#if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using WebGLSupport.Detail;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
namespace WebGLSupport
/// Wrapper for TMPro.TMP_InputField
class WrappedTMPInputField : IInputField
TMP_InputField input;
RebuildChecker checker;
Coroutine delayedGraphicRebuild;
public bool ReadOnly { get { return input.readOnly; } }
public string text
get { return input.text; }
set { input.text = FixContentTypeByInputField(value); }
/// workaround!!
/// when use TMP_InputField.text = "xxx"; is will set the text directly.
/// so, use InputField for match the ContentType!
private string FixContentTypeByInputField(string inText)
var go = new GameObject("FixContentTypeByInputField for WebGLInput");
var i = go.AddComponent();
i.contentType = (InputField.ContentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputField.ContentType), input.contentType.ToString());
i.lineType = (InputField.LineType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputField.LineType), input.lineType.ToString());
i.inputType = (InputField.InputType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputField.InputType), input.inputType.ToString());
i.keyboardType = input.keyboardType;
i.characterValidation = (InputField.CharacterValidation)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputField.CharacterValidation), input.characterValidation.ToString());
i.characterLimit = input.characterLimit;
i.text = inText;
var res = i.text;
return res;
public string placeholder
if (!input.placeholder) return "";
var text = input.placeholder.GetComponent();
return text ? text.text : "";
public int fontSize
get { return (int)input.textComponent.fontSize; }
public ContentType contentType
get { return (ContentType)input.contentType; }
public LineType lineType
get { return (LineType)input.lineType; }
public int characterLimit
get { return input.characterLimit; }
public int caretPosition
get { return input.caretPosition; }
public bool isFocused
get { return input.isFocused; }
public int selectionFocusPosition
get { return input.selectionStringFocusPosition; }
set { input.selectionStringFocusPosition = value; }
public int selectionAnchorPosition
get { return input.selectionStringAnchorPosition; }
set { input.selectionStringAnchorPosition = value; }
public bool OnFocusSelectAll
get { return input.onFocusSelectAll; }
public bool EnableMobileSupport
// [2023.2] Latest Development on TextMesh Pro
// https://forum.unity.com/threads/2023-2-latest-development-on-textmesh-pro.1434757/
// As of 2023.2, the TextMesh Pro package (com.unity.textmeshpro) has been merged into the uGUI package (com.unity.ugui) and the TextMesh Pro package has been deprecated.
// In this version, TextMeshPro is default support mobile input. so disable WebGLInput mobile support
#if UNITY_2023_2_OR_NEWER
// return false to use unity mobile keyboard support
return false;
return true;
public WrappedTMPInputField(TMP_InputField input)
this.input = input;
checker = new RebuildChecker(this);
public Rect GetScreenCoordinates()
// 表示範囲
// MEMO :
// TMP では textComponent を移動させてクリッピングするため、
// 表示範囲外になる場合があるので、自分の範囲を返す
return Support.GetScreenCoordinates(input.GetComponent());
public void ActivateInputField()
public void DeactivateInputField()
public void Rebuild()
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
if (checker.NeedRebuild())
if (input.textComponent.enabled && checker.NeedRebuild())
// fix bug for tmp
// TMPの不具合で、正しく座標を設定されてなかったため、試しに対応する
var rt = input.textComponent.GetComponent();
var size = input.textComponent.GetPreferredValues();
if (size.x < rt.rect.xMax)
// textComponent の座標を更新
var pos = rt.anchoredPosition;
pos.x = 0;
rt.anchoredPosition = pos;
// caret の座標更新
var caret = input.GetComponentInChildren();
var caretRect = caret.GetComponent();
caretRect.anchoredPosition = rt.anchoredPosition;
// HACK : 1フレーム無効にする
// MEMO : 他にいい方法Rebuildがあれば対応する
// LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(); で試してダメでした
input.textComponent.enabled = rectOverlaps(input.textComponent.rectTransform, input.textViewport);
input.textComponent.enabled = true;
bool rectOverlaps(RectTransform rectTrans1, RectTransform rectTrans2)
Rect rect1 = new Rect(rectTrans1.localPosition.x, rectTrans1.localPosition.y, rectTrans1.rect.width, rectTrans1.rect.height);
Rect rect2 = new Rect(rectTrans2.localPosition.x, rectTrans2.localPosition.y, rectTrans2.rect.width, rectTrans2.rect.height);
return rect1.Overlaps(rect2);