UnityEditor.UIElementsModule This is the base class for the composite fields. USS class name of field groups in elements of this type. USS class name of fields in elements of this type. USS class name of the first field in elements of this type. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type when the fields are displayed on multiple lines. USS class name of spacers in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type when the fields are displayed on two lines. USS class name of elements of this type. Provides the base class for field mouse draggers. Sets the drag zone for the driven field. The target of the drag operation. Sets the drag zone for the driven field. The target of the drag operation. The rectangle that contains the drag zone. Base class implementing the shared functionality for editing bit mask values. The list of choices to display in the popup menu. The list of list of masks for every specific choice to display in the popup menu. This is the base class for all the popup field elements. TValue and TChoice can be different, see MaskField, or the same, see PopupField USS class name of arrow indicators in elements of this type. The list of choices to display in the popup menu. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. This is the text displayed to the user for the current selection of the popup. This is the text displayed. USS class name of text elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Allow changing value without triggering any change event. The new value. Provides VisualElement extension methods that implement data binding between INotivyValueChanged fields and SerializedObjects. USS class added to element when in prefab override mode. Binds a SerializedObject to fields in the element hierarchy. Root VisualElement containing IBindable fields. Data object. Binds a property to a field and synchronizes their values. This method finds the property using the field's binding path. VisualElement field editing a property. Root SerializedObject containing the bindable property. The serialized object that owns the bound property. Binds a property to a field and synchronizes their values. VisualElement field editing a property. The SerializedProperty to bind. Checks the property values for changes at regular intervals. Executes the callback when the property value changes. If no callback is specified, a SerializedPropertyChangeEvent is sent to the target element. VisualElement tracking a property. The SerializedProperty to track. Invoked when the tracked SerializedProperty value changes. Checks the object for changes at regular intervals. Executes the callback when the object value changes. If no callback is specified, a SerializedObjectChangeEvent is sent to the target element. VisualElement tracking an object. The SerializedObject to track. Invoked when one of the tracked SerializedObject's value changes. Disconnects all properties bound to fields in the element's hierarchy. Root VisualElement containing IBindable fields. A Bounds editor field. USS class name of center fields in elements of this type. USS class name of extents fields in elements of this type. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of BoundsField. Initializes and returns an instance of BoundsField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a BoundsField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the BoundsField. Initialize BoundsField properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. A BoundsInt editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of position fields in elements of this type. USS class name of size fields in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of BoundsIntField. Initializes and returns an instance of BoundsIntField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a BoundsIntField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the BoundsIntField. Initializes the UxmlTraits for the BoundsIntField. The <see cref="VisualElement" /> to be initialized. Bag of attributes. CreationContext, unused. Makes a field for selecting a color. If true, treats the color as an HDR value. If false, treats the color as a standard LDR value. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. If true, allows the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hides the alpha component. If true, the color picker will show the eyedropper control. If false, the color picker won't show the eyedropper control. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of ColorField. Initializes and returns an instance of ColorField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a ColorField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the ColorField. Initialize ColorField properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Makes a field for editing an AnimationCurve. USS class name of border elements in elements of this type. USS class name of content elements in elements of this type. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within. If the range width or height is &lt; 0 then CurveField computes an automatic range, which encompasses the whole curve. The RenderMode of CurveField. The default is RenderMode.Default. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of CurveField. Initializes and returns an instance of CurveField. The text to use as a label. Render mode of CurveFields Renders the curve with the default mode. Currently Texture. Renders the curve with an anti-aliased mesh. Renders the curve with a generated texture, like with Unity’s Immediate Mode GUI system (IMGUI). Instantiates a CurveField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the CurveField. Speed at which the value changes for a given input device delta. The value changes at four times the normal rate. The value changes at the normal rate. The value changes at one quarter of its normal rate. Makes a text field for entering doubles. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device. A vector used to compute the value change. A multiplier for the value change. The start value. Constructor. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Converts a string to a double. The string to convert. The double parsed from the string. Instantiates a DoubleField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the DoubleField. Converts the given double to a string. The double to be converted to string. The double as string. Makes a dropdown for switching between enum values. USS class name of arrow indicators in elements of this type. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. Return the text value of the currently selected enum. USS class name of text elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Construct an EnumField. Construct an EnumField. Initial value. Also used to detect Enum type. Construct an EnumField. Initial value. Also used to detect Enum type. Initializes the EnumField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. The typed enum value. Initializes the EnumField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. The typed enum value. Set to true to display obsolete values as choices. Instantiates an EnumField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the EnumField. Initialize EnumField properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Makes a dropdown for switching between enum flag values that are marked with the Flags attribute. USS class name for input elements of this type. USS class name for labels of this type. USS class name for elements of this type. Constructs an EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. Initial value. This also detects the Enum type. Constructs an EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. Initial value. This also detects the Enum type. Constructs an EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. Initial value. This also detects the Enum type. Constructs an EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. Constructs an EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. Initial value. This also detects the Enum type. Constructs an EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. Initializes the EnumFlagsField with a default value, and initializes its underlying type. The typed enum value. Set to true to display obsolete values as choices. Instantiates a EnumFlagsField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the EnumFlagsField. Provides dragging on a visual element to change a value field. Is dragging. Start value before drag. FieldMouseDragger's constructor. The field. Makes a text field for entering a float. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device. A vector used to compute the value change. A multiplier for the value change. The start value. Constructor. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Converts a string to a float. The string to convert. The float parsed from the string. Instantiates a FloatField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the FloatField. Converts the given float to a string. The float to be converted to string. The float as string. Makes a field for editing an Gradient. USS class name for border elements in elements of this type. The color space currently used by the field. USS class name for the content for the gradient visual in the GradientField element. USS class name for input elements in elements of this type. USS class name for labels in elements of this type. USS class name for elements of this type. The Gradient currently being exposed by the field. Constructor. Constructor. Instantiates a GradientField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the GradientField. Makes a field for editing an Hash128. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of Hash128Field. Initializes and returns an instance of Hash128Field. Maximum number of characters for the field. Initializes and returns an instance of Hash128Field. The text to use as a label. Maximum number of characters for the field. Instantiates a Hash128Field using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the Hash128Field. Create a VisualElement inspector from a SerializedObject. USS class name of custom inspector elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in debug internal mode. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in debug USS mode. USS class name of IMGUI containers in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in IMGUI custom mode. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in IMGUI default mode. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in IMGUI inspector mode. USS class name of elements of this type, when no inspector is found. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in UIElements custom mode. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in UIElements default mode. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed in UIElements inspector mode. USS class name of elements of this type. InspectorElement constructor. InspectorElement constructor. Create a SerializedObject from given obj and automatically Bind() to it. InspectorElement constructor. Create a SerializedObject from given obj and automatically Bind() to it. InspectorElement constructor. Adds default inspector property fields under a container VisualElement The parent VisualElement The SerializedObject to inspect The editor currently used Instantiates a InspectorElement using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the InspectorElement. Constructor. Makes a text field for entering an integer. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device. A vector used to compute the value change. A multiplier for the value change. The start value. Constructor. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Converts a string to an integer. The string to convert. The integer parsed from the string. Instantiates an IntegerField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the IntegerField. Converts the given integer to a string. The integer to be converted to string. The integer as string. An interface for toolbar items that display drop-down menus. The drop-down menu for the element. Base interface for UIElements text value fields. The value of the field. Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device. A vector used to compute the value change. A multiplier for the value change. The start value. Indicate when the mouse dragging is starting. Indicate when the mouse dragging is ending. A LayerField editor. Unsupported. Unsupported. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of LayerField. The text to use as a label for the field. Initializes and returns an instance of LayerField. Initializes and returns an instance of LayerField. The initial layer value this field should use. Initializes and returns an instance of LayerField. The text to use as a label for the field. The initial layer value this field should use. Instantiates a LayerField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the LayerField. Initialize the traits. VisualElement that will be created and populated. Bag of attributes where the data comes from. Creation context, unused. Make a field for layer as masks. Unsupported. Unsupported. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Constructor of the field. The mask to use for a first selection. Constructor of the field. The label to prefix the <see cref="LayerMaskField" />. The mask to use for a first selection. Constructor of the field. Constructor of the field. The label to prefix the <see cref="LayerMaskField" />. Instantiates a LayerMaskField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the LayerMaskField. Makes a text field for entering long integers. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device. A vector used to compute the value change. A multiplier for the value change. The start value. Constructor. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Constructor. Maximum number of characters the field can take. Converts a string to a long integer. The string to convert. The long integer parsed from the string. Instantiates a LongField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the LongField. Converts the given long integer to a string. The long integer to be converted to string. The long integer as string. Make a field for masks. Callback that provides a string representation used to populate the popup menu. Callback that provides a string representation used to display the selected value. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of MaskField. A list of choices to populate the field. The initial mask value for this field. A callback to format the selected value. Unity calls this method automatically when a new value is selected in the field.. The initial mask value this field should use. Unity calls this method automatically when displaying choices for the field. Initializes and returns an instance of MaskField. The text to use as a label for the field. A list of choices to populate the field. The initial mask value for this field. A callback to format the selected value. Unity calls this method automatically when a new value is selected in the field.. The initial mask value this field should use. Unity calls this method automatically when displaying choices for the field. Initializes and returns an instance of MaskField. Initializes and returns an instance of MaskField. The text to use as a label for the field. Instantiates a MaskField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the MaskField. Initializes the UxmlTraits for MaskField. The VisualElement that will be populated. The bag from where the attributes are taken. The creation context, unused. Makes a field to receive any object type. Allows scene objects to be assigned to the field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. The type of the objects that can be assigned. USS class name of object elements in elements of this type. USS class name of selector elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Constructor. Constructor. Instantiates an ObjectField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the ObjectField. Initialize ObjectField properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Generic popup selection field. Callback that provides a string representation used to populate the popup menu. Callback that provides a string representation used to display the selected value. The currently selected index in the popup menu. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. The currently selected value in the popup menu. Construct a PopupField. Construct a PopupField. Construct a PopupField. Construct a PopupField. Construct a PopupField. Construct a PopupField. A SerializedProperty wrapper VisualElement that, on Bind(), will generate the correct field elements with the correct bindingPaths. Binding object that will be updated. Path of the target property to be bound. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. Optionally overwrite the label of the generate property field. If no label is provided the string will be taken from the SerializedProperty. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. PropertyField constructor. PropertyField constructor. Providing a SerializedProperty in the construct just sets the bindingPath. You will still have to call Bind() on the PropertyField afterwards. PropertyField constructor. Providing a SerializedProperty in the construct just sets the bindingPath. You will still have to call Bind() on the PropertyField afterwards. Optionally overwrite the property label. Registers this callback to receive SerializedPropertyChangeEvent when a value is changed. Instantiates a PropertyField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the PropertyField. Constructor. A Rect editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of RectField. Initializes and returns an instance of RectField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a RectField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the RectField. Initialize RectField properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. A RectInt editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of RectIntField. Initializes and returns an instance of RectIntField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a RectIntField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the RectIntField. Initializes the UxmlTraits for the RectIntField. The <see cref="VisualElement" /> to be initialized. Bags of attributes where the values come from. Creation Context, unused. The base class for a search field. USS class name of cancel buttons in elements of this type, when they are off. USS class name of cancel buttons in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are using a popup menu. The search button. USS class name of search buttons in elements of this type. The text field used by the search field to draw and modify the search string. USS class name of text input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of text elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. The object currently being exposed by the field. Method used when clearing the text field. You should usually clear the value when overriding the method. Tells if the field is empty. That meaning depends on the type of T. The value to check. True if the parameter is empty. That meaning depends on the type of T. Sets the value for the toolbar search field without sending a change event. An event sent when any value in a SerializedObject changes The SerializedObject whose value changed. Constructor. Use GetPooled instead. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the values provided. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained using this method need to be released back to the pool. You can use Dispose() to release them. The SerializedObject that changed. An initialized event. Sets the event to its initial state. An event sent when a value in a PropertyField changes. The SerializedProperty whose value changed. Constructor. Use GetPooled instead. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the values provided. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained using this method need to be released back to the pool. You can use Dispose() to release them. The SerializedProperty that changed. An initialized event. Sets the event to its initial state. A TagField editor. Unsupported. Unsupported. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of CurveField. Initializes and returns an instance of CurveField. The text to use as a label for the field. The initial tag value this field should use. Instantiates a TagField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the TagField. Base class for text fields. The format string for the value. This is the value of the field. Method used to add a mouse dragger on the label for specific numeric fields. Modify the value using a 3D delta and a speed, typically coming from an input device. A vector used to compute the value change. A multiplier for the value change. The start value. Allow to set the value without being notified. The new value to set. Indicates the user started the mouse dragging for text selection. Indicates the user stopped the mouse dragging for text selection. This is the inner representation of the Text input. Method to override to indicate the allowed characters in the actual field. Formats the string. Called when the user is dragging the label to update the value contained in the field. Delta on the move. Speed of the move. Starting value. Method called by the application when the label of the field is started to be dragged to change the value of it. Method called by the application when the label of the field is stopped to be dragged to change the value of it. Converts a string to a value type. The string to convert. The value parsed from the string. Convert the value to string for visual representation. Value to convert. String representation. Specifies the TextValueField's UxmlTraits. Initializes the TextValueField's UxmlTraits. The VisualElement to initialize. A bag of UXML attribute name-value pairs used to initialize VisualElement members. The creation context associated with these traits. A toolbar for tool windows. USS class name of elements of this type. Constructor. Instantiates a Toolbar using the data read from a UXML file. Creates a breadcrumb UI element for the toolbar to help users navigate a hierarchy. For example, the visual scripting breadcrumb toolbar makes it easier to explore scripts because users can jump to any level of the script by clicking a breadcrumb item. A Unity style sheet (USS) class for the first element or item in a breadcrumb toolbar. A Unity style sheet (USS) class for individual items in a breadcrumb toolbar. A Unity style sheet (USS) class for the main ToolbarBreadcrumbs container. Constructs a breadcrumb UI element for the toolbar to help users navigate a hierarchy. Removes the last item in the breadcrumb toolbar, which is the deepest item in the hierarchy. Adds an item to the end of the breadcrumbs, which makes that item the deepest item in the hierarchy. The text to display for the item in the breadcrumb toolbar. The action to perform when the a users clicks the item in the toolbar. Instantiates a ToolbarBreadcrumbs using the data read from a UXML file. A button for the toolbar. USS class name of elements of this type. Constructor. The action to be called when the button is pressed. Constructor. Instantiates a ToolbarButton using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the ToolbarButton. A drop-down menu for the toolbar. USS class name of arrow indicators in elements of this type. The menu. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed as popup menu. USS class name of text elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. The display styles that you can use when creating menus. Constructor. Instantiates a ToolbarMenu using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the ToolbarMenu. Display styles for the menu. Display the menu using the default style. Display the menu using the popup style. An extension class that handles menu management for elements that are implemented with the IToolbarMenuElement interface, but are identical to DropdownMenu. Display the menu for the element. The element that is part of the menu to be displayed. The pop-up search field for the toolbar. The search field includes a menu button. The menu used by the pop-up search field element. Constructor. Instantiates a ToolbarPopupSearchField using the data read from a UXML file. A search field for the toolbar. USS class name of cancel buttons in elements of this type, when they are off. USS class name of cancel buttons in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are using a popup menu. The search button. USS class name of search buttons in elements of this type. USS class name of text elements in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. The object currently being exposed by the field. Removes the text when clearing the field. Constructor. Tells if the string is null or empty. Sets the value for the toolbar search field without sending a change event. Instantiates a ToolbarSearchField using the data read from a UXML file. A toolbar spacer of static size. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are of fixed size. Return true if the spacer stretches or shrinks to occupy available space. USS class name of elements of this type, when they are of flexible size. USS class name of elements of this type. Constructor. Instantiates a ToolbarSpacer using the data read from a UXML file. A toggle for the toolbar. USS class name of elements of this type. Constructor. Instantiates a ToolbarToggle using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the ToolbarToggle. Attribute that can be used on an assembly to define an XML namespace prefix for a namespace. The namespace name. The namespace prefix. Constructor. The XML/C# namespace to which a prefix will be associated. The prefix to associate to the namespace. A Vector2 editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector2Field. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector2Field. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a Vector2Field using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the Vector2Field. Initialize Vector2Field properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. A Vector2Int editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector2IntField. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector2IntField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a Vector2IntField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the Vector2IntField. Initializes the UxmlTraits for the Vector2IntField. <see cref="VisualElement" /> to initialize. Bag of attributes where to get them. Creation Context, unused. A Vector3 editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector3Field. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector3Field. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a Vector3Field using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the Vetor3Field. Initialize Vector3Field properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. A Vector3Int editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector3IntField. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector3IntField. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a Vector3IntField using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the Vector3IntField. Initializes the UxmlTraits for the Vector3IntField. VisualElement to initialize. Bag of attributes where to get them. Context Creation, unused. A Vector4 editor field. USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. USS class name of labels in elements of this type. USS class name of elements of this type. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector4Field. Initializes and returns an instance of Vector4Field. The text to use as a label. Instantiates a Vector4Field using the data read from a UXML file. Defines UxmlTraits for the Vector4Field. Initialize Vector4Field properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag.