Hips bone. This is the Jaw bone. This is the Last bone index delimiter. This is the Left Eye bone. This is the Left Ankle bone. This is the Left Wrist bone. This is the left index 3rd phalange. This is the left index 2nd phalange. This is the left index 1st phalange. This is the left little 3rd phalange. This is the left little 2nd phalange. This is the left little 1st phalange. This is the Left Elbow bone. This is the Left Knee bone. This is the left middle 3rd phalange. This is the left middle 2nd phalange. This is the left middle 1st phalange. This is the left ring 3rd phalange. This is the left ring 2nd phalange. This is the left ring 1st phalange. This is the Left Shoulder bone. This is the left thumb 3rd phalange. This is the left thumb 2nd phalange. This is the left thumb 1st phalange. This is the Left Toes bone. This is the Left Upper Arm bone. This is the Left Upper Leg bone. This is the Neck bone. This is the Right Eye bone. This is the Right Ankle bone. This is the Right Wrist bone. This is the right index 3rd phalange. This is the right index 2nd phalange. This is the right index 1st phalange. This is the right little 3rd phalange. This is the right little 2nd phalange. This is the right little 1st phalange. This is the Right Elbow bone. This is the Right Knee bone. This is the right middle 3rd phalange. This is the right middle 2nd phalange. This is the right middle 1st phalange. This is the right ring 3rd phalange. This is the right ring 2nd phalange. This is the right ring 1st phalange. This is the Right Shoulder bone. This is the right thumb 3rd phalange. This is the right thumb 2nd phalange. This is the right thumb 1st phalange. This is the Right Toes bone. This is the Right Upper Arm bone. This is the Right Upper Leg bone. This is the first Spine bone. This is the Upper Chest bone. The mapping between a bone in the model and the conceptual bone in the Mecanim human anatomy. The name of the bone to which the Mecanim human bone is mapped. The name of the Mecanim human bone to which the bone from the model is mapped. The rotation limits that define the muscle for this bone. Class that holds humanoid avatar parameters to pass to the AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar function. Amount by which the arm's length is allowed to stretch when using IK. Modification to the minimum distance between the feet of a humanoid model. True for any human that has a translation Degree of Freedom (DoF). It is set to false by default. Mapping between Mecanim bone names and bone names in the rig. Amount by which the leg's length is allowed to stretch when using IK. Defines how the lower arm's roll/twisting is distributed between the elbow and wrist joints. Defines how the lower leg's roll/twisting is distributed between the knee and ankle. List of bone Transforms to include in the model. Defines how the upper arm's roll/twisting is distributed between the shoulder and elbow joints. Defines how the upper leg's roll/twisting is distributed between the thigh and knee joints. This class stores the rotation limits that define the muscle for a single human bone. Length of the bone to which the limit is applied. The default orientation of a bone when no muscle action is applied. The maximum rotation away from the initial value that this muscle can apply. The maximum negative rotation away from the initial value that this muscle can apply. Should this limit use the default values? Enumeration of all the parts in a human. The human body part. The human head part. The human left arm part. The human left index finger part. The human left leg part. The human left little finger part. The human left middle finger part. The human left ring finger part. The human left thumb finger part. The human right arm part. The human right index finger part. The human right leg part. The human right little finger part. The human right middle finger part. The human right ring finger part. The human right thumb finger part. Retargetable humanoid pose. The human body position for that pose. The human body orientation for that pose. The array of muscle values for that pose. Use this class to create, read, and write the HumanPose for a humanoid avatar skeleton hierarchy or an avatar pose. Creates a human pose handler from an avatar and a root transform and either a list of joint paths. The avatar from which HumanPose will be read or written. The avatar must be a humanoid. The top most parent of the skeleton hierarchy defined in the humanoid avatar. This must match the avatar definition. A list that defines the avatar joint paths. Each joint path starts from the node after the root transform and continues down the avatar skeleton hierarchy. The root transform joint path is an empty string. Creates a human pose handler from an avatar and a root transform and either a list of joint paths. The avatar from which HumanPose will be read or written. The avatar must be a humanoid. The top most parent of the skeleton hierarchy defined in the humanoid avatar. This must match the avatar definition. A list that defines the avatar joint paths. Each joint path starts from the node after the root transform and continues down the avatar skeleton hierarchy. The root transform joint path is an empty string. Computes a human pose from the avatar skeleton, stores the pose in the human pose handler, and returns the human pose. The output human pose. In the human pose, the bodyPosition and bodyRotation are the position and rotation of the approximate center of mass of the humanoid in world space. bodyPosition is normalized: the position is divided by avatar human scale. Gets the internal human pose stored in the human pose handler and converts it to an avatar pose. The output avatar pose. The avatar pose is expressed as an array of floats. The floats represent the translation and rotation of the joints as local transforms. Each joint local transform is represented by 3 floats for the translation and 4 floats for the rotation (expressed as a quaternion). The joint transform is stored in the array in the same order as the joint paths in the jointPaths parameter used to construct the human pose handler. For example, if the human pose handler was constructed with 20 joint paths, the avatarPose parameter should be an array of 140 floats. Gets the internal human pose stored in the human pose handler. The output human pose. In the human pose, the bodyPosition and bodyRotation are the position and rotation of the approximate center of mass of the humanoid in world space. bodyPosition is normalized: the position is divided by avatar human scale. Stores the specified human pose inside the human pose handler. The human pose to set. In the human pose, the bodyPosition and bodyRotation are the position and rotation of the approximate center of mass of the humanoid. This is relative to the humanoid root transform and it is normalized: the local position is divided by avatar human scale. Converts an avatar pose to a human pose and stores it as the internal human pose inside the human pose handler. The input avatar pose. The avatar pose is expressed as an array of floats. The floats represent the translation and rotation of the joints as local transforms. Each joint local transform is represented by 3 floats for the translation and 4 floats for the rotation (expressed as a quaternion). The joint transform is stored in the array in the same order as the joint paths in the jointPaths parameter used to construct the human pose handler. For example, if the human pose handler was constructed with 20 joint paths, the avatarPose parameter should be an array of 140 floats. Stores the specified human pose as the internal human pose inside the human pose handler. The human pose to set. In the human pose, the bodyPosition and bodyRotation are the position and rotation of the approximate center of mass of the humanoid. This is relative to the humanoid root transform and it is normalized: the local position is divided by avatar human scale. Details of all the human bone and muscle types defined by Mecanim. The number of human bone types defined by Mecanim. Return the bone to which a particular muscle is connected. Muscle index. Array of the names of all human bone types defined by Mecanim. Gets the bone hierarchy mass. The humanoid bone index. The bone hierarchy mass. Get the default maximum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees. Muscle index. Get the default minimum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees. Muscle index. Returns parent humanoid bone index of a bone. Humanoid bone index to get parent from. Humanoid bone index of parent. The number of human muscle types defined by Mecanim. Obtain the muscle index for a particular bone index and "degree of freedom". Bone index. Number representing a "degree of freedom": 0 for X-Axis, 1 for Y-Axis, 2 for Z-Axis. Array of the names of all human muscle types defined by Mecanim. Is the bone a member of the minimal set of bones that Mecanim requires for a human model? Index of the bone to test. The number of bone types that are required by Mecanim for any human model. Use this interface to have a class provide its own list of Animation Clips to the Animation Window. The class must inherit from MonoBehaviour. Returns a list of Animation Clips. Enumeration of all the muscles in a leg. The foot close-open muscle. The foot in-out muscle. The last value of the LegDof enum. The leg close-open muscle. The leg roll in-out muscle. The toes up-down muscle. The upper leg front-back muscle. The upper leg in-out muscle. The upper leg roll in-out muscle. Use this struct to specify the position and rotation weight mask for Animator.MatchTarget. Position XYZ weight. Rotation weight. MatchTargetWeightMask contructor. Position XYZ weight. Rotation weight. Base class for AnimationClips and BlendTrees. Implements high-level utility methods to simplify use of the Playable API with Animations. Plays the Playable on the given Animator. Target Animator. The Playable that will be played. The Graph that owns the Playable. Creates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimatorControllerPlayable is also created for the given RuntimeAnimatorController. Target Animator. The RuntimeAnimatorController to create an AnimatorControllerPlayable for. The created PlayableGraph. A handle to the newly-created AnimatorControllerPlayable. Creates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimationClipPlayable is also created for the given AnimationClip. Target Animator. The AnimationClip to create an AnimationClipPlayable for. The created PlayableGraph. A handle to the newly-created AnimationClipPlayable. Creates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimationLayerMixerPlayable is also created. Target Animator. The input count for the AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. Defines the number of layers. The created PlayableGraph. A handle to the newly-created AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. Creates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimationMixerPlayable is also created. Target Animator. The input count for the AnimationMixerPlayable. The created PlayableGraph. A handle to the newly-created AnimationMixerPlayable. Used by Animation.Play function. Will stop all animations that were started with this component before playing. Will stop all animations that were started in the same layer. This is the default when playing animations. Used by Animation.Play function. Will start playing after all other animations have stopped playing. Starts playing immediately. This can be used if you just want to quickly create a duplicate animation. The runtime representation of the AnimatorController. Use this representation to change the Animator Controller during runtime. Retrieves all AnimationClip used by the controller. The SharedBetweenAnimatorsAttribute specifies that this StateMachineBehaviour is instantiated only once and shared by all Animator instances. This attribute reduces the memory footprint for each controller instance. Details of the Transform name mapped to the skeleton bone of a model and its default position and rotation in the T-pose. The name of the Transform mapped to the bone. The T-pose position of the bone in local space. The T-pose rotation of the bone in local space. The T-pose scaling of the bone in local space. StateMachineBehaviour is a component that can be added to a state machine state. It's the base class every script on a state derives from. Called on the first Update frame when a state machine evaluate this state. Called on the last update frame when a state machine evaluate this state. Called right after MonoBehaviour.OnAnimatorIK. Called on the first Update frame when making a transition to a state machine. This is not called when making a transition into a state machine sub-state. The Animator playing this state machine. The full path hash for this state machine. Called on the last Update frame when making a transition out of a StateMachine. This is not called when making a transition into a StateMachine sub-state. The Animator playing this state machine. The full path hash for this state machine. Called right after MonoBehaviour.OnAnimatorMove. Called at each Update frame except for the first and last frame. The Animation module implements Unity's animation system.