#if !BESTHTTP_DISABLE_ALTERNATE_SSL && (!UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR) using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Encoders; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Utilities { public sealed class Asn1Dump { private static readonly string NewLine = Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.NewLine; private Asn1Dump() { } private const string Tab = " "; private const int SampleSize = 32; /** * dump a Der object as a formatted string with indentation * * @param obj the Asn1Object to be dumped out. */ private static void AsString( string indent, bool verbose, Asn1Object obj, StringBuilder buf) { if (obj is Asn1Sequence) { string tab = indent + Tab; buf.Append(indent); if (obj is BerSequence) { buf.Append("BER Sequence"); } else if (obj is DerSequence) { buf.Append("DER Sequence"); } else { buf.Append("Sequence"); } buf.Append(NewLine); foreach (Asn1Encodable o in ((Asn1Sequence)obj)) { if (o == null || o is Asn1Null) { buf.Append(tab); buf.Append("NULL"); buf.Append(NewLine); } else { AsString(tab, verbose, o.ToAsn1Object(), buf); } } } else if (obj is DerTaggedObject) { string tab = indent + Tab; buf.Append(indent); if (obj is BerTaggedObject) { buf.Append("BER Tagged ["); } else { buf.Append("Tagged ["); } DerTaggedObject o = (DerTaggedObject)obj; buf.Append(((int)o.TagNo).ToString()); buf.Append(']'); if (!o.IsExplicit()) { buf.Append(" IMPLICIT "); } buf.Append(NewLine); if (o.IsEmpty()) { buf.Append(tab); buf.Append("EMPTY"); buf.Append(NewLine); } else { AsString(tab, verbose, o.GetObject(), buf); } } else if (obj is BerSet) { string tab = indent + Tab; buf.Append(indent); buf.Append("BER Set"); buf.Append(NewLine); foreach (Asn1Encodable o in ((Asn1Set)obj)) { if (o == null) { buf.Append(tab); buf.Append("NULL"); buf.Append(NewLine); } else { AsString(tab, verbose, o.ToAsn1Object(), buf); } } } else if (obj is DerSet) { string tab = indent + Tab; buf.Append(indent); buf.Append("DER Set"); buf.Append(NewLine); foreach (Asn1Encodable o in ((Asn1Set)obj)) { if (o == null) { buf.Append(tab); buf.Append("NULL"); buf.Append(NewLine); } else { AsString(tab, verbose, o.ToAsn1Object(), buf); } } } else if (obj is DerObjectIdentifier) { buf.Append(indent + "ObjectIdentifier(" + ((DerObjectIdentifier)obj).Id + ")" + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerBoolean) { buf.Append(indent + "Boolean(" + ((DerBoolean)obj).IsTrue + ")" + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerInteger) { buf.Append(indent + "Integer(" + ((DerInteger)obj).Value + ")" + NewLine); } else if (obj is BerOctetString) { byte[] octets = ((Asn1OctetString)obj).GetOctets(); string extra = verbose ? dumpBinaryDataAsString(indent, octets) : ""; buf.Append(indent + "BER Octet String" + "[" + octets.Length + "] " + extra + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerOctetString) { byte[] octets = ((Asn1OctetString)obj).GetOctets(); string extra = verbose ? dumpBinaryDataAsString(indent, octets) : ""; buf.Append(indent + "DER Octet String" + "[" + octets.Length + "] " + extra + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerBitString) { DerBitString bt = (DerBitString)obj; byte[] bytes = bt.GetBytes(); string extra = verbose ? dumpBinaryDataAsString(indent, bytes) : ""; buf.Append(indent + "DER Bit String" + "[" + bytes.Length + ", " + bt.PadBits + "] " + extra + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerIA5String) { buf.Append(indent + "IA5String(" + ((DerIA5String)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerUtf8String) { buf.Append(indent + "UTF8String(" + ((DerUtf8String)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerPrintableString) { buf.Append(indent + "PrintableString(" + ((DerPrintableString)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerVisibleString) { buf.Append(indent + "VisibleString(" + ((DerVisibleString)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerBmpString) { buf.Append(indent + "BMPString(" + ((DerBmpString)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerT61String) { buf.Append(indent + "T61String(" + ((DerT61String)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerGraphicString) { buf.Append(indent + "GraphicString(" + ((DerGraphicString)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerVideotexString) { buf.Append(indent + "VideotexString(" + ((DerVideotexString)obj).GetString() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerUtcTime) { buf.Append(indent + "UTCTime(" + ((DerUtcTime)obj).TimeString + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerGeneralizedTime) { buf.Append(indent + "GeneralizedTime(" + ((DerGeneralizedTime)obj).GetTime() + ") " + NewLine); } else if (obj is BerApplicationSpecific) { buf.Append(outputApplicationSpecific("BER", indent, verbose, (BerApplicationSpecific)obj)); } else if (obj is DerApplicationSpecific) { buf.Append(outputApplicationSpecific("DER", indent, verbose, (DerApplicationSpecific)obj)); } else if (obj is DerEnumerated) { DerEnumerated en = (DerEnumerated)obj; buf.Append(indent + "DER Enumerated(" + en.Value + ")" + NewLine); } else if (obj is DerExternal) { DerExternal ext = (DerExternal)obj; buf.Append(indent + "External " + NewLine); string tab = indent + Tab; if (ext.DirectReference != null) { buf.Append(tab + "Direct Reference: " + ext.DirectReference.Id + NewLine); } if (ext.IndirectReference != null) { buf.Append(tab + "Indirect Reference: " + ext.IndirectReference.ToString() + NewLine); } if (ext.DataValueDescriptor != null) { AsString(tab, verbose, ext.DataValueDescriptor, buf); } buf.Append(tab + "Encoding: " + ext.Encoding + NewLine); AsString(tab, verbose, ext.ExternalContent, buf); } else { buf.Append(indent + obj.ToString() + NewLine); } } private static string outputApplicationSpecific( string type, string indent, bool verbose, DerApplicationSpecific app) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (app.IsConstructed()) { try { Asn1Sequence s = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(app.GetObject(Asn1Tags.Sequence)); buf.Append(indent + type + " ApplicationSpecific[" + app.ApplicationTag + "]" + NewLine); foreach (Asn1Encodable ae in s) { AsString(indent + Tab, verbose, ae.ToAsn1Object(), buf); } } catch (IOException e) { buf.Append(e); } return buf.ToString(); } return indent + type + " ApplicationSpecific[" + app.ApplicationTag + "] (" + Hex.ToHexString(app.GetContents()) + ")" + NewLine; } [Obsolete("Use version accepting Asn1Encodable")] public static string DumpAsString( object obj) { if (obj is Asn1Encodable) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); AsString("", false, ((Asn1Encodable)obj).ToAsn1Object(), buf); return buf.ToString(); } return "unknown object type " + obj.ToString(); } /** * dump out a DER object as a formatted string, in non-verbose mode * * @param obj the Asn1Encodable to be dumped out. * @return the resulting string. */ public static string DumpAsString( Asn1Encodable obj) { return DumpAsString(obj, false); } /** * Dump out the object as a string * * @param obj the Asn1Encodable to be dumped out. * @param verbose if true, dump out the contents of octet and bit strings. * @return the resulting string. */ public static string DumpAsString( Asn1Encodable obj, bool verbose) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); AsString("", verbose, obj.ToAsn1Object(), buf); return buf.ToString(); } private static string dumpBinaryDataAsString(string indent, byte[] bytes) { indent += Tab; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(NewLine); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i += SampleSize) { if (bytes.Length - i > SampleSize) { buf.Append(indent); buf.Append(Hex.ToHexString(bytes, i, SampleSize)); buf.Append(Tab); buf.Append(calculateAscString(bytes, i, SampleSize)); buf.Append(NewLine); } else { buf.Append(indent); buf.Append(Hex.ToHexString(bytes, i, bytes.Length - i)); for (int j = bytes.Length - i; j != SampleSize; j++) { buf.Append(" "); } buf.Append(Tab); buf.Append(calculateAscString(bytes, i, bytes.Length - i)); buf.Append(NewLine); } } return buf.ToString(); } private static string calculateAscString( byte[] bytes, int off, int len) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = off; i != off + len; i++) { char c = (char)bytes[i]; if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') { buf.Append(c); } } return buf.ToString(); } } } #endif