UnityEditor.QuickSearchModule Allows a user to register a custom Indexing function for a specific type. Each time an object of a specific type is indexed, the registered function is called. Version of the custom indexer. Increment this number to have the indexer re-index the indexes. Register a new Indexing function bound to the specific type. Type of object to be indexed. Represents a descriptor for the object that is about to be indexed. It stores a reference to the object itself as well as an already set up SerializedObject. Document Index which owns the object to index. Object Id. The object path for an asset or the GlobalObjectId for a scene object. Serialized representation of the object to be indexed. Object to index. Object type to index. Options for setting the display mode to use for a search view. Display as a grid of icons of various sizes. Display as a list view. Unspecified ISearchView display mode. Display search results in a table. Options for the search provider on how the preview should be fetched. Indicates that the preview resolution should be higher than 256x256. No options are defined. Indicates that the preview size should be around 128x128. Indicates that the search provider should generate a 2D preview. Indicates that the search provider should generate a 3D preview. Provides a method to match query text using a fuzzy search algorithm. Performs a fuzzy search for a pattern on a string. The pattern that the method is searching for in the string. The string the method is searching. If there is a match, this parameter contains the match score. The higher the match score, the closer the pattern matched a part of the given string. List of indices in the string where the pattern was found. Returns true if a match was found. Interface representing a filter node. The filter identifier. The filter value. This can be null or empty if the value has not been written yet. The operator identifier. This can be null or empty if the operator has not been written yet. The parameter value. This can be null or empty if the filter is not a filter function, or there is no parameter written yet. Use Indexing options to specify the contents of your search index. Apply all indexing options. Include Asset dependencies in your index. Include extended information in your index such as sub objects in Scene and Prefab Assets. Use this option to save the created index as an Asset file. Do not include additional indexing options. Include Asset serialized properties in your index. Save the search index to a temporary folder that is not managed by Unity. Include additional types of information in your Asset index. Interface representing a nested query node. If the nested query is part of a filter operation, this represents the filter identifier. Otherwise, this is null or empty. Interface for the Search.QueryEngine_1|QueryEngine filters. Additional information specific to the filter. Collection of Search.QueryFilterOperator|QueryFilterOperators specific for the filter. Indicates if the filter overrides the global string comparison options. The type of the constant parameter passed to the filter, if used. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example. "id" in "id>=2"). The string comparison options of the filter. List of supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). The type of the data that is compared by the filter. Indicates if the filter uses a parameter. Indicates if the filter uses a regular expression token or not. Indicates if the filter uses a resolver function. Add a custom filter operator specific to the filter. The operator identifier. The added, or existing, Search.QueryFilterOperator|QueryFilterOperator. Add or update additional information specific to the filter. The key of the information. The value of the information. The current filter. Add a type parser specific to the filter. Callback used to determine if a string can be converted into "TFilterConstant". Takes a string and returns a Search.ParseResult_1|ParseResult object. This contains the success flag, and the actual converted value if it succeeded. The current filter. Removes all additional information specific to the filter. The current filter. Remove information on the filter. The key of the information. The current filter. Remove a custom operator specific to the filter. The operator identifier. The current filter. Sets the filter's nested query transformer function. This function takes the result of a nested query and extracts the necessary data to compare with the filter. The transformer function. Interface for query handlers. Implement this function to evaluate the query on a single element. A single object to be tested. True if the object passes the query, false otherwise. Implement this function to evaluate the query on a payload. The input data of the query. An enumerable of type TData. Interface for query handler factories. Implement this function to create a new query handler for a specific query graph. A graph representing a query. A collection of errors. Use this to report errors when needed. An IQueryHandler. Interface representing a query node. The node's children. Can be null. A string representing this node and its children. True if this node is a leaf. A leaf doesn't have any children. Parent of this node. Null if this node is the root. True if this node is skipped during evaluation. A node can be skipped if the QueryEngine was configured to skip unsupported nodes instead of generating errors. The token used to build this node. The node's type. Returns a hashcode for this node. Multiple nodes can have the same hashcode if they have the same identifier. An integer representing the hashcode. A search list represents a collection of search results that is filled. Any valid search context that is used to track async search requests. It can be null. Indicates if the search request is still running and might return more results asynchronously. Add new items to the search list. List of items to be added. Yields search items until the search query is finished. List of search items. Items can be null and must be discarded. Return a subset of items. Number of rows to skip at the start of a query. Number of items to get from the beginning of the range. Search items in the specified range. Insert new search items in the current list. Index where the items should be inserted. Items to be inserted. Enumerate search items and transform them while they are being fetched. Function used to select what gets returned in the new enumerable list. New enumerable list. Interface representing a query node. True if the word or text should match exactly, false if it is a "contains" operation. Word or text used for the search. Search view interface used by the search context to execute UI operations. Returns the current view search context. Indicates how the data is displayed in the UI. Callback used to filter items shown in the list. Defines the size of items in the search view. Allows multi-selection of items in the list/grid of items. If false, a user can only select a single item. Returns the absolute position of the Search window. Returns the list of all search results. Callback used to override a default Search behavior. Returns the selected items in the view. Callback used to override the tracking behavior. Adds new items to the current selection. Array of item indices to add to selection. Closes the search view. Executes a Search action on a given list of items. The search action to execute. The items to search. If true, executing this action closes the Search window. Execute the default action of the active selection. Make sure the Search window is now selected to receive input from a user. Focus the search text field control. Triggers a refresh of the search view and refetches all the search items from enabled search providers. The refresh flags give some additional context and reasons why the view needs to be updated. Requests the search view to repaint itself. Puts focus in the SearchView text field AND selects all the text inside the text field (if any). Sets the search query text. Text displayed in the search view. Position of the cursor after setting the search text. Sets the search query text. Text displayed in the search view. Position of the cursor after setting the search text. Updates the search view with a new selection. Array of item indices to select. Shows a contextual menu for the specified item. Item affected by the contextual menu. The position that a menu should be drawn on screen (generally item position). A specialized Search.SearchIndexer which provides methods to index a UnityEngine.Object|Unity Object from custom indexers. Adds a key-number value pair to the index. The key won't be added with variations. Document where the indexed value was found. Key used to retrieve the value. Number value to store in the index. Adds a property value to the index. A property is specified with a key and a string value. The value will be stored with multiple variations. Document where the indexed word was found. Key used to retrieve the value. Value to add to the index. Define if we store this key in the keyword registry of the index. If exact is true, only the exact match of the value will be stored in the index (not the variations). Indexes multiple variations of a property value. Document handle for the indexed property. Key used to retrieve the value. Value to add to the index. Adds a new word coming from a specific document to the index. The word will be added with multiple variations allowing partial search. Document where the indexed word was found. Word to add to the index. If true, we will also store an exact match entry for this word. Modified to apply to the base match score for a specific word. The word will be added with a maximum of variation. This can be used to save some space for very large words. Document where the indexed word was found. Word to add to the index. Maximum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. If true, the indexer will also store an exact match entry for this word. Modified to apply to the base match score for a specific word. Splits a word into multiple variations. Document where the indexed word was found. Word to add to the index. A ParseResult represents the result of a parsing operation. Default value when no ParsetResult is available. The parsing result. Flag indicating if the parsing succeeded or not. Create a ParseResult. Flag indicating if the parsing succeeded or not. The parsing result. Custom attribute is used to customize the search engine used by the scene search provider. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (i.e. "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. Null for all operators. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. See Search.Providers.SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformerAttribute|SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformer for more information. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (i.e. "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. Null for all operators. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. See Search.Providers.SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformerAttribute|SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformer for more information. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (i.e. "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. Null for all operators. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. See Search.Providers.SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformerAttribute|SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformer for more information. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (i.e. "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. Null for all operators. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. See Search.Providers.SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformerAttribute|SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformer for more information. Attribute class that defines a custom parameter transformer function applied for a query running in a scene provider defined by a scene custom filter using Search.Providers.SceneQueryEngineFilterAttribute. Provides methods to define an operation that can be used to filter a data set. Boolean. Indicates if the original payload should be returned when the query is empty. Applies the filtering on an IEnumerable data set. The data to filter. A filtered IEnumerable. Tests the query on a single object. Returns true if the test passes. A single test object. True if the object passes the query, returns false otherwise. Provides methods to define an operation that can be used to filter a data set. A list of QueryErrors. The text that generated the query. The list of tokens found in the query. Indicates if the query is valid or not. Applies the filtering on a payload. The data to filter. A filtered IEnumerable. Get the query node located at the specified index position in the query. The position of the query node in the text. An IQueryNode. Optimizes the query by optimizing the underlying filtering graph. Propagate "Not" operations to leaves, so only leaves can have "Not" operations as parents. Swaps "Not" operations to the right-hand side of combining operations (i.e. "And", "Or"). Useful if a "Not" operation is slow. Optimization options. Optimizes the query by optimizing the underlying filtering graph. Propagate "Not" operations to leaves, so only leaves can have "Not" operations as parents. Swaps "Not" operations to the right-hand side of combining operations (i.e. "And", "Or"). Useful if a "Not" operation is slow. Optimization options. A QueryEngine defines how to build a query from an input string. It can be customized to support custom filters and operators. Default query engine of type object. Construct a new QueryEngine. Indicates if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. The validation options to use in this engine. Construct a new QueryEngine. Indicates if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. The validation options to use in this engine. Construct a new QueryEngine. Indicates if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. The validation options to use in this engine. A QueryEngine defines how to build a query from an input string. It can be customized to support custom filters and operators. Global string comparison options for word matching and filter handling (if not overridden). The callback used to get the data to match to the search words. Indicates if word/phrase matching uses searchDataStringComparison or not. String comparison options for word/phrase matching. The function used to match the search data against the search words. Boolean. Indicates if incomplete filters should be skipped. If true, filters are skipped. If false and Search.QueryEngine_1.validateFilters|validateFilters is true, incomplete filters will generate errors when parsed. Boolean. Indicates if unknown filters should be skipped. If true, unknown filters are skipped. If false and Search.QueryEngine_1.validateFilters|validateFilters is true, unknown filters will generate errors if no default filter handler is provided. Get or set if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. Defaults to true. Adds a new custom filter. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData and returns an object of type TFilter. String comparison option. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData and returns an object of type TFilter. String comparison option. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with parameters. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData and TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. String comparison option. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with parameters. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData and TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. String comparison option. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with parameters. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData and TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. String comparison option. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with parameters. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData and TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. String comparison option. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with a complete resolver. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to handle any operators for this filter. Takes an object of type TData, the operator token and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with parameters and a complete resolver. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to handle any operators for this filter. Takes an object of type TData, an object of type TParam, the operator token and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with parameters and a complete resolver. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to handle any operators for this filter. Takes an object of type TData, an object of type TParam, the operator token and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched and returns an object of type TFilter. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison option. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched and returns an object of type TFilter. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison option. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression and parameters. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, an object of type TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison option. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression and parameters. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, an object of type TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison option. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression and parameters. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, an object of type TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison option. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression and parameters. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to get the object that is used in the filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, an object of type TParam, and returns an object of type TFilter. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison option. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression and a complete resolver. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to handle any operators for this filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, the operator token and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression, parameters and a complete resolver. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to handle any operators for this filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, an object of type TParam, the operator token and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. The new filter. Adds a new custom filter with a regular expression, parameters and a complete resolver. The regular expression that matches the filter. Matches what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Callback used to handle any operators for this filter. Takes an object of type TData, a string representing the actual filter name that was matched, an object of type TParam, the operator token and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. Callback used to convert a string to type TParam. Used when parsing the query to convert what is passed to the function into the correct format. The new filter. Adds all custom filters that are identified with the method attribute TFilterAttribute. Adds a new nested query aggregator. An aggregator is an operation that can be applied on a nested query to aggregate the results of the nested query according to certain criteria. Name of the aggregator used when typing the query. This name is converted to lowercase when parsing the query to speed up the process. Aggregator function. Takes the results of the nested query, and returns an aggregate that contains any number of items. Adds a custom filter operator. The operator identifier. Adds a custom filter operator handler. The filter operator. Callback to handle the operation. Takes a TFilterVariable (the value returned by the filter handler, it will vary for each element), a TFilterConstant (right-hand side value of the operator, which is constant), and a StringComparison option and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passes or not. Adds a custom filter operator handler. The filter operator. Callback to handle the operation. Takes a TFilterVariable (the value returned by the filter handler, it will vary for each element), a TFilterConstant (right-hand side value of the operator, which is constant), and a StringComparison option and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passes or not. Adds a type parser that parses a string and returns a custom type. Used by custom operator handlers (see Search.QueryEngine_1.AddOperatorHandler|AddOperatorHandler). Callback used to determine if a string can be converted into TFilterConstant. Takes a string and returns a ParseResult object. This contains the success flag, and the converted value if it succeeds. Removes all filters that were added on the Search.QueryEngine_1|QueryEngine. Constructs a new QueryEngine. Indicates if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. The validation options to use in this engine. Constructs a new QueryEngine. Indicates if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. The validation options to use in this engine. Constructs a new QueryEngine. Indicates if the engine must validate filters when parsing the query. The validation options to use in this engine. Get all filters added on this Search.QueryEngine_1|QueryEngine. An enumerable of Search.IQueryEngineFilter|IQueryEngineFilter. Get a custom operator added on the Search.QueryEngine_1|QueryEngine. The operator identifier. The global Search.QueryFilterOperator|QueryFilterOperator. Parses a query string into a Query operation. This Query operation can then be used to filter any data set of type TData. The query input string. Set to true to get a query that yields null results for elements that don't pass the query, instead of only the elements that pass the query. Query operation of type TData. Parses a query string into a Query operation. This Query operation can then be used to filter any data set of type TData. The query input string. Set to true to get a query that yields null results for elements that don't pass the query, instead of only the elements that pass the query. Query operation of type TData. Parses a query string into a Query operation. This Query operation can then be used to filter any data set of type TData. The query input string. A factory object that creates query handlers of type TQueryHandler. See Search.IQueryHandlerFactory_3|IQueryHandlerFactory. Query operation of type TData and TPayload. Removes a custom filter. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Removes a custom filter. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Removes a custom filter. The filter object returned by Search.QueryEngine_1.AddFilter|AddFilter. Removes a custom operator that was added on the Search.QueryEngine_1|QueryEngine. The operator identifier. Sets the default filter handler for filters that were not registered. Callback used to handle the filter. Takes an object of type TData, the filter identifier, the operator, and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. Sets the default filter handler for function filters that were not registered. Callback used to handle the function filter. Takes an object of type TData, the filter identifier, the parameter, the operator, and the filter value, and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passed or not. Sets a filter's nested query transformer function. This function takes the result of a nested query and extracts the necessary data to compare with the filter. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). The transformer function. Sets global string comparison options. Used for word matching and filter handling (unless overridden by filter). String comparison options. Sets the function that will handle nested queries. Only one handler can be set. The function that handles nested queries. It receives the nested query and the filter token on which the query is applied, and returns an IEnumerable. Sets the callback used to fetch the data that is matched against the search words. Callback used to get the data to be matched against the search words. Takes an object of type TData and returns an IEnumerable of strings. String comparison options. Sets the callback used to fetch the data that is matched against the search words. Callback used to get the data to be matched against the search words. Takes an object of type TData and returns an IEnumerable of strings. String comparison options. Sets the callback used to fetch the data that is matched against the search words. Callback used to get the data to be matched against the search words. Takes an object of type TData and returns an IEnumerable of strings. Callback used to transform a search word during the query parsing. Useful when doing lowercase or uppercase comparison. Can return null or an empty string to remove the word from the query. String comparison options. Set the search word matching function to be used instead of the default one. Set to null to use the default. The search word matching function. The first parameter is the search word. The second parameter is a boolean for exact match or not. The third parameter is the StringComparison options. The fourth parameter is an element of the array returned by the search data callback. The function returns true for a match or false for no match. Get a filter by its token. The token used to create the filter. The existing Search.IQueryEngineFilter|IQueryEngineFilter, or null if it does not exist. Returns true if the filter is retrieved or false if the filter does not exist. Get a filter by its token. The token used to create the filter. The existing Search.IQueryEngineFilter|IQueryEngineFilter, or null if it does not exist. Returns true if the filter is retrieved or false if the filter does not exist. Base attribute class used to define a custom filter on a QueryEngine. All filter types supported by QueryEngine.AddFilter are supported by this attribute. String comparison options. Flag indicating if the filter overrides the global string comparison options. Set to true when the comparisonOptions are used. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. List of supported operator tokens. Null for all operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (i.e. "id" in "id>=2"). Flag indicating if this filter uses a parameter transformer function. Set to true when paramTransformerFunction is used. Indicates if the filter uses a regular expression token or not. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter or regular expression that matches the filters. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Set this flag to true if the token is a regular expression. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter or regular expression that matches the filters. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Set this flag to true if the token is a regular expression. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter or regular expression that matches the filters. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Set this flag to true if the token is a regular expression. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Create a filter with the corresponding token and supported operators. The identifier of the filter or regular expression that matches the filters. Typically what precedes the operator in a filter (for example, "id" in "id>=2"). Set this flag to true if the token is a regular expression. List of supported operator tokens. This list contains the supported operator tokens. Use null or an empty list to indicate that all operators are supported. String comparison options. Name of the parameter transformer function to use with this filter. Tag the parameter transformer function with the appropriate ParameterTransformer attribute. Base attribute class that defines a custom parameter transformer function. A QueryError holds the definition of a query parsing error. Index where the error happened. Length of the block that was being parsed. Reason why the parsing failed. Construct a new QueryError. Index where the error happened. Reason why the parsing failed. Length of the block that was being parsed. Construct a new QueryError. Index where the error happened. Reason why the parsing failed. Length of the block that was being parsed. Construct a new QueryError. Index where the error happened. Reason why the parsing failed. Length of the block that was being parsed. A QueryFilterOperator defines a boolean operator between a value returned by a filter and an operand inputted in the search query. The operator identifier. Indicates if this filter operator is valid. Adds a custom filter operator handler. Callback to handle the operation. Takes a TFilterVariable (the value returned by the filter handler, it will vary for each element), a TFilterConstant (right-hand side value of the operator, which is constant), and a StringComparison option and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passes or not. The current Search.QueryFilterOperator|QueryFilterOperator. Adds a custom filter operator handler. Callback to handle the operation. Takes a TFilterVariable (the value returned by the filter handler, it will vary for each element), a TFilterConstant (right-hand side value of the operator, which is constant), and a StringComparison option and returns a boolean indicating if the filter passes or not. The current Search.QueryFilterOperator|QueryFilterOperator. Class that represents a query graph. Returns true if the graph is empty. Root node of the graph. Can be null. Constructor. Creates a new query graph. Root node of the graph. Optimize the graph. Propagate "Not" operations to leaves, so only leaves can have "Not" operations as parents. Swaps "Not" operations to the right-hand side of combining operations (i.e. "And", "Or"). Useful if a "Not" operation is slow. Optimize the graph. Optimization options. Structure containing the different options used to optimize a query graph. Propagate "Not" operations to leaves, so only leaves can have "Not" operations as parents. Swaps filter functions to the right-hand side of combining operations (i.e. "And", "Or"). Useful if those filter operations are slow. Swaps "Not" operations to the right-hand side of combining operations (i.e. "And", "Or"). Useful if a "Not" operation is slow. Options for representing the query node types. Aggregator node. And node. Comment node. Filter node. Filter with nested query node. Group node. Intersection node. Nested query node. Negation node. Or node. Word search node. Toggle node. Union node. Where enumerator node. Represents a token of a query string. The length of the token. Can be different than the length of the text. The position of the token in the query string. The text representing the token. Creates a token from a string and a position. The value of the token. The position of the token in the entire query string. The length of the token. Creates a token from a string and a position. The value of the token. The position of the token in the entire query string. The length of the token. Struct containing the available query validation options. Boolean indicating if incomplete filters should be skipped. Boolean indicating if unknown filters should be skipped. Boolean indicating if filters should be validated. Default is false. Refresh flags are used to indicate why search view needs to be refreshed or updated. Normal refresh. The display mode or item size has changed. The current item group has changed. In example, the user selected a new search tab. The search item list has been updated. No particular refresh reason were specified. The structure of the current selection data has changed (i.e. the selected scene object got a new component). Defines an action that can be applied on a SearchItem of a specific search provider type. Indicates if the search view should be closed after the action execution. Display name for the search action. Callback used to check if the action is enabled based on the current context. Executes an action on a set of items. This handler is used for actions that do not support multi-selection. Action unique identifier. Default constructor to build a search action. Unique action id used to find it back later. The search provider ID that supports this action. Displays the displayname, an icon, and a tooltip when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Handler that executes the action. Label name when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Icon for the action in the Action Menu. Tooltip associated with the action when displayed in the Action Menu. Default constructor to build a search action. Unique action id used to find it back later. The search provider ID that supports this action. Displays the displayname, an icon, and a tooltip when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Handler that executes the action. Label name when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Icon for the action in the Action Menu. Tooltip associated with the action when displayed in the Action Menu. Default constructor to build a search action. Unique action id used to find it back later. The search provider ID that supports this action. Displays the displayname, an icon, and a tooltip when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Handler that executes the action. Label name when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Icon for the action in the Action Menu. Tooltip associated with the action when displayed in the Action Menu. Default constructor to build a search action. Unique action id used to find it back later. The search provider ID that supports this action. Displays the displayname, an icon, and a tooltip when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Handler that executes the action. Label name when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Icon for the action in the Action Menu. Tooltip associated with the action when displayed in the Action Menu. Default constructor to build a search action. Unique action id used to find it back later. The search provider ID that supports this action. Displays the displayname, an icon, and a tooltip when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Handler that executes the action. Label name when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Icon for the action in the Action Menu. Tooltip associated with the action when displayed in the Action Menu. Default constructor to build a search action. Unique action id used to find it back later. The search provider ID that supports this action. Displays the displayname, an icon, and a tooltip when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Handler that executes the action. Label name when displaying the action in the Action Menu. Icon for the action in the Action Menu. Tooltip associated with the action when displayed in the Action Menu. Attribute used to declare a static method that defines new actions for specific search providers. Search columns are used to display additional information in the Search Table view. If defined, the comparer delegate is used to sort search results based on the value displayed in that column. The content is used to display the search column label and image in its header. If defined, the drawer delegate is used to customize how the search column displays its information. If defined, the getter delegate is used to customize how the search field data is extracted and transformed for display (see SearchColumn.drawer). Name of the search column. Various options used to define how a search column is presented. The path can be used by the column delegates to interpret how the data can be manipulated. The provider is used to indicate which search column provider (see SearchColumn) is used to define the search column format. The selector is used by the column delegates to fetch the search field data. If defined, the setter delegate writes back the value to the corresponding field of the search result. The column width is used to set the Search Table view column width. Search column compare arguments are used by SearchColumn.comparer to sort search results. Left-hand side column to compare. Right-hand side column to compare. Indicates if the results should be sorted in ascending order or not. Search column event arguments are used by SearchColumn.getter, SearchColumn.drawer and SearchColumn.setter delegates. Search column being handled by the current event. Search context being used for the current event. Indicates if the search column cell is currently focused. Search item currently being used for the event. Indicates if multiple search results are currently selected when processing the current event. UnityEngine.Rect used to indicate the drawing boudaries of the SearchColumn.drawer event. Indicates if the search result is currently selected. Value obtained from SearchColumn.getter before calling SearchColumn.drawer. Search column flags are used to set multiple states. Indicates that the user can manually hide the search column in the Search Table view. Indicates that the user can sort the search column in the Search Table view. Defines a default set of options for common usages. Indicates that the search column is currently hidden in the Search Table view. Indicates that no column options are used. Indicates that the search column in the Search Table view is currently sorted. Indicates that the search column in the Search Table view is sorted in descending order. If not defined, it means the column is sorted in ascending order. Indicates that the search column in the Search Table view is aligning text in the middle. Indicates that the search column in the Search Table view is aligning text to the left. Indicates that the search column in the Search Table view is aligning text to the right. The search column provider attribute is used to define new formats for a given column. Unique name of the search column provider. The search context includes all the data necessary to perform a query. It allows the full customization of how a query may be performed. This event is used to receive any asynchronous search result. Event is used to receive any asynchronous search result. Explicit filter ID. Usually it is the first search token like h:, p: to do an explicit search for a given search provider. Can be null. Editor window that initiated the search. Search context options. Progress handle to display the progress bar for the search currently in progress. Which search providers are active for this particular context. Indicates if an asynchronous search is currently in progress for this context. Returns a phrase that contains only words separated by spaces. Processed search query (no filterId, no textFilters). Character offset of the processed search query in the raw search text. Raw search text (what is in the Search text box). The search view presenting the search results. Search query tokenized by words. All text filters are discarded and all words are in lowercase. Returns the search result selection if any. Invoked when a Search has ended. Handler of the event. Invoked when a Search is started. Handler of the event. All tokens containing a colon (':'). Indicates if the search should return all the results instead of only the most relevant. Adds a new query error on this context. The new error. Adds new query errors on this context. The new errors. Creates a new search context. The list of search providers used to resolve the specified query. The search query to perform. A set of options that help evaluate the query. Creates a new search context. The list of search providers used to resolve the specified query. The search query to perform. A set of options that help evaluate the query. Creates a new search context. The list of search providers used to resolve the specified query. The search query to perform. A set of options that help evaluate the query. TODO. Dispose of the Search Context. Checks if a search provider is available to process a query. ID of the search provider. See SearchProvider.name.id. Returns true if the search provider is enabled for this SearchContext. Resets all search provider filters to the specified value. This allows enabling or disabling all search providers in one call. A disabled search provider won't be asked to provide items to resolve the query. If true, enables all search providers. If false, disables all search providers. Enables or disables a single search provider. A disabled search provider won't be asked to provide items to resolve the query. ID of the search provider. See SearchProvider.name.id. If true, enables the search provider to perform a query. Represents a searchable document that has been indexed. Document unique ID in the search index. Index of that document in the SearchIndexer. Readable name of the document. Document path. Document base relevance score. Original source from which the document was indexed. The source is usually the container asset, i.e. prefab, Unity scene or the imported asset itself. If true the document is considered valid. Compare this document against another document. Another document to compare to. If 0, both documents are equals. Create a new SearchDocument. Document unique ID in the search index. Source document to copy properties from. Document score used for sorting. Document position in the search index. Document path (i.e. asset path or transform path) if any. Document name (for example, asset path or transform path) if any. Document contained source path or ID. This is usually defined for nested objects with a prefab or a scene. Create a new SearchDocument. Document unique ID in the search index. Source document to copy properties from. Document score used for sorting. Document position in the search index. Document path (i.e. asset path or transform path) if any. Document name (for example, asset path or transform path) if any. Document contained source path or ID. This is usually defined for nested objects with a prefab or a scene. Create a new SearchDocument. Document unique ID in the search index. Source document to copy properties from. Document score used for sorting. Document position in the search index. Document path (i.e. asset path or transform path) if any. Document name (for example, asset path or transform path) if any. Document contained source path or ID. This is usually defined for nested objects with a prefab or a scene. Create a new SearchDocument. Document unique ID in the search index. Source document to copy properties from. Document score used for sorting. Document position in the search index. Document path (i.e. asset path or transform path) if any. Document name (for example, asset path or transform path) if any. Document contained source path or ID. This is usually defined for nested objects with a prefab or a scene. Compare this document against another document. Another document to compare to. If true both document are equals. Compare this document against another document. Another document to compare to. If true both document are equals. Returns the document ID string. Returns a string representation of the document. Search options used to fetch items. Mostly with SearchContext to specify how a search should be handled. Adds debugging information to SearchItem while looking for results. Default Search Flag (SearchFlags.Sorted). Indicates that the search view is dockable. This flag is only usable with internal API. Indicates that the search query will be evaluated as a search expression. Sends the first items asynchronously. Indicates that the search view will focus on the first contextual search provider available when it opens. This flag is only usable with internal API. Indicates that the search view will hide its side panels when it opens. This flag is only usable with internal API. Indicates that the search view will allow multi-selection. This flag is only usable with internal API. Prevents the search from using indexing. Asset Provider will use its builtin Find in Files provider. No specific search options. Result will be unsorted. Opens a search view with default contextual options. This flag is only usable with internal API. Opens a search view with default options. This flag is only usable with internal API. Opens a search view for a global search. This flag is only usable with internal API. Opens a search view as an object picker. This flag is only usable with internal API. The Object Picker window will include any results from packages. Evaluate the search text as a pure query string (do not evaluate the text as a search expression). Indicates that the search view will find any existing window instances that are already opened before creating a new one. This flag is only usable with internal API. Indicates that the search view will save its settings and search provider filters when it closes. This flag is only usable with internal API. Always show query errors even when there are results available. This flag is only usable with internal API. Fetched items are sorted by the search service. Search items are fetched synchronously. This can take a long time for some SearchProvider (like asset). Use at your own risk. Sets the search to search for all results. This might take longer than unusual if SearchProvider are using multiple sources of items (files on disk, AssetDatabase...) Base class for a document Indexer which provides methods for retrieving a document given a specific pattern in roughly log(n). This allows you to search a large index more quickly. Returns the number of documents in the index. Returns the number keywords in the index. Minimal indexed word size. Default is 2. Name of the index. Generally this name is set by a user from SearchDatabase.Settings. Handler used to resolve a document ID to some other data string. Handler used to skip entries. Adds a new document to be indexed. Unique document ID. Pass true if this document has some chance of existing already. The document index/handle used to add new index entries. Adds a new word coming from a document to the index. The word is added with multiple variations allowing partial search. Word to add to the index. Relevance score of the word. Document where the indexed word was found. Adds a key-number value pair to the index. The key won't be added with variations. Key used to retrieve the value. Number value to store in the index. Relevance score of the word. Document where the indexed value was found. Adds a property value to the index. A property is specified with a key and a string value. The value will be stored with multiple variations. Key used to retrieve the value. String value to store in the index. Document where the indexed value was found. Indicates if we store this key in the keyword registry of the index. See SearchIndexer.GetKeywords. If true, index stores an exact match entry for this word. Relevance score of the word. Key used to retrieve the value. Minimum number of variations to compute for the value. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Maximum number of variations to compute for the value. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Adds a property value to the index. A property is specified with a key and a string value. The value will be stored with multiple variations. Key used to retrieve the value. String value to store in the index. Document where the indexed value was found. Indicates if we store this key in the keyword registry of the index. See SearchIndexer.GetKeywords. If true, index stores an exact match entry for this word. Relevance score of the word. Key used to retrieve the value. Minimum number of variations to compute for the value. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Maximum number of variations to compute for the value. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Adds a property value to the index. A property is specified with a key and a string value. The value will be stored with multiple variations. Key used to retrieve the value. String value to store in the index. Document where the indexed value was found. Indicates if we store this key in the keyword registry of the index. See SearchIndexer.GetKeywords. If true, index stores an exact match entry for this word. Relevance score of the word. Key used to retrieve the value. Minimum number of variations to compute for the value. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Maximum number of variations to compute for the value. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Adds a new word coming from a document to the index. The word is added with multiple variations allowing partial search. Word to add to the index. Relevance score of the word. Document where the indexed word was found. Number of variations to compute. Minimum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Maximum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Adds a new word coming from a document to the index. The word is added with multiple variations allowing partial search. Word to add to the index. Relevance score of the word. Document where the indexed word was found. Number of variations to compute. Minimum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Maximum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Adds a new word coming from a document to the index. The word is added with multiple variations allowing partial search. Word to add to the index. Relevance score of the word. Document where the indexed word was found. Number of variations to compute. Minimum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Maximum number of variations to compute. Cannot be higher than the length of the word. Creates a new default SearchIndexer. Name of the indexer. Creates a new default SearchIndexer. Name of the indexer. Finalizes the current index, sorting and compiling of all the indexes. Callback invoked when the index is ready to be used. Documents to be removed from current index (if any). Finalizes the current index, sorting and compiling of all the indexes. Callback invoked when the index is ready to be used. Documents to be removed from current index (if any). Finalizes the current index, sorting and compiling of all the indexes. Callback invoked when the index is ready to be used. Documents to be removed from current index (if any). Returns a search document by its index. Valid index of the document to access. Indexed search document. Get metadata of a specific document. Document id of the document. Metadata of the document. Function to override in a concrete SearchIndexer to index the content of a document. Path of the document to index. Verifies if the document exists. Indicates if the index is fully built, up to date, and ready for search. Returns true if the index is ready for search. Loads the index asynchronously (in another thread) from a binary buffer. Binary buffer containing the index representation. Callback that triggers when the index is fully loaded. The callback parameters indicates if loading was succesful. Returns false if the index is of an unsupported version or if there was a problem initializing the reading thread. Reads a stream and populates the index from it. The stream to read the index from. If true, verifies the version of the index. Returns false if the version of the index is not supported. Get the bytes representation of this index. See SearchIndexer.Write. Bytes representation of the index. Runs a search query in the index. Search query to look for. If if matches any of the indexed variations, a result is returned. The search context on which the query is applied. The search provider that initiated the search. Maximum match score of any matched Search Result. See SearchResult.score. Maximum number of matched Search Results that can be returned. See SearchResult. Returns a collection of Search Results matching the query. Runs a search query in the index. Search query to look for. If if matches any of the indexed variations, a result is returned. The search context on which the query is applied. The search provider that initiated the search. Maximum match score of any matched Search Result. See SearchResult.score. Maximum number of matched Search Results that can be returned. See SearchResult. Returns a collection of Search Results matching the query. Runs a search query in the index. Search query to look for. If if matches any of the indexed variations, a result is returned. The search context on which the query is applied. The search provider that initiated the search. Maximum match score of any matched Search Result. See SearchResult.score. Maximum number of matched Search Results that can be returned. See SearchResult. Returns a collection of Search Results matching the query. Set arbiraty metadata on a specific document. Id of a document. Metadata to bind to that document. Called when the index is built to see if a specified document needs to be indexed. See SearchIndexer.skipEntryHandler. Path of a document. Check Roots. Returns true if the document doesn't need to be indexed. Starts indexing entries. True if the the current index should be cleared. Writes a binary representation of the index on a stream. Stream to write the index. Search items are returned by the search provider to show to the user after a search is performed. The search item holds all the data that is used to sort and present the search results. Some members of a SearchItem can be specified in an asynchronous callback (see SearchItem.fetchThumbnail, SearchItem.fetchDescription, etc). A search item representing none, usually used to clear the selection. Context used to create that item. Search provider defined content. It can be used to transport any data to custom search provider handlers (i.e. `fetchDescription`). If no description is provided, SearchProvider.fetchDescription will be called when the item is first displayed. Unique ID of the search item for the search provider. Display name of the search item. A search item representing none, usually used to clear the selection. Flags that dictate how the search item is displayed and used. Large preview of the search item. Usually cached by fetchPreview. Back pointer to the search provider. The item relevance score will affect how the item gets sorted by the search provider. Lower scored items have more relevance and are prioritzed. If no thumbnail is provided, SearchProvider.fetchThumbnail is called when the item is first displayed. Check if two SearchItems have the same ID. Another SearchItem to compare. Returns 0 if SearchItems have the same ID. Check if two SearchItems have the same ID. Another SearchItem to compare. Returns 0 if SearchItems have the same ID. Construct a search item. A search item needs to have at least a unique ID for a given search query. Unique ID of the SearchItem. Check if two SearchItems have the same ID. AnotherSearchItem to compare. Returns true if SearchItems have the same ID. Check if two SearchItems have the same ID. AnotherSearchItem to compare. Returns true if SearchItems have the same ID. Fetch and format description. Any search context for the item search provider. True if any HTML tags should be dropped (if the control does not support HTML). The search item description. Default Hash of a SearchItem. A hash code for the current SearchItem. Fetch and format label. Any search context for the item search provider. True if any HTML tags should be dropped. The search item label. Gets the search item preview if available, otherwise the preview is fetched at this time. Search context used to fetch the preview. Indicates the size of the desired preview. Indicates the options used to fetch various preview types. Indicates if the preview thumbnail should be cached for next time. Returns the generated preview 2D texture. Gets the search item thumbnail if available, otherwise the thumbnail is fetched at this time. The thumbnail is usually used in list view compared to the grid view. Search context used to fetch the search item thumbnail. Indicates if the search item thumbnail should be cached for next time. Returns the search item 2D texture. Returns any valid Unity Object held by the search item. Used to validate if the object is assignable to Type. Returns a Unity Object or null if there is none. Returns any valid Unity Object held by the search item. Used to validate if the object is assignable to Type. Returns a Unity Object or null if there is none. Returns any valid Unity Object held by the search item. Used to validate if the object is assignable to T. Indicates how the search item description needs to be formatted when presented to the user. Indicates that the item will always be refreshed. Uses Label instead of description for shorter display. If the description is longer than the width of the search view, truncates the description and adds an ellipsis. The item description that is displayed in full mode. This is usually the case when the description is displayed in the Preview Inspector as opposed to the Result View. Highlights parts of the description that match the Fuzzy Search Query. Highlights parts of the description that match the Search Query. Uses default description. If the description is longer than the search view, keeps the last characters. Attribute used to declare a static method that will create a new search provider at load time. Search propositions are used to display choices to the user to add new filters to a search query. Create a new search proposition. Display text of the proposition. Text used to auto-complete the query when selected. Help text used to display additional information about the search proposition. Value used to sort the propositions among other search propositions when displaying choices to the user. Indicates when the text cursor should be moved when auto-completing the query with the selected proposition. Icon used to display the proposition. SearchProvider manages search for specific types of items and manages all fields of a SearchItem such as thumbnails, descriptions, subfilters. Search provider actions. Indicates if the search provider is active or not. Inactive search providers are ignored by the search service. The active state can be toggled in the search settings. Handler used to enumerate search columns to be used in the Search Table view. Handler to provide an asynchronous description for an item. Is called when the item is about to be displayed. Allows a plugin provider to only fetch long descriptions when they are needed. MANDATORY: Handler to get items for a given search context. The return value is an object that can be of type IEnumerable or IEnumerator. The enumeration of those objects should return SearchItems. Handler used to fetch and format the label of a search item. Similar to fetchThumbnail, fetchPreview usually returns a bigger preview. The Search UI will progressively show one preview each frame, preventing the UI from blocking if many previews need to be generated at the same time. Handler used to enumerate search propositions when the user is using TAB to auto-complete a query. Handler to provide an asynchronous thumbnail for an item. Is called when the item is about to be displayed. Compared to preview a thumbnail should be small and returned as fast as possible. Use fetchPreview if you want to generate a preview that is bigger and slower to return. Allows a plugin provider to only fetch/generate previews when they are needed. Text token used to "filter" by search provider (ex: "me:", "p:", "s:"). Search provider unique ID. Called when search is invoked in "contextual mode". Returns true if the search provider is enabled for this search context. This search provider is only active when specified explicitly using the filterId. Unique ID of the search provider. Called when the SearchWindow is closed. Allows the search provider to release cached resources. Called when the SearchWindow is opened. Allows the search provider to perform some caching. Hint to sort the search provider. Affects the order of search results and the order in which search providers are shown in the FilterWindow. Indicates if the search provider can show additional details or not. Defines the details options to be shown. If implemented, the item supports drag. It is up to the SearchProvider to properly set up the DragAndDrop manager. Returns any valid Unity object held by the search item. Called when the selection changed and can be tracked. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Helper function to create a new search item for the current search provider. Search context from the query that generates this item. Unique ID of the search item. This is used to remove duplicates in the user view. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. Relevance score of the search item. The relevance score is used to sort all the results per search provider. Lower relevance scores indicate more relevance and are shown first. The search item description is displayed on the second line of the search item UI widget. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The search item thumbnail is displayed to the left of the item label and description as a preview. The newly created search item attached to the current search provider. Create a new SearchProvider. Search Provider unique ID. Search Provider pretty name, used to display in UI. Handler responsible for populating a list of SearchItems according to a query. Create a new SearchProvider. Search Provider unique ID. Search Provider pretty name, used to display in UI. Handler responsible for populating a list of SearchItems according to a query. Create a new SearchProvider. Search Provider unique ID. Search Provider pretty name, used to display in UI. Handler responsible for populating a list of SearchItems according to a query. Create a new SearchProvider. Search Provider unique ID. Search Provider pretty name, used to display in UI. Handler responsible for populating a list of SearchItems according to a query. Create a new SearchProvider. Search Provider unique ID. Search Provider pretty name, used to display in UI. Handler responsible for populating a list of SearchItems according to a query. Create a new SearchProvider. Search Provider unique ID. Search Provider pretty name, used to display in UI. Handler responsible for populating a list of SearchItems according to a query. Represents a query parsing error. The context in which this error was logged. Index where the error occurred. Length of the block that was being parsed. Which search provider logged this error. The reason for the error. The type of query error. Creates a new SearchQueryError. Index where the error occurred. Length of the block that was being parsed. The reason for the error. The context in which this error was logged. Which search provider logged this error. Set to true if this error comes from parsing the searchQuery. This will correctly offset the index with respect to the raw text. The type of query error. See Search.SearchQueryErrorType. Defaults to Search.SearchQueryErrorType.Error|SearchQueryErrorType.Error. Creates a new SearchQueryError from an existing Search.QueryError|QueryError. The original Search.QueryError|QueryError. The context in which this error was logged. Which search provider logged this error. Set to true if this error comes from parsing the searchQuery. This will correctly offset the index with respect to the raw text. Enum representing the possible types of query errors. Represents an error. Represents a warning. Contains a SearchItem that was retrieved from a query. ID of the document containing that result. Index of the document containing that result. Represents a null search result. Relavance score of the result. A lower score indicates it is a more relevant result. Checks if a search result is valid. Compares Search Results using their index values. Another SearchResult to compare. Returns true if both SearchResults have the same index. Creates a new SearchResult. ID of the document containing the result. Index of the document containing the result. Relevance core of the result. A lower score indicates it is a more relevant result. Creates a new SearchResult. ID of the document containing the result. Index of the document containing the result. Relevance core of the result. A lower score indicates it is a more relevant result. Creates a new SearchResult. ID of the document containing the result. Index of the document containing the result. Relevance core of the result. A lower score indicates it is a more relevant result. Compare Search Result using their index values. Another SearchResult to compare. Returns true if both SearchResults have the same index. Compare Search Result using their index values. Another SearchResult to compare. Returns true if both SearchResults have the same index. Computes the hash code for this SearchResult from its index property. HashCode of the SearchResult. Provides methods to give readonly access to the current list of selected items in Search. Checks if the search item is contained in the current selection. Search item to be compared. True if the item is contained in the selection. The number of items selected. Creates a new SearchSelection. Current list of selected SearchItem indices. List of SearchItems displayed in Search. Filtered items. Creates a new SearchSelection. Current list of selected SearchItem indices. List of SearchItems displayed in Search. Filtered items. Gets the first selected item in the selection. First selected item in selection. Returns null if no items are selected. Gets an enumerator on the currently selected SearchItems. Enumerator on the currently selected SearchItems. Gets the last selected item in the selection. Last selected item in selection. Returns null if no items are selected. Highest selected index of any item in the selection. Returns the highest selected index. Lowest selected index of any item in the selection. Returns the lowest selected index. Search selector arguments used when the search selector callback is invoked. Current search item for which a value must be selected. Search selector attribute used to define how a custom value can be selected from a search item. Principal Search API to initiate searches and fetch results. Creates context from a list of search provider IDs. Search Query. Search provider (This search provider does not need to be active or registered). Unique search provider ID string (i.e. asset, scene, find, etc.) List of search provider IDs. List of search providers. Options defining how the query is performed. Returns a new SearchContext. Creates context from a list of search provider IDs. Search Query. Search provider (This search provider does not need to be active or registered). Unique search provider ID string (i.e. asset, scene, find, etc.) List of search provider IDs. List of search providers. Options defining how the query is performed. Returns a new SearchContext. Creates context from a list of search provider IDs. Search Query. Search provider (This search provider does not need to be active or registered). Unique search provider ID string (i.e. asset, scene, find, etc.) List of search provider IDs. List of search providers. Options defining how the query is performed. Returns a new SearchContext. Creates context from a list of search provider IDs. Search Query. Search provider (This search provider does not need to be active or registered). Unique search provider ID string (i.e. asset, scene, find, etc.) List of search provider IDs. List of search providers. Options defining how the query is performed. Returns a new SearchContext. Creates context from a list of search provider IDs. Search Query. Search provider (This search provider does not need to be active or registered). Unique search provider ID string (i.e. asset, scene, find, etc.) List of search provider IDs. List of search providers. Options defining how the query is performed. Returns a new SearchContext. Creates context from a list of search provider IDs. Search Query. Search provider (This search provider does not need to be active or registered). Unique search provider ID string (i.e. asset, scene, find, etc.) List of search provider IDs. List of search providers. Options defining how the query is performed. Returns a new SearchContext. Create a new search index. Unique name of the search index. Indexing option set. Search index roots, for example "Assets" to index all Assets under Assets. Exclusive list of assets to be indexed. If this list is empty, everything will be indexed. Patterns to exclude assets to be indexed under roots. Callback that gets invoked when the index is created and ready to be used. Returns the search action for a given search provider and search action ID. Search provider to look up. Unique action ID within the search provider. The matching action. Initiates a search and returns all search items matching the search context. Other items can be found later using asynchronous searches. The current search context. Options defining how the query is performed. A list of search items matching the search query. Returns the data of a search provider given its ID. Unique ID of the search provider. The matching search provider. Indicates if a search index is ready to be used. Unique name of the index. This name usually matches the one displayed in the Search Index Manager or the one used to invoke SearchService.CreateIndex. Returns true if the search index is ready to be used. Returns the list of search providers sorted by priority. Returns the list of all search providers (active or not). Clears everything and reloads all search providers. Use with care. Useful for unit tests. Refresh all currently opened Search windows. Executes a search request that will fetch search results asynchronously. Search query to be executed. Search context used to track asynchronous requests. You need to dispose of the context yourself. Options defining how the query is performed. Asynchronous list of search items. Executes a search request that will fetch search results asynchronously. Search query to be executed. Search context used to track asynchronous requests. You need to dispose of the context yourself. Options defining how the query is performed. Asynchronous list of search items. Executes a search request and calls back the specified function when all results are available. Callback invoked when the search request is completed and all results are available. Executes a search request and calls back the specified function when all results are available. Callback invoked when the search request is completed and all results are available. Executes a search request and callbacks for every batch of incoming results. It is possible to get duplicate items, so filter the final list if needed. Callback invoked everytime a batch of results are found and available. Callback invoked when the search request is completed. Executes a search request and callbacks for every batch of incoming results. It is possible to get duplicate items, so filter the final list if needed. Callback invoked everytime a batch of results are found and available. Callback invoked when the search request is completed. Activates or deactivates a search provider. Call Refresh after this to take effect on the next search. Search provider ID to activate or deactivate. Activation state. Open the search window using a specific context (activating specific filters). Unique IDs of search providers to enable when opening the search view. Returns the search view window instance. Open a search item picker window. Search context to start with. Callback invoked when an item is selected. Callback invoked when an item is clicked without it being the final selection. Callback invoked to filter search item results to display. Topic to search. Initial result view item size. Initial width of the window. Initial height of the window. Initial set of items to be searched. Options defining how the query is performed. Creates a new search window. Open a Search Picker window. Search view state used to open the Search Picker window. Creates a new search window. Creates a new search window. Search context to start with. Topic to search. True if user search provider filters should be saved for next search session. True if the active providers should be saved for the next session. True if the search supports multi-selection. Initial width of the window. Initial height of the window. If true, creates a dockable search window (that is closed when an item is activated). If false, it creates a dropdown (borderless, undockable and unmovable) version of the search window. Returns the search view window instance. Creates a new search window. Search view state used to open the Search window. Returns the search view window instance. Provides various utility functions that are used by SearchProvider. Separators used to split an entry into indexable tokens. Utility function to fetch all the game objects in a particular scene. Scene to get objects from. The array of game objects in the scene. Utility function to fetch all the game objects in a particular scene. Scene to get objects from. The array of game objects in the scene. Extract all variations on a word. As an example: the word hello would have the following variations: h, he, hel, hell, hello. Word to extract variations from. List of variations for a word. Returns the asset path of a search item if any. Search item. Asset path of the item or null if none can be found. Get the path of the scene (or prefab) containing a GameObject. GameObject to find the scene path. If true, will return a path only if the GameObject is a prefab. Returns the path of a scene or prefab. Get the hierarchy path of a GameObject including the scene name if includeScene is set to true. GameObject to extract a path from. If true, will append the scene name to the path. Returns the path of a GameObject. Get the path of a Unity Object. If it is a GameObject or a Component it is the <see cref="SearchUtils.GetTransformPath(Transform)"/>. Else it is the asset name. Object to obtain a path from. Returns the path of an object. Format the pretty name of a Transform component by appending all the parent hierarchy names. Transform to extract name from. Returns a transform name using "/" as hierarchy separator. Helper function to match a string against the SearchContext. This will try to match the search query against each token of content (similar to the AddComponent menu workflow). Search context containing the searchQuery that search tries to match. String content that is tokenized and used to match the search query. Perform matching while ignoring letter casing. If a match has occurred. Select and ping multiple objects in the Project Browser. Search Items to select and ping. If true, will focus the project browser before pinging the objects. If true, will ping the selected objects. Select and ping multiple objects in the Project Browser. Search Items to select and ping. If true, will focus the project browser before pinging the objects. If true, will ping the selected objects. Tokenize a string each capital letter. Word to split according to camelCase. Camel case tokens. Split an entry according to a specified list of separators. Entry to split. List of separators that indicate split points. Returns list of tokens in lowercase. Split a file entry according to a list of separators and find all the variations on the entry name. Path to tokenize. Entry separators used to tokenize the path. Returns list of tokens and variations in lowercase. Search value is used to extend a query engine with custom type parsers and filters to search results by value. Boolean value. Represent an invalid search value. Number value. Text representation of the value. Indicates the concrete type of the search value. Indicates if the search value is valid. Extended a query engine to work with dynamic search values. Query engine to add extended search value filters and parsers. Search value supported types. Indicates that the search value is a Boolean value. Indicates that the search value is a UnityEngine.Color value. Indicates that the search value is an enum value holding the text and integer representation of the Enum. Indicates that the search value is null. Indicates that the search value is a numeric value. Indicates that the search value is an UnityEngine.Object. Indicates that the search value is a text value. Indicates that the search value hold a UnityEngine.Vector2 value. Indicates that the search value hold a UnityEngine.Vector3 value. Indicates that the search value hold a UnityEngine.Vector4 value. Search view state is used to create new Search windows. See SearchService.ShowWindow. Various search view options. Indicates the group or tab to be selected when the Search window opens. Indicates the item size to be used when the Search window opens. If defined, indicates the location of the new Search window when it opens. Indicates the search topic title. Create search view flags used to create a new Search window. Initial search context. Initial search view flags. Create search view flags used to create a new Search window. Initial search context. Initial search view flags. Defines what details are shown in the preview inspector panel for the search view. Shows selected item possible actions. Default set of options used when SearchProvider.showDetails is set to true. Indicates that the provider will always be displayed as a group (tab) even if the result set is empty. Show an extended item description. Show an embedded inspector for the selected object. Indicates that this search provider wants to display its items in a list view if possible. No options are defined. Show a large preview. Where to place the cursor in the text. (see ISearchView.SetSearchText). Do not move the cursor. Default cursor position (end of the line of text). Move the cursor to the end of the line of text. Move the cursor to the beginning of the line of text. Move the cursor to the end of the previous word. Move the cursor to the start of the previous word. Move the cursor one word to the left. Move the cursor one word to the right. Do not move the cursor.